Index to Journal of Bryology, Volume 22 (2000), Parts 3 & 4

Compiled by J.W. Bates

A cladistic overview of the Bryaceae (Musci) based on morphological and anatomical data and with emphasis on the genus Bryum, see Pedersen, 22-193

Abietinella abietina, 22-238

Acanthocladiella kilimandscharica, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

transvaaliensis, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

Acaulon triquetrum var. desertorum, 22-269

Acidification, 22-224

Acidontium sprucei, 22-195

AFLP, see Amplified fragments length polymorphism


Anomodon in, 22-241

bryophytes of Jbel Toubkal, Morocco, 22-283

endemic bryophytes of North, 22-269

Rhacopilopsis in, 22-207

Albertos B,

--see Garilleti, Lara, Albertos & Mazimpaka, 22-273

--see Mazimpaka, Lara, Garilleti, Albertos & Lo Giudice, 22-183

Altitudinal distribution, 22-288

Amblyodon dealbatus, 22-284

Amblystegium tenax, polymorphism in, 22-257

Amphidium lapponicum,new to Chile and South America, 22-304

Amplified fragments length polymorphism between populations of Amblystegium tenax exposed to contrasting water chemistries, see Vanderpoorten & Tignon, 22-257

Anatomy, of Bryaceae, 22-193

Annual segments, of Hylocomium splendens, uptake of nutrients in, 22-163

Anomobryopsis tereticaulis, 22-195

Anomobryum julaceum, 22-195

Anomodonpseudotristis, in Africa, 22-241

Australia, Grimmia in, 22-217

Barbula elata, synonymized with Didymodon vinealis var. flaccidus, 22-269

gattefossei, synonymized with Barbula unguiculata, 22-270

muralis var. obovata, 22-272

unguiculata, 22-270

Bates JW and Duckett JG, On the occurrence of rhizoids in Scleropodium purum, 22-300

Belgium, Riccia ciliifera new to, 22-303

Bergaminin A, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Blockeel TL, Bergaminin A, Brusa G, Ertz D, Sérgio C, Garcia C, Hedenäs L, Müller F, Nieuwkoop JAW and Sabovljevic MS, New national and regional bryophyte records, 3, 22-303

Brachymenium acuminatum, 22-195

pulchrum, 22-195

systylium, 22-195

Brachythecium collinum, 22-285

dieckii, in Portugal and Morocco, 22-239

populeum, new to Madeira, 22-305

Britain, Orthotrichum consimile in, 22-293

British Bryological Society Expedition to Mulanje Mountain, Malawi. 12. A revision of the genus Rhacopilopsis Renauld & Cardot (Hypnaceae, Bryopsida), see Watling & O’Shea, 22-207

Brusa G, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Brümelis G, Lapina L and Tabors G, Uptake of Ca, Mg and K during growth of annual segments of the moss Hylocomium splendens in the field, 22-163

Bryaceae, cladistical analysis, 22-193

Bryoideae, 22-196

Bryum, 22-193

alpinum, 22-195

argenteum, 22-195

bicolor, 22-195

billarderi, 22-195

caespiticium, 22-195

dichotomum, 22-285

donianum, 22-195

klinggraeffii, 22-299

muehlenbeckii, 22-285

pseudotriquetrum, 22-285

rubens, 22-195

stenotrichum, 22-195

wrightii, 22-195

C:N ratio, 22-180

Ca, uptake by Hylocomium splendens, 22-163

Cano MJ,

--Ros RM and Guerra J, Identity of North African endemic bryophytes, 22-269

--see Ros, Cano, Muñoz & Guerra, 22-283

Cao T, see Guo, Cao & Gao, 22-237

Carbohydrates, 22-178

Cations, 22-163

Cell walls, heavy metal accumulation in, 22-251

Chemical composition, of Sphagnum spp, 22-175

Chile, Amphidium lapponicum new to, 22-304

China, Ptychomitrium mamillosum in, 22-237

Cladistics, 22-193

Cluster analysis, 22-259

CO2, effects of elevated atmospheric concentrations on Sphagnum spp, 22-175

Cololejeunea balansae, synonymized with Cololejeunea goebelii, 22-279

goebelii, 22-279

grushvitzkiana, 22-279

yoshinagana, 22-279

Contents, 22-161, 22-249

Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Morocco: the Jbel Toubkal, see Ros, Cano, Muñoz & Guerra, 22-283


for 2000, 22-162

for 2001, 22-250

Cover illustrations,

Flushed gravel with Blindia acuta and Anthelia julacea, Tjutek, Muddus N.P., Sweden, 22(3)

SEM image of the external cell walls of a leaf of the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica showing concentric deposits of manganese formed around photosynthetic oxygen release centres after transplantation to a polluted stream, 22(4)

