The Mayor called the meeting to order. He then gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mayor then turned the meeting over to Mr. Steve Bond. Mr. Bond then gave the oath of office to the following elected officials: Mayor Darwin Anderson, Councilman Bill Curtis, and Councilman Marion Paramore.
Roll call was then taken: Martin, Curtis, Cooke, Myers, Paramore, and Anderson.
The Mayor then asked for approval of the agenda. Martin made a motion to approve the agenda. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor then asked for approval of the minutes from the December 29, 2011 meeting. Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor then asked for nominations for Council President. Stuart Cooke made a motion to appoint John Martin. Bill seconded the motion. Anderson then made a motion to appoint Bill Curtis. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call: Anderson – Bill Curtis; Paramore – Bill Curtis; Myers – Martin; Cooke – Bill Curtis; Curtis- Bill Curtis; Martin – John Martin.
Bill Curtis was nominated Council President for 2012.
The Mayor then asked for approval of the 2012 committees. Council decided they would stay the same, except that Bill Curtis would replace Barry Kaufman. Jonna asked that we wait on the appointment to Firelands Ambulance Board until the rules of the Board could be reviewed. Dan Bailey has asked that Barry Kaufman remain on the board. Dan told John the rules just say a citizen of the Village. Jonna was not sure if there was anything legal written up that says that it should be a council appointment. She will have to check on this. Cooke stated that he would like it to remain a council appointment. It was decided to nominate Bill for this seat until the legal paperwork could be checked out.
Martin then made a motion to accept the committees. Paramore seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor then asked for a report from our new Administrator Shawn Pickworth. Shawn then stated that he will give council a report each meeting that looks like the one he just handed out. This gives an overview of everything that has taken place since the last council meeting. What the Village is working on , and what is the progress on this.
Shawn also stated that he has checked into the CDL Training for 5 employees of the village. This would take place out at UXOR, a New London Company. They will do the training, and it is a 9 week course. We will use their vehicles, and this also includes two times to Lodi to take the test. The cost of this training is $980.00 per person.
some of the other things
He then stated he has gotten a tour of most of the departments, and has spent a lot of time with John. Jonna has been helpful, also Melissa with the ins and outs of the office. He stated he is just getting his feet wet, and if council has any questions please call him, at home or at work. He has given each of you all of his phone number so he can be contacted at any time.
The Mayor then asked for departmental reports.
Chief Marko stated that the graffiti artists have been caught and are working on cleaning up their work. He also stated that the police department is now on face book and twitter.
John Chapin, Water/Sewer supt. stated he didn’t have anything to present tonight.
Jason Popiel from Krock Esser, the consulting firm stated he had given council the annual report for 2011. It is a quick summary of what we have done, and what we want to do. He stated the HilemanBuilding specifications have been completed. They are also pursuing options on putting in sanitary sewer in the park campgrounds. They have also worked on the internet and phone service for the Village, and they have mapped and color coded the zoning map.
This next week they will re advertise the mowing for the park and reservoir and complete the zoning map. They had a good work session with council and also they have a report from CIC. These suggestions give them a place to start and work on a five year plan.
They are working on the railroad quiet zone, and they do have information coming in on this.
On Wednesday at 8:00 am, there will be a gentlemen coming in to look at our lighting, heating, etc. He will then offer suggestions on how to reduce our electrical costs, gas costs and phone and internet costs. He will tackle the energy efficient issues that we are facing.
who specializes in pavement and sign markings, a company out of Florida.
they will contact us. hope we use them for the reflective materials.
Jason also passed out two forms that they would like to begin using. One is for in house maintenance and projects. To keep in touch with what has been done, what needs to be done and so forth. The other is a form that we will write complaints on. This will let the administrator know where there are problems, with flooding, streets, or even workers.
This also lets the public know that we are listening and trying to correct the problems.
Krock Esser is also going to work on a safe route to school program with a council member, school personnel and the police chief. He would also like to apply for a grant from ODOT that will put landscaping entrances on each of the four entry ways to the village. They also will be working on the cemetery map and getting it updated, and are planning on meeting with Jones and Henry for the sewer project and Richland Engineering for the ProspectStreetBridge project.
The Mayor thanked him for his report. The Mayor then asked for any public questions or statements.
Chris Rowland took the floor, and stated he is here to ask if there is a park director yet, and if not when will this take place. He helped run a Spring Truck Pull last year and helped bring in $2,000 to the park from this pull, and he needs to know if he can do this again this year. The Pull would be sponsored by the New London Fire Department. He needs to know what is happening with the park so that he can get his contracts out for the pull if he holds the pull at the park, depending on who is in charge. He will not put the pull on here if the former park director is still in charge. Martin asked him what time frame do you need in order to advertise and get your contracts set up. Chris stated that he started this in February last year. The pull would be slated for the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, with the rain date on Sunday of that weekend. Paramore then asked if the next council meeting is soon enough to know what is going to happen. Chris stated it would be helpful.
The Mayor then asked for any other questions or statements. There were none.
The Mayor asked for approval of Ordinance 11-69, an ordinance correcting the size of the sewer pipes. This ordinance was placed on a third and final reading. Paramore made a motion to approve this ordinance. Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Ordinance 11-71, the 2012 appropriations were placed on an emergency reading. Martin made a motion to suspend the rules. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Myers then made a motion to approve the 2012 Appropriations. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Ordinance 12-01, an ordinance waiving the existing provisions for a Village Administrator was placed on an emergency measure. Cooke made a motion to suspend the rules. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Martin then made a motion to pass ordinance 12-01 on an emergency measure. Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Ordinance 12-02, was placed on a first reading. This ordinance adds a new subsection to our ordinances concerning Health Insurance and Hospitalization for part time employees. Myers made a motion to approve the first reading of this ordinance. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Administrator then presented the bid we had received from Bill and Sharon Winiarski concerning 32 Maple Street. His was the only bid received and it was for $4,100.00. Cooke made a motion to accept this bid and sell the lot. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. Steve Bond will draw up the paperwork on this.
Martin then made a motion to accept Gary Hopkins resignation. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Jonna then stated that the following were the winners of the Christmas in the Park. 1st place – Firelands Electric; 2nd Place Golden Agers; and third place the Nightengale Family.
Myers then made a motion to approve the bills to be paid. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Myers then made a motion to adjourn. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
Meeting adjourned.
Clerk/ TreasurerMayor