City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 4289
Mayor Hoffman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and roll call noted the following council members present: Dale Hofer, Ken Henke, Brad Hohn, Rob Bertram, Tim Semmler. and Jeff Murtha. Also in attendance were Mike Wolf, Greg Reichenberg, Ryan Murtha, Ron Maeschen, Tammy Maeschen, Rich Stokes, Corrinna Wagner, Cathy Tiede, Alex Tilberg, Ashley Tilberg, Gene Gaikowski, Jake Tiede, Jim Weiss, Joanne Weiss, Mary Geigle, Doug Prochaska, Brian Neugebauer, Doug Bormann, Kathy Bormann, Gary Schelhauss, and Karen Adkins-Runge.
It was noted that the minutes published in the paper had an error. The roll call for pursuing the grant for mitigating the house at 305 N. Third St. should have read: Hohn- yes; Hofer- yes; Semmler- yes; Bertram- yes; Murtha- Yes; Henke- no. Motion by Murtha, seconded by Henke, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 9th, 2015, as amended. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Henke, seconded by Semmler, to approve the following claims. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Salaries: Mayor & Council 2,248.50; Finance Ofc. 3,3224.25; Gov't Buildings 220.00; Police Dept. 9,258.31; Street Dept. 5,740.71; Rubble Site 592.14; Pool 6,610.55; Parks 961.38; Library 3,521.12; Plan & Zone 200.00; Water Dept. 302.57; Sewer Dept. 557.56.
1346 Aramark Rug Service- June 2015 148.19
1347 CHS/Farmers Alliance Gas- 246 gallons; Lube oil, grease 1,147.45
1348 Farmers State Bank FICA Contribution 2,422.78
Federal Withholding 1,101.14
1349 Southeastern Electric Power- Street Lights (May 2015) 119.23
1352 Tracy’s Paint & Body Repair PD vehicle 500.00
1353 Van Diest Supply Co Biomist mosquito spray 681.50
1354 Visa Postage, meals 150.02
1355 Casey’s Gas- PD, 170 gallons (May 2015) 415.32
1357 Northwestern Power- City Hall 275.51
N. Gas- City Hall 46.61
Power- Maint. Bldg. 112.08
N. Gas- Maint. Bldg. 11.10
Power- Street Lights 2,132.73
Power- Traffic Signal 32.01
Power- Airport 92.68
Power- Pool 513.34
N. Gas- Pool 822.64
Power- E. Park 73.59
Power- W. Park 34.33
Power- Baseball Field 165.42
Power- Softball Field 203.57
Power- Library 136.08
N. Gas- Library 14.99
1358 Santel Communications Communications- City hall 187.51
Siren Circuit 20.59
Communications- PD 46.80
Communications- Library 96.46
Communications- Airport 96.91
1359 Avera Health Plans Health insurance premium 2,609.69
1360 AFLAC Accrued Aflac 361.57
1361 SD Retirement System Accrued retirement 2,987.79
1362 Petrik Sanitation Garbage service- City hall 62.32
Garbage service- parks 126.23
Dumpster- city clean up 1,098.47
1363 Lews Fireworks Inc. Fireworks 3,000.00
1364 Farmers State Bank FICA Contribution 2,684.80
Federal Withholding 1,258.14
1366 Agland Coop Tire service, weed spray 723.51
1370 A&B Business Solutions June copy machine lease 135.14
1371 Books/supplies- Library 659.67
1373 Casey’s Gas- PD 154 gallons (June 2015) 386.01
1374 CHS/Farmers Alliance Gas- 229 gallons 629.45
1375 Cole Papers Cleaning supplies, paper product 264.50
1377 Darrington Water Mthly drinking water cooler rent 17.95
1378 Dollar General Cleaning supplies for pool, PD supplies 86.40
1379 Dust- Tex Rug service- Library 18.44
1380 Farmers State Bank ACH rules book 40.00
1381 Farmers State Bank P/R #14 ACH file fee 12.00
1382 Trista Friman Mileage to Madison 71.93
1383 Hawkins Pool chemical 3,823.67
1384 Helms & Associates Airport land acquisition 2,642.48
1385 Herman Appliance Repairs to Bormann Park restrooms 299.83
