Minutes of the Altona Police Board held on Thursday, June 18th, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the Altona Civic Centre Council Chambers.

Present were: Vice Chair Leanne Braun, Donna Rosling-Wolters, Archie Heinrichs, Chief Perry Batchelor and Delores Loewen.

Regrets: Terry Wiebe and Chair Kevin Bell

Gallery: Mike Tarnick and Colleen Mullen.

  1. Call to order

Vice Chair Leanne Braun called the meeting to order at the appointed time.

  1. Chair’s Report

Vice Chair Leanne Braun noted that the Board has received a thank you card from the four officers that received commendations earlier this spring. The Board presented the four Officers with a token of appreciation which was a $100 gift card for Papa’s Restaurant.

Vice Chair Leanne Braun reviewed a request from MPC Executive Director, Andrew Minor to meet with the Altona Police Board Chair as well as Winkler and Morden Police Board Chairs. Leanne to speak to Kevin on this matter.

Vice Chair Leanne Braun reported on the Police Board Training course that Donna, Chief Batchelor and she attended on March 24th, 2015. The majority of the day was spent learning on how Police Board are governance bodies. There were four key elements that Police Boards are responsible for:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Risk Management
  • Budget & Finance
  • Chief of Police

Another topic of discussion was the changing face of crime. Although the crime rate is down, Police Officers’ duties have increased, with online crimes, and technology crimes are impacting the way and amount of time it takes to do their jobs.

Communication and relations with the CAO and Council of the municipality is very important.

A number of municipalities provided updates on what their Boards activities:

City of Brandon presented on Budgeting

City of Winnipeg presented on Strategic Planning

Town of Rivers presented on hiring of Police Chiefs

Town of Altona presented on their Police Board Policy Manual

Video training for members of a Police Board are now available.

MOTION: Archie Heinrichs – Donna Rosling-Wolters – moved to approve the Chair’s report as presented.


  1. Chief Batchelor’s monthly report
  2. Monthly reports

Chief Batchelor reviewed the Altona Police Services monthly reports. Chief Police reported that in the month of May there were 201 new files opened in Altona and Plum Coulee. 108 of those were assisting the General Public, 18 assisting other municipal agencies. Police continue to deal with several complaints from citizens experiencing thefts from the unlocked vehicles. During this reporting period police participated in the Ag Safety Day, providing drug lectures to local grade 5 students. Acting Sergeant Dan Defer recently attended and graduated from the Senior Police Administrators Course in Ottawa. The Altona Police Service has now closed the Constable Competition. We received 30 application packages of which 8 were selected for the initial written and physical testing. Four of those have undergone pre-polygraph interviews and of those 4, 3 will be going to the final interview stage. The selected candidate is slated to attend Saskatchewan Police College Recruit Training commencing August 4th, 2015.

Direction from the Altona Police Board strategic community relations, the Altona Police Service is providing the Altona & District Chamber of Commerce with a weekly tip campaign in the attempt to heighten awareness with respect to the public locking up their valuables, road safety, drinking and driving to name a few.

3.22014 Annual Report – Police Department

Chief Batchelor reviewed the 2014 Annual Report. Sgt. Michael Turnbull had a significant health issue, and since then returned to a full time administration duties only. In December the Altona Police Service accepted the resignation of Constable Tony Neufeld. Training for all officers is continuing. The 2014 budget showed a deficit of $30,815.00 which was due to an Audit adjustment of the Police Officer Recruitment Funds back into 2013. The Altona Uniform Crime report for Clearance Rates Criminal Code for 2014 at 84% which well above the national average. The Altona Police Service continues with the Annual Bike Rodeo in both Altona & Plum Coulee, presentations to Drivers Ed, and Ag Safety Days. New equipment purchase was through the grant the Altona Police Service received through Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund was the Mobile Work Stations in all the police vehicles. Regional Response Tactical Team (Altona, Winkler & Morden) are working well together. To date the team has executed several warrants including one in Plum Coulee where a drug dealer was taken out of business.

Chief Batchelor reviewed the file stats:

Theft- Up by 49%

Bike Theft- Up by 55%

FraudsUp by 65%

Break & EntersUp by 125%

Other Criminal CodeUp by 18%

Common Offence NoticeDown by 70%

Sexual AssaultsUp by 450%

Other AssaultsDown by 11%

Impaired 24 hour suspensionsDown by 70%

IPDA (intoxicated Persons Detention)Up by 30%

DrugsDown by 25%

Assist General PublicUp by 53%

False AlarmsNo Change

Motion: Donna Rosling-Wolters – Archie Heinrichs – moved to approve the 2014 Annual Report as reported and circulated.


3.3May 31st, 2015 Financial Statement

Chief Batchelor reviewed the May 31st, 2015 Financial Statement.

There has been an increase in walk-in traffic since the relocation of the Police head office. Training amount in the budget does not over the cost of training a new constable. Training cost for the Saskatchewan Recruit training is $15,000.00 but the budget does include salary and wages for a 1st Class Constable. The two will even each other out.

MOTION: Archie Heinrichs – Donna Rosling-Wolters – moved to approve the May 31st, 2015 financial report as presented.


Chief Batchelor noted that with the increase in traffic in the office and the need for an additional Officer that the Board consider hiring two Officers, one to replace Tony Neufeld’s vacant position, Mike Turnbull’s position as full Officer and a part time steno. Perry to prepare a formal report for the Board’s September meeting, regarding a part time steno position.

Archie Heinrichs reported that a number of requests have been made to have the “Citizen on Patrol” program be re-established in Plum Coulee. Chief Batchelor was asked to present a report on the pros and cons of this program.

Chief Batchelor reported that the Altona Police Force will be switching from the local Command Force to Police Partner Agency (PROS) currently used by the RCMP, Brandon Police and DOPS. This is a national data basis which provides current and accurate information of the Police Service to use. Switching programs will not impact the budget.

  1. 2014 Annual Altona Police Board Report

Vice Chair Leanne Braun reviewed the Altona Police Board that has been sent to the Manitoba Police Commission.

  1. New Business
  2. The Dollars & Sense of Policing & Community Safety

For information only.

In Camera

MOTION: Archie Heinrichs – Donna Rosling-Wolters- moved THAT THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT this meeting recess to In-Camera to discuss personnel;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all matters shall remain confidential until a report is made public.


Motion: Donna Rosling- Wolters – Archie Heinrichs – moved to reconvene the meeting.


Vice Chair Leanne Braun requested that the following items to be placed on the next agenda:

Board Budget discussions with the Town of Altona Council?

How would Council wish that the Police Board communicate with them with respect to things like planning sessions?

MOTION: Archie Heinrichs – Donna Rosling-Wolters – moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 p.m. and that the next Public meeting of the Altona Police Board be held on Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.