The CORR Procedure

3 Variables: gpa rank act

Simple Statistics

Variable N Mean Std Dev Sum Min Max

gpa 705 2.97731 0.63453 2099 0.51 4.00

rank 705 76.95319 18.63394 54252 4.00 99.00

act 705 24.54326 4.01364 17303 13.00 35.00

Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 705

Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0

gpa rank act

gpa 1.00000 0.39848 0.36561

<.0001 <.0001

rank 1.00000 0.44251


The REG Procedure

Dependent Variable: gpa

Analysis of Variance

Sum of Mean

Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F

Model 1 37.88888 37.88888 108.47 <.0001

Error 703 245.55952 0.34930

Corrected Total 704 283.44840

Root MSE 0.59102 R-Square 0.1337

Dependent Mean 2.97731 Adj R-Sq 0.1324

Coeff Var 19.85071

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard

Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|

Intercept 1 1.55870 0.13802 11.29 <.0001

act 1 0.05780 0.00555 10.41 <.0001

Dependent Predicted Std Error

Obs Variable Value Mean Predict 95% CL Mean

1 0.9800 2.7608 0.0289 2.7041 2.8176

2 1.1300 3.0729 0.0235 3.0269 3.1190

3 1.2500 2.9372 0.0222 2.8936 2.9808

4 1.3200 3.2222 0.0305 3.1622 3.2822


699 3.8580 3.2358 0.0314 3.1742 3.2974

700 3.9330 3.2493 0.0322 3.1861 3.3126

701 3.9560 3.2493 0.0322 3.1861 3.3126

702 4.0000 3.2629 0.0331 3.1979 3.3279

Obs 95% CL Predict Residual StdErrRes StudResid -2 -1 0 1 2

1 1.6160 3.9057 -1.7808 0.582 -3.062 |******| |

2 1.9286 4.2173 -1.9429 0.582 -3.339 |******| |

3 1.7930 4.0815 -1.6872 0.582 -2.899 | *****| |

4 2.0772 4.3672 -1.9022 0.582 -3.271 |******| |


699 2.0907 4.3809 0.6222 0.582 1.070 | |** |

700 2.1042 4.3945 0.6837 0.581 1.176 | |** |

701 2.1042 4.3945 0.7067 0.581 1.215 | |** |

702 2.1176 4.4082 0.7371 0.581 1.268 | |** |