1386 Ingram Library Services Books- Library 208.36
1387 Lew’s Fireworks Fireworks 11.40
1390 McLaury Engineering Engineering- Floodplain admin. 26.25
1391 Menards Bulbs- Orange field scoreboard 27.86
1392 Parkston Advance Proceedings, pool ads, surplus ad, envelopes/paper 515.27
1393 Parkston Electric 12 lamps- Baseball field lights 283.20
S. Third sump pump. 715.56
1394 Parkston Lumber Co. Painting supplies- Maintenance building 250.30
1396 Parkston Precision Repair high dive 353.61
1397 Petty Cash- Finance Ofc. Postage 70.09
1398 Quill Office supplies 259.98
1399 Recreation Supply Co. Grate- pool 9.77
1400 Runnings Misc. shop supplies, pumps, pool supplies 726.45
1401 SD Historical Society 2014 microfilm 32.00
1403 Southeastern Electric Power- water pumps, street lights 139.83
1404 Southeastern Electric Install power for Evergreen water pump 306.12
1405 SD Dept of Public Safety Pool boiler inspection 60.00
1406 State Health Lab Lab tests- pool 30.00
1407 Sturdevant’s Auto Parsts Oil, filters 87.29
1408 The Daily Republic Newspaper renewal city hall 175.00
1409 Tracy’s Paint & Body Tow call- PD vehicle 242.50
1411 Van Diest Supply Co. Mosquito spray 681.50
1412 Nicole Weber Reimbursement- WSI certification 145.00
1413 Weber Sanitation Garbage service 18.00
1414 Wolf’s Auto Fuel cap, oil leak detection 60.23
1388 McLaury Engineering Railroad, Elm, Pear Street Project 105.00
1350 SD One Call Locate fees 24.15
1357 Northwestern Power- South Well 84.62
1365 US Postmaster Bulk postage 97.80
1367 Cody Herrboldt Refund on deposit 58.09
1368 Terry & Dara Baker Refund on deposit 50.07
1369 Marchell, De Lange Refund on deposit 119.35
1372 BY Water District Bulk Water 18,160.30
1376 Dakota Supply Group Materials- city break room 114.22
1397 Petty Cash- Finance Ofc. Postage 11.50
1406 State Health Lab Lab tests 30.00
1349 Southeastern Electric Power- Lift St, Lagoons (May 2015) 165.80
1351 Thorstad Companies Pay Request No. 1- SW Sewer Expansion 48,103.25
1357 Northwestern Power- Sewer alarm 8.00
1365 US Postmaster Bulk postage 97.79
1389 McLaury Engineering Engineering- SW Sewer Expansion 393.75
1390 McLaury Engineering Sewer committee meeting 78.75
1397 Petty Cash- Finance Ofc. Postage 15.40
1403 Southeastern Electric Power- Lift station, lagoons 210.79
1410 USDA Rural Dev. Loan payment- SW Sewer Expansion 1,074.00
Mayor Hoffman informed the council that Jim & Cathy Tiede have inquired about purchasing Lot 6, Blk 11, Southview Addition to build a home. Said lot is adjacent to Fourth Street and undeveloped Redwood Street. Cathy Tiede explained that their plans are to access their home off of Redwood Street. Since this street is not accepted by the City, Mayor Hoffman explained that the city doesn’t provide any snow removal or maintenance on that portion of the street. Mrs. Tiede stated she understood the policy and further requested permission to build in the undeveloped area. Motion by Murtha, seconded by Hofer, to allow Jim & Cathy Tiede to build a home on Lot 6, Blk 11, Southview Addition, and approve them to access their lot off of undeveloped Redwood Street. All present voting aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Tiede also informed them of plans to install curb and gutter and asked if the city would be willing to add their curb and gutter to next year’s street project. The council was receptive to the idea of setting up another assessment roll for 2016, but wanted to see if other property owners along S. Fourth Street would be interested in curb and gutter as well.
