Regular Council Meeting May 11, 2015


Public Comments

Presentation to Paige Ford, of Houlton Middle School, for winning Maine Municipal Association’s Essay Contest.

I.Minutes:Regular Council Meeting of April 27, 2015.

II.Old Business

A.(040115-3)Council establishes a Hockey Board Sponsorship Program at the John Millar Civic Center. (Note: Documents in their entirety are available at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

B.(040115-4)The Town of Houlton ordains that Chapter 7 General Assistance Ordinance of the Houlton Code, dated August 2005, be replaced with Chapter 7 General Assistance Ordinance of the Houlton Code, dated September 2013. (Note: Document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

C.(S040115-1)The Town of Houlton ordains establishment of a Tax Increment Financing Development District to be designated Aroostook Water Care Municipal Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District and Development Program and authorizes the Town Manager to sign all documents pertaining to this District.

(Note: Document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

D.(S040215-2) The Town of Houlton ordains the amendment to the Downtown Omnibus Municipal Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District and Development Program and authorizes the Town Manager to obtain approval from the State of Maine for this change.

(Note: Document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

III.New Business

A. (050115-1)Council accepts the resignation of Nedra J. Hanson as Treasurer/Finance Director, effective May 15, 2015.

B.(050115-2)Council accepts the resignation of Cathy J. O’Leary as General Assistance Administrator, effective May 18, 2015 and confirms the Town Manager’s appointment of Lauren Asselin as General Assistance Administrator effective May 18, 2015.

C.(050115-3) Council congratulates Paul A. McGillicuddy for receiving the Knights of Columbus’s highest honor, “The Patriotic Degree of the Order”.

D.(050115-4) Council approves execution of the application to the Department of Public Safety by Joyce Transue d/b/a Courtyard Café located at 61 Main Street, for renewal of liquor license.

(Public Hearing)

E.(050115-5)Council approves execution of the application to the Department of Public Safety by the Houlton Fair Association for License to Operate Beano/Bingo at Houlton Community Park on July 2, 2015 through July 5, 2015, during the Houlton Agricultural Fair.

F.(050115-6) Council approves execution of the Project Certification authorizing the Town Manager to apply for financial assistance under provisions of the Bureau of Parks & Lands ATV Trail Fund, MRSA Title 12, Sec. 1893, paragraphs 1B, 2A, and 2B, for maintenance of the Town of Houlton ATV Trail System.

G.(050115-7)Council orders that the westbound section of Market Square be closed to traffic during Community Market hours, which are Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., from Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend.

H.(050115-8)Council notifies the voters of the Town of Houlton of the Regional School Unit No. 29 Budget Validation Referendum on June 9, 2015, by countersigning their Warrant and Notice of Election.

I.(050115-9)Council authorizes the Registrar of Voters to be at the Town Office during the hours the clerk’s office is open for the purpose of making name and address changes and registering voters.

J.(050115-10)Council accepts the low bid of $4.42 per ton from Stewart A. McCarthy Inc., of Houlton, Maine, for winter sand screened and picked up by the Public Works Department.

IV.Discussions and Reports

A.RSU#29 School Budget Update: Mike Hammer, Superintendent.

B.Town Manager’s Reports.

C.Councilors’ Remarks.


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