Town Council

Regular Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2016

Council Members Present:

Mayor A.D. (Zander) Guy, Jr

Mayor Pro-Tem Douglas Medlin

Nelva Albury

Michael Curley

Don Helms

W.J. (Buddy) Fowler

Town of Surf City Staff:

Larry Bergman- Town Manager

Ashley Loftis- Finance Director

Stephanie Hobbs- Town Clerk

Trey Carter– Town Attorney

Todd Rademacher- Planning Director

Ron Shanahan- Police Chief

Kristie Grubb- Parks and Recreation

Joey Rivenbark- Fire Chief

Members of Public Present:

Jack Solak

Marty Martin

Stephanie Kenneway

Jason Dorazio

A.  Call to Order

Mayor called the meeting to order 7:00 p.m.

B.  Invocation

Mr. Medlin gave the invocation.

C.  Pledge of Allegiance

D.  Proclamation

Fire Prevention Month

Community Planning Month

E.  Beautification & Appearance Committee

Home of the Month- Tonya Patram at 102 Now Boys Loop

Business of the Month- CVS at 13461 Hwy 50

F.  Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 Mrs. Nelva made the motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Fowler seconded the motion and it was carried.

G.  New Business

H.  Public Hearing

  1. Text Amendment- Zoning Text Amendment Section 4.0 – MFC Multi-Family Cluster

Open at 7:10pm

Mr. Rademacher stated the need for a flexible residential district has been discussed before. The issue is always about density and preservation of natural areas and providing for recreation areas for residents of these developments. It is the intent of this district to provide that balance between development and the environment. With the increase in development, the new school and several larger tracts of land potentially coming up for development staff felt the need to review the ordinances and create better set of guidelines for the type of development that will stand the test of time and truly add to the community. The Planning Board recommends approval of the ordinance.

Closed at 7:14pm

Mr. Helms made a motion to approve the zoning text amendment as presented. Mr. Medlin seconded the motion and it was carried.

  1. Annexation- Hwy 50&210 / 11.45 Acres / Surf City Topsail Partners LLC

Open at 7:15

Mr. Rademacher stated this is an annexation request for about five parcels owned between Smith, McNair, and Batts families. The clerk did the certification of sufficiency. If granted the annexation date would be October 4th, 2016. Planning Board recommends annexation with a C3 zoning district.

Closed at 7:16

Mr. Helms made a motion to adopt the annexation ordinance and set the zoning at C3 Commercial, and to also adopt the consistency resolution. Mrs. Alburry seconded the motion and it was carried.

H.  Public Forum

Mr. Jack Solak stated that the dunes look great and the dune plantings is great.

Mr. Erwin stated the crosswalks at fifth St. and the Park look great. They have made a big difference. He was stated he was most appreciative.

I.  Council Forum

Mr. Curley stated he thanked everyone for coming out and it has been a great meeting. He stated he hoped everyone enjoyed a great weekend.

Mr. Medlin stated he thanked everyone for coming out. He stated he hopes that the storm dies down.

Mrs. Albury stated she was very happy to be a part of the meeting tonight. She thanked everyone for coming out and she hopes everyone stays safe during the storm.

Mr. Fowler stated he wished that everyone would be mindful and safe. He stated that Park and Rec. is a very busy place right now. Fall sports are underway as well as children’s activities. The Fall Festival is going on October 24th.

Mr. Helms stated he thanked everyone for coming and be carful this weekend. If the island does have to evacuate please do not stay. If power does go out please be mindful of your candles.

Mayor asked for an approval on the 2017 meeting schedule. There have been some comments and concerns about moving the meeting to 6:00pm.

Mrs. Albury made a motion to approve a meeting time of 7:00pm for the 2017. Mr. Medlin seconded the motion and it was carried.

Mr. Erwin asked if we could do better in advertising the town meeting schedule.

The Mayor stated there is a pill disposal box at the Police Station for drop off anytime during regular business hours. Coffee with a Cop has been very successful. The child safety seatbelt check was also the previous month and went over well. He asked that everyone take a look at this storm, it is really serious, you need to have a family plan.

J.  Manager Reports

Mr. Bergman stated we have been in talks with NCDOT and we are looking at getting a sign for the center of the road at the crosswalks.

K.  Town Attorney Reports

L.  Adjournment

Mrs. Albury made a motion to recess this regular schedule meeting until Thursday, October 6th at 11:30am. Mr. Helms seconded the motion and it was carried.


A.D. (Zander) Guy Jr., Mayor



Stephanie Edwards Hobbs, Town Clerk

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October 4, 2016