It was advised this being the time and place advertised for a public hearing on the resolution to construct curb and gutter on Main Street from Railroad Street west approximately 20 ft. on the south side only; Railroad Street between Main & Pear Streets; Elm Street between Railroad & Ben Streets; Pear Street between Railroad & Ben Streets.
Mayor Hoffman asked for any input from those in attendance. City Engineer, Ryan Murtha, explained the assessment process, how assessments are figured, and what items can be assessed. Murtha also stated that special assessment has to show a direct benefit to the property. Gary Schelhaas voiced his objections for the project to the council, adding that he didn’t agree with how high his assessment was compared to others in the project. Jim Weiss asked if the elevation of the new road is known since he has concerns regarding drainage by is building. It was also requested to have drop curb in front of his entire building, otherwise it would limit the use of his property. Murtha explained that the city’s policy has been limiting drop curb to 40’, however the council can consider his request to see if additional drop curb could be allowed. Doug Bormann voiced concerns regarding his estimate and questioned why it was so much higher than the other assessemnts. Murtha explained that his property required two 40’ concrete driveways as well as nearly 300’ of curb and gutter. Alderman Henke stated that these streets have been discussed as a possible street project for many years and added that the property owners deserve a better street than what they have. Other concerns raised were: the need for the road to be built to handle truck traffic, timing of when asphalt will be laid, concerns with the existing storm drains, and repayment process. Mayor Hoffman explained the referendum process and asked for closing comments. Hearing all questions and comments from those in attendance, Mayor Hoffman closed the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. Motion by Henke, seconded by Murtha, to approve Resolution No. 15-553. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
SECTION 1. It is necessary to INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER in accordance with specifications therefore prepared by McLaury Engineering at the City Finance Office of the City Hall, 207 W. Main Street, Parkston, South Dakota, 57366, in front of and abutting upon the following described property:
Main Street from Railroad Street west approximately 20 ft. on the south side only; Railroad Street between Main & Pear Streets; Elm Street between Railroad & Ben Streets; Pear Street between Railroad & Ben Streets
SECTION 2. The cost and expense of the above-listed improvement shall be levied by special assessment upon the above-described property in accordance with Chapter 9-43 of the South Dakota Compiled Laws.
The City of Parkston shall assess curb and gutter, radiuses, alleys, miscellaneous items, and engineering fees.
The City of Parkston is required to determine a specific benefit to each lot and tract being assessed pursuant to SDCL 9-43-79.
The City of Parkston will determine those benefits as follows:
1. Front C&G – Is defined as the curb and gutter directly adjacent to the property on the side of the physical address of the property. Front curb and gutter shall be assessed solely to the adjoining property.
2. Side Curb and Gutter – Is defined as the curb and gutter adjacent to and on the side of a corner lot that is not on the side of the properties physical address. Side curb and gutter shall be assessed based on a percent front foot of curb and gutter within the blocks quadrant containing said side curb and gutter if benefited.
3. Radius – Is defined as the fillet section at an intersection tying perpendicular curb and gutter sections together and any curb and gutter directly adjacent to the fillet section that cannot be considered front or side curb and gutter. A radius shall be assessed based on a percent front foot of properties within the block’s quadrant containing that radius if said property is benefited by the radius.
4. Alley – Is defined as the curb and gutter and approach pavement directly adjacent to an alley that is platted as city right of way. Alleys shall be assessed based on the % front foot of properties within the ½ block containing the alley if said property is benefited by the alley.
5. Miscellaneous – Is defined as all curb and gutter removal, concrete removal and replacement, sidewalk, curb ramps, detectable warning panels, and topsoiling that is required to be completed based on the drainage of the overall infrastructure. Miscellaneous items are assessed to all properties adjoining or benefiting from the project based on total % front foot. Driveway removal and replacement is directly assessed to the adjoining property.
