Registration Number: EY260253


Child’s legal full name: Preferred name:
Date of Birth: Gender:
Full postal address:
Home Language:
Second Language:
Family religion:
Does your child have any disabilities or extra support needs?
Diagnosed? YES NO
Does your child have any allergies?
Does your child have any specific medical needs?
Does your child use any long term medication?
Is there anything you feel you would like us to know about your child?
Does your child have any birth marks?
Any serious illnesses or hospitalisation that we should know about?
Are all your child’s immunisations up to date? YES NO

Sessions required

Nursery is open 7.30am -6pm Monday to Friday. Please mark down below the required sessions for your child. Also please mark the most convenient days for your child to attend settling in visits.

Session / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
7.30am – 8am
8am – 6pm
8am -3pm
Settling in sessions

Start date required for these sessions......

Sunny meadows nursery offers the government entitlement of 15hrs free childcare term time only from the term after your child’s third birthday. The nursery grant hours can be added to at a cost of the nursery hourly rate. The 15hrs can be used as a standard 3hrs per day or joined together to make a 7 hour session with a cost of 1 hour to cover the lunch time period. The nursery grant is flexible if you want to do any sessions that are not available below please see the management team.

Nursery grant session / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
9am – 12pm
9am – 4pm
Extra Hours
Settling in sessions

Please state start date for these sessions......

Any other information you would like us to know regarding these sessions e.g. extra added hours......

This next part needs to be filled out by a person who has parental responsibility for the named child.

  • Parental responsibility is defined by law as being all rights, duties, powers and responsibilities and authority, which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his/her property.

Parent/carer name: Relationship to child:
Full postal address:
Home telephone: Mobile telephone:
Place of work:
Work telephone:
Do you have parental responsibility?
Parent/carer name: Relationship to child:
Full postal address:
Home telephone: Mobile telephone:
Place of work:
Work telephone:
Do you have parental responsibility?
Does anyone else have parental responsibility for your child?
Are there any other Adults who live in the family home?
Name: Relationship to child:
Name: Relationship to child:
Are there any other children who live in the family home?
Name: Age: Relationship to child:
Name: Age: Relationship to child:
Name: Age: Relationship to child:

Please note we can only allow people over 14yrs of age to collect your child.

Please provide a security password for your child:

Emergency contacts

Please provide the nursery with two emergency contacts in case we cannot contact a parent/carer if a child becomes ill or in cases of emergency.

Emergency contact 1
Relationship to child:
Home telephone:
Mobile telephone:
Emergency contact 2
Relationship to child:
Home telephone:
Mobile telephone:

Collection restrictions

Are there any specific circumstances or information that the nursery should know about in order to safeguard your child e.g. family situations, restrictions on collections etc?

Persons who do not have permission to collect your child.


Relationship to child:

Reasons for non collection:

Does or has your child attended any other early years settings? YES NO

If yes please give details below:

Name of setting:
Date last attended:

What is your child’s doctor and health visitors contact information:

As part of our continued commitment to offer your child the best possible start in life, we will support your child throughout their time in our setting. Initial contact with your child will be from an outsider’s perspective and we will therefore need to ask several questions that will hopefully give us a better understanding of your perception of your child’s needs and any additional support we can offer to provide a unique experience for every child that comes to our setting. The more detailed information you can give us will result in your child achieving their full potential