Cryoro-Mediterranean belt, 22-288

Cu, 22-252

Dates of publication, 22(2) 21 July 2000, 22(3) 6 October 2000

Delgadillo C, Taxonomy of Grimmia williamsii, 22-294

Didymodon vinealis var. flaccidus, 22-269

Dimorphella brasiliensis, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

pechuelii var. acuminata, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

var. gracilis, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

Distribution maps,

of Orthotrichum hispanicum in Spain, 22-267

of Orthotrichum shawii, 22-190

DNA, 22-257, 22-291

Duckett JG, see Bates & Duckett, 22-300

Een G, see Sjörs & Een, 22-223

Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and increased nitrogen deposition on growth and chemical composition of ombrotrophic Sphagnum balticum and oligo-mesotrophic Sphagnum papillosum, see Van der Heijden, Jauhiainen, Silvola, Vasander & Kuiper, 22-175

Ellis LT,

--Recent Bryological Literature, 97, 22-243

--Recent Bryological Literature, 98, 22-307

Encalypta vulgaris, 22-271

Endemic bryophytes, 22-269

Endostome, 22-277

Epipterygium tozeri, 22-195

Errata, 22-314

Ertz D, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Eucalyptus globulus, bark properties, 22-302

Eucladium verticillatum var. clinotheca, synonymized with Eucladium verticillatum, 22-270

verticillatum, 22-270

Eurhynchium crassinervium, 22-291

Europe, Sematophyllum adnatum new to, 22-305

Exostome, 22-273

Fe, 22-252

Fens, 22-225

Figueira R, see Sérgio, Figueira & Viegas Crespo, 22-251

Fontinalis antipyretica, 22-251

Fossombronia fimbriata, new to the Netherlands, 22-303

Frahm J-P, Müller K and Stech M, The taxonomic status of Eurhynchium crassinervium from river banks based on ITS sequence data, 22-291

Funaria hygrometrica, 22-196

Funariaceae, 22-196

Galls, in Abietinella abietina, 22-238

Gao C, see Guo, Cao & Gao, 22-237

Garcia C, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Garilleti R,

--Lara F, Albertos B and Mazimpaka V, Peristomal ornamentation, a precise character for discrimination of Ulota bruchii and U. crispa (Bryopsida, Orthotrichaceae), 22-273

--see Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka, 22-263

--see Mazimpaka, Lara, Garilleti, Albertos & Lo Giudice, 22-183

Greven HC, Synopsis of Grimmia Hedw. in Australia, 22-217


anodon, 22-218

australis, 22-218

austrofunalis, 22-219

in Australia, 22-217

laevigata, 22-219

longirostris, 22-219

macroperichaetialis, 22-219

mollis, 22-286

orbicularis, 22-220

pulvinata, 22-220

reflexidens, 22-221

trichophylla, 22-221

williamsii, correctly classified as Jaffueliobryum williamsii, 22-294


of Hylocomium splendens, 22-166

of Sphagnum spp, 22-175

Guerra J,

--see Cano, Ros & Guerra, 22-269

--see Ros, Cano, Muñoz & Guerra, 22-283

Guo S, Cao T and Gao C, Ptychomitrium mamillosum (Ptychomitriaceae, Musci), a new species from China, 22-237

Hamatocaulis vernicosus, in Spain, 22-297

Haplodontium clavatum, 22-195

Haplohymenium pseudotriste var. robustum, synonymized with Anomodon pseudotristis, 22-241

Heavy metal accumulation, in Fontinalis antipyretica, 22-251

Hedenäs L,

--On the frequency of nematode-induced galls in Abietinella abietina, 22-238

--see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Heras P and Infante M, On the presence of Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs (Amblystegiaceae) in Spain, 22-297

Hylocomium splendens, uptake of Ca, Mg and K, 22-163

Hyocomium armoricum, 22-286

Hyophila perpusilla, 22-270

Hypnaceae, 22-207

Hypnum elaeis, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-210

Identity of North African endemic bryophytes, see Cano, Ros & Guerra, 22-269

India, bryophytes of Rajasthan, 22-298

Infante M, see Heras & Infante, 22-297

Italy, Sematophyllum adnatum new to, 22-305

ITS sequence data, 22-291

Jaffueliobryum williamsii comb. nov., 22-295

wrightii, 22-295

Jansen J, see Sérgio & Jansen, 22-239

Jauhiainen J, see Van der Heijden, Jauhiainen, Silvola, Vasander & Kuiper, 22-175

Jbel Toubkal, bryophytes of, 22-283

K, 22-252

uptake by Hylocomium splendens, 22-163


to Grimmia in Australia, 22-217

to Orthotrichum shawii and related species, 22-189

to Rhacopilopsis species, 22-208

Kuiper PJC, see Van der Heijden, Jauhiainen, Silvola, Vasander & Kuiper, 22-175

Lapina L, see Brümelis, Lapina & Tabors, 22-163

Lara F,

--Garilleti R and Mazimpaka V, Orthotrichum hispanicum sp. nov. (Bryopsida, Orthotrichaceae), from eastern Spain, 22-263

