The Fairbank City Council met in Regular Session on Monday, July 11. Mayor Welsh called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present: Kayser, Woods, Vorwald and Mangrich. Absent: Sullivan. Also present: Dave Ryan, Public Works Director; Heather Prendergast, City Attorney; B. J. Sackett, Police Chief and Marlene Strempke, City Clerk.

Motion by Vorwald, second by Mangrich to amend the agenda to include Sidewalk on Front Street. Roll call vote—Ayes: Vorwald, Mangrich, Kayser and Woods. Nays: None.

Motion by Mangrich, second by Kayser to approve the agenda as amended. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Kayser, Woods and Vorwald. Nays: None.

Motion by Vorwald, second by Woods to approve the Minutes of the June 27th Regular Meeting. Roll call vote—Ayes: Vorwald, Woods, Kayser and Mangrich, Nays: None.

Motion by Kayser, second by Mangrich to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Receipts for the month of June were: General, $38,206.85; Special Revenue, $10,951.36; TIF, $475.49; Capital Projects, $58.02; Permanent Funds, $36.88 and Proprietary, $117,775.08. Disbursements were: General, $35,114.50; Special Revenue, $3,236.66; TIF, $18,750.00 and Proprietary, $92,568.85. Balance on hand at close of business June 30, 2011 was $2,009,996.94. Roll call vote—Ayes: Kayser, Mangrich, Vorwald, and Woods. Nays: None.

Ralph Kane and Rustie Kane were representing the Lord of the Harvest at the hearing on the Notice of Abatement for the dilapidated building. After discussion on the manner in which the notice was served and the time frame given, the following terms were agreed to by both sides. The Notice for Abatement will be set aside and the Lord of the Harvest Church agrees to remove the building by December 31, 2011. If the building is not down by that date, they will be noticed again and will be abated according to the ordinance.

Councilman Sullivan arrived at 6:15 P.M.

Motion by Mangrich, second by Woods to accept the Wastewater Compliance Plan which was reviewed by George TeKippe with the council and to include the following modification: Submit CDBG Application by November 1, 2012 and to submit it to the DNR. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Woods, Vorwald, Sullivan and Kayser. Nays: None.

Motion by Mangrich, second by Kayser to approve the contract for cathodic protection for the water tower with Corrpro, Inc. in the amount of $695.00. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Kayser, Woods, Vorwald and Sullivan. Nays: None.

Motion by Vorwald, second by Woods to award the contract to clean and paint the lower portion of the water tower to K & W Coatings of Elkader at a cost of $6,850.00. Roll call vote—Ayes: Vorwald, Woods, Kayser, Mangrich and Sullivan. Nays: None.

The requirements for replacing street signs have been lessened so will wait and see what develops. In the meantime, if any street signs need to be replaced they will be black and white like the originals.

Motion by Sullivan, second by Kayser to pay the following bills. Roll call vote—Ayes: Sullivan, Kayser, Woods, Vorwald and Mangrich. Nays: None.

B & K Automotive, Veh. Maint. 91.40

Black Hawk Waste Disposal, Service 4508.53

Buchanan County Auditor, Dispatch 5302.00

Butler County REC, Electricity 48448.86

Clayton Energy Corp. Reservation 3691.52

Corrpro, Contract 695.00

American Bottling Co. Concessions 455.12

Electrical Engineering & Equipment, Supplies 598.77

Ed Roehr Saftey Products, Supplies 57.25

Fairbank Food Center, Supplies 212.14

Gaffney Quarries, Supplies 438.48

Galls, Supplies 24.97

Hub City Implement, Equip. Maint. 101.73

Huskie Tools, Inc., Equip. 1550.00

Iowa DNR, Fees 131.39

Iowa Assoc. of Municipal Utilities, Supplies 277.80

Iowa League of Cities, Dues 612.00

Windstream, Service 525.45

Keystone Laboratories, Testing 170.90

Knapp’s Service, Repairs 31.25

Kmart, Supplies 33.92

Modern Building Products, Supplies 1137.67

Martin Bros., Concessions 506.92

Oelwein Publishing, Publications 81.73

TriTech Emergency Medical Systems, Billing 302.50

Paul Neimann Construction, Supplies 92.44

Pine Grove Store, Cloth. Allow. 173.00

Pronto Market, Supplies 1294.08

Pipestone Veterinary Clinic, Services 4.94

Rite Price Office Supply, Supplies 63.13

Roberts, Stevens & Prendergast, Services 275.00

Sam’s Club, Concessions 692.44

Scheel’s Professional Lawn Care, Labor 1260.00

Wertjes Uniforms, Equip. 393.39

Brett Cummings, Repairs 193.77

Linda Ferguson, Concessions 196.63

Christy Fagerlind, Util Dep. Refund 200.00

Rodney Bantz, Util Dep Refund 200.00

Shane Pape, Util Dep Refund 200.00

James L. Jones, Util Dep Refund 35.23

City of Fairbank, Util Dep Applied 164.77

John Goeller, Umpire Charges 720.00

All American Graphics, Supplies 2271.95

US Treasury, 941 Taxes 4863.98

Treasurer, State of Iowa, Sales Tax 3197.58

Treasurer, State of Iowa, SWT 2107.00

IPERS, Benefits 2378.87

Payroll Claims 16518.55

The Library Board approved the following bills on July 6, 2011:

Fairbank Public Library, Petty Cash 24.64

Baker & Taylor, Books 481.67

Payroll Claims 1520.90

Motion by Kayser, second by Mangrich to enter into closed session per Iowa Code Chapter 21, Section 21.5, Subsection 1, Section C to discuss pending litigation. Roll call vote—Ayes: Kayser, Mangrich, Sullivan, Vorwald and Woods. Nays: None.

Motion by Mangrich, second by Kayser to return to open session. Roll call vote—Ayes: Mangrich, Kayser, Woods, Vorwald and Sullivan. Nays: None.

A number of residents on Front Street were present to discuss the installation of the sidewalk to the school. They agreed to try to work together to get the sidewalk in without the city forcing the issue with special assessments. The city will provide the disability ramps to meet ADA requirements and the extra width if the sidewalk is more that four feet. When they have prices they will come back to the council.

Motion by Sullivan, second by Woods to adjourn at 7:48 P.M. Roll call vote—Ayes: Sullivan, Woods, Kayser, Vorwald and Mangrich. Nays: None.


Maurice Welsh, Mayor


Marlene Strempke, City Clerk