1.Does your baby, child or young person appear to be healthy?
Being healthy: enjoying good physical and mental health and living a healthy lifestyle
Yes / No / Not sure
Evidence / comments:
2.Does your baby, child or young person appear to be safe from harm?
Staying safe: being protected from harm and neglect, secure and stable care from parents, carers, family.
Yes / No / Not sure
Evidence / comments:
3.Does your baby, child or young person appear to be learning and developing?
Enjoying and Achieving: getting the most out of life and developing the skills for attending nursery, personal, social and emotional development.
Yes / No / Not sure
Evidence / comments
4.Does your baby, child or young person appear to be having a positive impact on others?
Making a Positive Contribution: being involved with their own immediate community, making positive and confident decisions, behaviour and relationship building with peers, family and carers.
Yes / No / Not sure
Evidence / comments:
5. Is your family claiming all the benefits available to them? Are there any current concerns with regards to housing?
Economic wellbeing: not being prevented by economic disadvantage from achieving their full potential in life, appropriate housing conditions, access to information regarding training and employment opportunities.
Yes / No / Not sure
Evidence / comments:
If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above, what additional services are needed for the baby, child or young person or their parents, carers or families?
6. About you: Have you now, or have you ever had any issues with drug use or alcohol?
Yes / No / Not sure
Evidence / comments:
If answer was ‘yes’ or ‘not sure’, or it is not clear what support is needed, would a Pre-CAF or Common Assessment (CAF) help? ( Nursery use only) / Yes / No
(Nursery use only)
Details of the practitioner who will complete a CAF:
Myself (details in box below) another practitioner whose details are:
Name & position
Contact tel no. / Address
Childcare Setting

Parental partnership agreement

Everyone and sunny meadows nursery welcomes you and your child. We hope together we can make your child’s time here happy, safe and secure. To ensure that we can work in partnership with you we ask that you read the following statements below and sign and date at the bottom of the page.

Allow for settling in time. The length of time required depends on the individual child. We find this involves at least 4 sessions. / Attend nursery with your child during this settling in period.
Provide an open door policy where you are welcome at anytime. / They are able to pop into nursery at anytime but are aware that this may cause their child to be unsettled.
Maintain a daily attendance register and record absences and holidays. To make enquiries if a child stops attending the setting. / Inform staff of any reasons for absences. Inform management if your child will not be returning to the setting.
Plan a programme of activities following the EYFS. Record information regarding your child’s development and progress. / Attend parents evenings to access your child’s records and discuss with staff about your child’s development. Assist your child in homework and filling out weekend diaries.
Inform us as soon as possible if your child has been diagnosed with an infectious disease or head lice. / Phone nursery to inform staff of my child’s infectious disease. Seek appropriate medical care for my child.
Inform you as soon as your child becomes ill. We will do our best to comfort your child whilst waiting for your arrival. To advise you of any instance where emergency treatment is required. / Keep your sick child at home until they are recovered.
Inform you of any accidents in nursery that have involved your child. You will have the accident fully explained and asked to read and sign an accident form explaining the circumstances of the accident. / Sign the accident form on arrival once you have been advised of the events.

We ask that all parents/carers read our policies and procedures during the settling in period. We have various policies which cover all aspects of nursery life. We will invite you into nursery once a term for a parents evening to discuss your child’s development and progress. We will provide you with a newsletter each term to keep you up to date with events in nursery.

Signed parent/carer...... Date......

Consent forms

I consent for my child to attend outings planned and unplanned whilst at sunny meadows nursery. (By unplanned we mean sometimes we may have a quieter day and staff may take the children to the local park) Please note the staff will still contact you by phone to gain verbal consent.
Signed...... Parent/carer......
I consent for the nursery staff to take photographs of my child for nursery purposes e.g. displays, birthday boards, learning journeys.
(Please note we will not use photographs for advertising purposes without prior consent)
Signed...... Parent/Carer......
I consent for the nursery staff to administer first Aid to my child and appropriate medical intervention in cases of emergency.
(Please note only qualified first aiders will administer first aid)
Signed...... Parents/Carer......
I consent for a senior member of staff to administer medication to my child. This maybe medication that has been prescribed for the child and a medication form has been filled out with instructions from parents/carers. This may also be liquid paracetamol if a child becomes ill whilst at the nursery setting.
Signed...... Parents/Carers......
I consent for the nursery staff to apply sun cream provided by parents/carers in hot weather.
Signed...... Parents/Carers......
I consent for the nursery staff to change my child’s clothes if they become soiled.
Signed...... Parents/Carers......
I consent for the nursery staff to apply face paints when appropriate to the children’s learning
Signed...... Parents/Carers......

