October 16th 2017

PAC board Meeting

Present : Mme Noel, M Griffith (Grade 5/6), Dara T, Julie D, Sheila S, Mary-Jo T, Manuela S, Deanna G, Cara G, Jodi K, Lyndsay L

Regrets: Tracy R, Grace C, Lyuba S

Call to Order 6:33

1) Adoption of the Agenda (Motion Mary-Jo/ 2nd Jodi/ Approved)

2) Minutes of the September 2017 PAC meeting were approved via email

3) Treasurer’s Report (see attached pdf). Motion to pay out $184 (tree watering / hose $152, $15.41 milk) (Motion Cara/ 2nd Julie/ approved)

4) Principle’s Report

5) Current Fundraising

September – Colibri (Dara)

October – Peak of the Market (Lyuba)

-Halloween Dance (Deanna & Grade 5/6)

November – Poinsettas (Erica)

December – 50/50 at Christmas Concert

-Paint Night (Sheila)

January – Pizza fundraiser (Lyuba Kitchen or Archies)

February – Valentine’s Carnival (Deanna & grade 5/6)

March – Mom’s Pantry

April – Clara Clark Sheets (Jodi)

May – Winkler Meats

June – nothing

Will give parents the option to donate $ (with anything over $20 as tax receiptable)

6) Hot Lunch – Melissa Paradise and Seniors – food handlers certificate and criminal record check is done. This change in hot lunch program was approved via email. Cara and Dara are organizing order forms and handling the money.

7) Sound system (Mme Noel & Mme Gillis and Cara G met to discuss). Mme Gillis went to St John’s music with a ‘wish list” and got a quote for ~$4400 for everything. As well Mme Gillis is applying for grants to help cover the costs.

Discussion about how much of wish list we should by now and how much later.

Cara (MOTION) To allow Mme Gillis $2515 to purchase speakers and 1 cordless microphone now, and revisit the wishlist after Peak of the Market fundraiser for remaining items. (Mary-Jo 2nd/ approved unanimously).

Mme Gillis will shop around to other music stores to get the best deal. Cara to call Division Office to see if this purchase would be eligible for a tax break.

8) Parent Concerns brought forward:

Items going missing from backpacks (i.e.Pokemon cards). Discussed with Mme Noel, she requested items be left at home

Children losing out on recess – Mme Noel discussed potential reasons, suggested to contact child’s teacher

9) Grade 5/6 camping trip fundraisers will be organized by Deanna G.

Halloween Dance

January to April – 3 Friday meal sales: hotdogs/pizza/subway, in addition to canteen.

PAC to work with Deanna, informing her the dates for the hot lunch program so there is no over lap.

10) Next Board of Directors Meeting November Tuesday November 14th, 6:30 PM

11) Motion to adjourn 7:45pm

Prepared & Respectfully Submitted by,

Mary-Jo Thiessen (PAC secretary)