Regular Meeting of the Village of McLean held the 10th day of September2014
Present:Mayor Mark Towers,Councilors,James Potter, Adam Causer,Brad Moes,Admin Assistant Shantell Wagman & Admin Nadine Jensen.
Call to Order: Mayor Towers called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm.
118/2014–Clr. Potter: moved the agenda be adoptedas presented.
119/2014 – Clr. Causer: moved the minutes of the Regular meeting held Aug 13, 2014 be adopted as presented.
Mayor Towers requested the correspondence be presented.
120/2014 – Mayor Towers: unlicensed vehicles on Village streets/easements- moved
WHEREAS council has received several written and verbal complaints this month alone, regarding unlicensed vehicles parked on village easement making it very difficult to drive down the street,
AND WHEREAS several complaints have been received regarding vehicles parked too close to the stop sign/corners on Main St. and Brownlee Ave, making it very difficult to see well enough to make a turn onto Main St. from Brownlee Ave.,
BE IT RESOLVED that Club Towing be contacted to tow all unlicensed vehicles parked on village streets and easements according to Sec 4-5, 4-7, and 4-8 of Bylaw No. 6/12, a bylaw regulating Traffic, as soon as possible.
Mayor Towers: Correspondence- moved the correspondence has been presented and is to be filed accordingly.
Delegation #1 – Jim & Alice Thorn were given the floor at 7:17 pm. They asked when their back alley will be repaired.
121/2014 – Clr. Causer: Block 1 back alley – moved that the Village contact Dale Benson to see if he can repair the back alley of Block 1 this fall.
Jim & Alice Thorn left at 7:40 pm
Admin Report:completedFirst Responder Report:n/a
Rec Board Report: n/aFire Dept. Report: n/a
Water report: presented
122/2014 –Clr. Causer: Development Permit app- moved that the Development Permit application will be approved, once the following items are obtained:
1. The parcel survey pins need to be located
2. Applicant needs to obtain permission in writing from all surrounding neighbors to build the Accessory Building with 10’ high wall construction.
Once the above stated items are adhered to, you will have to agree to the following:
1. The accessory building cannot be larger than the principle residence. Applicant will need to reduce the Accessory building by 104 square feet.
2. Maximum 10’ wall height.
3. Maximum 4/12 pitch roof to match the Principal Residence roof.
4. The minimum diameter 12” culvert required to gain access will be the applicant’s responsibility, and will need to be inspected by the village before backfilling.
5. The setback on a side lot line is 2.5’.
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Old/New Business:
123/2014 – Clr. Potter: CIIF grant - moved that
WHEREAS the McLean Rec Board agreed to update the sportsgrounds in order to receive the grant funds
AND WHEREAS the work was not completed ontime, and Village receipts for other projects needed to be used in order to receive the full grant
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean will forward the $2,682.79 to the McLean Rec Board, if the originally planned updates are completed by Oct 31, 2014.
124/2014 –Clr. Moes: 365 2nd St.- moved that
WHEREAS the Plough Wind storm of Aug 8/14 blew Village trees onto the residence located at 365 2nd St.
AND WHEREAS the owner requested the Village to pay for the repairs
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of McLean advised the owner to report the damage to their insurance company.
125/2014 – Clr. Potter: OTR Appeal- moved
WHEREAS the appeal for the Order to Remedy dated July 16, 2014 for Lot 5, Blk. F, Plan F2936 has been reviewed
AND WHEREAS there were no errors found in the Order to Remedy
BE IT RESOLVED that the Order to Remedy stands, and the second driveway must be removed by Sept 30, 2014. If not completed, council will hire someone to do the work, and applicable costs will be forwarded to the owner of said parcel.
126/2014 – Clr. Potter: CPR Crossing Upgrade- moved
WHEREAS the crossing on Main Street requires upgrading to include arms
BE IT RESOLVED that the administration forward the necessary information to CPR & Transport Canada to receive applicable upgrade and grant monies available, if any.
127/2014 – Clr. Causer: CPR West Crossing Closure–moved
WHEREAS the west CPR crossingis no longer required
AND WHEREAS CPR would prefer to have the crossing closed
BE IT RESOLVED that the administration forward the necessary information to CPR & Transport Canada to receive applicable closure and grant monies available, if any.
128/2014 – Clr. Causer: Engineer Report–moved
WHEREAS Mr. Ebenal wishes to use existing road in the proposed Phase 2 sub division
BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. Ebenal must provide an Engineer report of the road.
129/2014 – Clr. Causer: Demolition Permit App.–moved
WHEREAS Mr. Ewart wishes to demolish the barn on property at 200 Beta St.
BE IT RESOLVED that the demolition be approved providing all material be hauled away, including cement.
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130/2014 – Clr. Causer: Accounts Payable–moved the Accounts Payable be paid as presented. ($45,752.10)
Mayor Towers adjourned at 10.05 p.m.
Mayor Administrator