Memorial Jr. High School
Morning Announcements
Good morning Memorial Student and Staff. Today is Tuesday, May 19th. Please stand for the pledge.
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Thank you, you may be seated.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Diametria Gay
MJH Students of the week are: Daniel Csoltko, Marina Hess, Makenna Bishko
Today’s Select Menu option is: Pasta Bar
This is an important announcement for all eighth grade students attending the Washington DC trip: You will not be able to ride your regular Bus to school tomorrow and be able to catch the bus for Washington DC. Therefore, if you are a bus rider you will need to make alternate arrangements for your arrival to school.
This is the last day to purchase 8th grade dance tickets. Thursday, May 14th through today, May 19th during lunch. Only 8th grade Memorial students may attend. The cost is $5. Students, you must also turn in a permission slip to your homeroom teacher. See Ms. Ferguson with any questions.
8th grade teachers- please submit one class roster to Ms. Ferguson. Please put the homeroom on the slip as students turn them in to you.
Wednesday is the last day to turn in orders for the summer reading books from Barnes & Noble. No late orders will be accepted.Please turn in the order form and cash or a check made out to Barnes & Noble to your Language Arts teacher by the end of the day Wednesday.
Citizenship is: being kind, respectful and compassionate to students and staff. Teachers will nominate students who show this behavior throughout the 4th quarter. There will be a weekly drawing of the names submitted. All students who are nominated will receive an end of the year reward. Teachers please submit your nomination in the mail office mailroom by Thursday at 3:30pm
1. Lake Eire College requires a 2.5 high school GPA and an essay along with an ACT and or SAT score
2. Lake Eire College requires students to use the common application
3. Lake Eire College like most 4 year colleges requires a strong college prep schedule of classes in high school that includes world language, additional math and science classes
The word of the day is: refuge. Definition: A place of shelter, protection or safety. Sentence: The inlet offered the sailors refuge from the raging sea.
We welcome our Guest Teachers today covering for staff! Boys & Girls, you are expected to be on your best behavior and respectful to all Substitute Teachers. Misbehavior will eliminate you from future PBIS events and consequences will be given!
As always, please remember to walk on the right hand side of the hallway, keep your conversations with peers at quiet as possible, and only go to your lockers at the beginning of the day, at lunch, and at the end of the school day.
Have Terrific Tuesday!