6. Engineering Fees – Is defined as 18% of the overall special assessment for each property.
7. Double Frontage Lot – Is defined as a lot which abuts city streets in both the front and rear of the property. The Front Footage for double frontage lots shall be based on the longest side of the property which abuts the project and not the physical address.
Benefit – For side curb and gutter and radius, a benefit is present if the curb abuts a property or is otherwise determined based on the direction of curb and gutter flow. For example, if curb and gutter adjoining your property flows onto a radius or side curb and gutter then your curb and gutter is benefited by said radius or side curb and gutter. For an alley, a benefit is based on curb and gutter flow and on access potential through the use of said alley. If your property borders the alley and you are within the ½ of block of said alley then you have the potential to access your property through the alley and therefore have a benefit of said alley. SECTION 3. Said assessment may be paid in Ten (10) equal annual installments. Any such assessment of any installment thereof unless paid within Thirty (30) days after the filing of the assessment roll in the Office of the City Finance Officer shall be collected with interest in accordance with the procedure provided by 2012 SDCL 9-43-75 through 9-43-139, as amended. In all cases where interest on such assessment or the installments thereof is to be charged and collected in accordance with the law the rate to be charged is hereby fixed at seven and one-half (7 ½) percent per annum.
SECTION 4. The estimated cost of the above-named improvements are as follows:
Assmt # / First Name / Last Name / Legal Description / Cost Estimate665 / David & May / Fuoss Dickson / Lot 1, Bernards Subdivision / $1,670.00
666 / Douglas / Prochaska / Lots 2, 3, & 4, Bernards Subdivision / $7,290.00
667 / BNSF Railway / Company / Lot F, Railroad Subdivision / $5,480.00
668 / Doug & Kathleen / Bormann / Lot J, Railroad Subdivision / $21,810.00
669 / BNSF Railway / Company / Lot H, Railroad Subdivision / $2,860.00
670 / Joanne Weiss / & James Weiss / Lot G, Railroad Subdivision / $7,050.00
671 / Joanne M / Weiss / W 1/2 of Lot 6 & ALL of Lots 7 & 8, Blk 1, Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $460.00
672 / PB Rentals, / LLC / Lots 9-10, 11, & 12, Blk 1, Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $4,860.00
673 / Joanne / Weiss / Lot 13, Blk 1, Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $5,290.00
674 / Jason J. Weber / & Sarah A Miller / Lots 14 & 15, Blk 1, Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $5,830.00
675 / Jason / Weber / Lot 16, Blk 1, Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $1,380.00
676 / Shane / Davenport / S 1/2 of Lots 17 & 18, Blk 1, Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $2,360.00
677 / Brian L & Renee E / Neugebauer / Lots 1-2-3 & N 1/2 of Lot 4, Blk 1, Wares Subdivision of Outlots 1 & 2 / $3,810.00
678 / Ronald & Tamara L / Maeschen / N 1/2 of Lot 9 and ALL of lots 10, 11, & 12, Blk 1, Wares Subdivision of Outlots 1 & 2 / $12,040.00
679 / Perry / Bialas / Lots 7 & 8 and S 1/2 of Lot 9, Blk 1, Wares Subdivision of Outlots 1 & 2 / $3,570.00
680 / Trevor & Lisa / Ketchum / N 65' of W 1/2 of OL 3, Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $2,020.00
681 / August & Mary / Geigle / S 80 W 1/2 OL 3 (AKA 70' W 1/2 OL 3 & S 10' N 75' W 1/2 OL 3), Gray & Osborn 2nd Addition / $9,050.00
682 / Gary & Joann / Schelhaas / S 45' of E 1/2 of Ol 3, Gray & Osborn Addition / $6,550.00
Ryan Murtha advised that VanderPol Dragline has informed him that they have submitted documents to BNSF Railroad for the Main Street Railroad Crossing Project. Approval of the documents could take up to 40 days. Tentative start date for the project is scheduled for September 1st, 2015.