  1. A registration form must be completed in full and signed before a place at nursery can be considered or allocated.
  2. When a place has been confirmed verbally or in writing and a start date agreed a £50 - £100.00 deposit will be required within 10 days to secure the place. This deposit will be deducted from the first month’s invoice.
  3. You will be invoiced from the first day of the agreed start date and every month thereafter.
  4. Fees are payable one month in advance by either standing order, cheque, debit card and childcare vouchers. Where fees are not received by the last day of the preceding month a 10% surcharge will be incurred and we have the right to offer the nursery place to another child.
  5. Fees will not be refunded for any periods of sickness, holidays or days absent from nursery. The nursery will not refund any closure days due to adverse weather conditions.
  6. If you wish to make any changes to days your child attends or hours a one month’s notice period is required. Any changes will be subject to availability and at the discretion of the management.
  7. If a parent wishes to withdraw their child from the nursery we require one months notice in writing.
  8. The nursery will be closed all bank holidays. Fees will be charged as normal during bank holiday closures.
  9. The nursery operates 8am – 6pm, with a breakfast club facility from 7.30am. We reserve the right to impose an extra charge for any child that arrives early or leaves later than their session time.
  10. The nursery operates a clear data protection policy and confidentiality policy. We ask that parents/Carers do not make contact with staff members through social networking sites or name the nursery or staff members on these sites.

These terms and conditions may be altered at the discretion of the nursery management.

I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions.

Name of parent/Carer......

Signed...... Date......

Please tick the relevant boxes / I agree / I do not agree
I have read and filled out the admissions form with all correct information regarding my child.
I have read and understand all information regarding the nursery.
I will inform the nursery by one months notice if I no longer require my nursery place.
I have completed all the required consent forms
I will read through all the nursery policies and procedures
On my child’s settling in period.

The nursery’s safeguarding children’s policy outlines the importance of keeping children safe from harm. If for any reason a staff member has a concern about a child in our care we would follow this policy. Through the policy we may need to pass on information about your child to other services which are outlined in our policy.

I understand that if there are any concerns as to my child’s welfare/safety the nursery will follow their safeguarding children policy.

Signed parent/carer...... Date......

I understand that if my child attends nursery and has had an accident at home which has left a visible mark or injury I will need to fill out an existing injuries form for my child.

Signed parent/carer...... Date......

The nursery management team are available every day 9am – 5pm. If you wish to make an appointment out of these hours this can be arranged.

The nursery Management team are:

Kay White – Nursery Manager – Has worked at the nursery since we opened in 2003

Janine Neill – Deputy Manager – Has worked at the nursery since we opened in 2003

Natasha Unwin – Acting Deputy – Has worked at the nursery since 2006

On the day your child start’s the nursery you may wish to bring a bag with a change of clothes to hang on their peg. Even though we do wear aprons and bibs children can still get quite messy through activities and meal times, so please do not dress your child in any expensive items as nursery cannot be responsible for any damages.

Please provide your child with sensible footwear and clothing as the weather can be unpredictable. Sun cream in not provided by the nursery so please make sure your child is provided with sun cream on hot days.

Nappies and wipes are included in the nursery fees, we use huggies products. If your child has any reaction to these products please inform the staff in your child’s room.

If your child drinks formula milk throughout the day please do not bring bottles made up. Bring the powder and the bottles and staff in the jelly babies unit will make the bottles before needed.

If your child has any allergies, dietary requirements or dislikes to food we will provide an alternative menu.

The nursery has a clear complaints procedure, if you have any issues or worries no matter how big or small please contact the nursery management team we will be happy to help.

Standing order form

Nursery Bank: Natwest bank

Nursery account name: Handsworth Grange Ltd T/A Sunny meadows

Nursery Account Number : 43489842

Nursery Sort code: 60-40-09

Can we please ask that all standing order payments have a reference of your child’s surname.