--see Garilleti, Lara, Albertos & Mazimpaka, 22-273

--see Mazimpaka, Lara, Garilleti, Albertos & Lo Giudice, 22-183

Length increment, 22-176

Leptobryum pyriforme, 22-195

Lime contamination, of Hylocomium splendens, 22-164

List, of wetland bryophytes of Muddus National Park, 22-223

Lo Giudice, see Mazimpaka, Lara, Garilleti, Albertos & Lo Giudice, 22-183

Madeira, Brachythecium populeum new to, 22-305

Malawi, Rhacopilopsis, 22-207

Mazimpaka V,

--Lara F, Garilleti R, Albertos B and Lo Giudice R, Orthotrichum shawii Wilson, a distinct European species, 22-183

--see Garilleti, Lara, Albertos & Mazimpaka, 22-273

--see, Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka, 22-263

Mg, uptake by Hylocomium splendens, 22-163

Microthamnium flexile, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis variegatum, 22-214

var. fusco-alare, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

Mielichhoferia elongata, 22-195

mielichhoferiana, 22-195

Mielichhoferioideae, 22-196

Mine effluent, 22-251

Minerotrophic mires, 22-225

Mn, 22-252

Mniaceae, 22-196

Mniobryum atropurpureum, 22-195

Mnium hornum, 22-196


Brachythecium dieckii in, 22-239

bryophytes of the Jbel Toubkal, 22-283

Morphology, of Bryaceae, 22-193

Muddus National Park, 22-223

Mulanje Mountain, Rhacopilopsis, 22-207

Muñoz J, see Ros, Cano, Muñoz & Guerra, 22-283

Müller F, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Müller K, see Frahm, Müller & Stech, 22-291

N:P ratio, 22-179

Nematode-induced galls, 22-238

Netherlands, Fossombronia fimbriata new to, 22-303

New national and regional bryophyte records, 3, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

New species,

Orthotrichum hispanicum, 22-263

Ptychomitrium mamillosum, 22-237

Ni, 22-252

Nieuwkoop JAW, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Nitrate, 22-177

Nitrogen deposition, effects on Sphagnum spp, 22-175

North African endemic bryophytes, 22-269

O’Shea BJ,

--see Watling & O’Shea, 22-207

--Taxonomic notes on Anomodon (Anomodontaceae, Bryopsida) in Africa, 22-241

Observations of heavy metal accumulation in the cell walls of Fontinalis antipyretica, in a Portuguese stream affected by mine effluent, see Sérgio, Figueira & Viegas Crespo, 22-251

On the frequency of nematode-induced galls in Abietinella abietina, see Hedenäs, 22-238

On the occurrence of rhizoids in Scleropodium purum, see Bates & Duckett, 22-300

On the presence of Brachythecium dieckii in Portugal and Morocco, see Sérgio & Jansen, 22-239

On the presence of Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs (Amblystegiaceae) in Spain, see Heras & Infante, 22-297

Ornamentation, of Ulota peristomes, 22-273

Oro-Mediterranean belt, 22-288

Orthodontioideae, 22-196

Orthodontium lineare, 22-195

Orthodontopsis bardunovii, 22-195

Orthotrichum anaglyptodon, 22-189

consimile, 22-293

hispanicum sp. nov., 22-263

pulchellum, 22-293

rupestre, 22-189

shawii Wilson, a distinct European species, see Mazimpaka, Lara, Garilleti, Albertos & Lo Giudice, 22-183

striatum, 22-189

Osculatia columbica, 22-195

Oxygen release centres, 22-252

Pedersen N, A cladistic overview of the Bryaceae (Musci) based on morphological and anatomical data and with emphasis on the genus Bryum, 22-193

Peristomal ornamentation, a precise character for discrimination of Ulota bruchii and U. crispa (Bryopsida, Orthotrichaceae), see Garilleti, Lara, Albertos & Mazimpaka, 22-273

Perssonia sanguinea, 22-195

pH, 22-225

Phenols, 22-177

Phylogenetic tree, 22-259

Phylogeny, of Bryaceae, 22-193

Physcomitrium cyathicarpum, 22-299

PIXE, see proton-induced X-ray emission analysis

Plagiobryum zierii, 22-195

Plagiochila porelloides, 22-287

Pleurochaete squarrosa, 22-270

Pohlia cruda, 22-195

drummondii, 22-195

longicollis, 22-195

Pohlioideae, 22-196

Porley RD, Two old records for Orthotrichum consimile Mitt. in Britain, 22-293


Brachythecium dieckii in, 22-239

Thamnobryum maderense new to, 22-305

Pottia starckeana, 22-271

Proton-induced X-ray emission analysis, 22-252

Pseudoleskea tenuissima, synonymized with Anomodon pseudotristis, 22-241

Pseudoleskeella tectorum, 22-286

Pseudopohlia didymodon, 22-195

Pterygoneurum ovatum, 22-270

Ptychomitrium gardneri, 22-237

mamillosum (Ptychomitriaceae, Musci), a new species from China, see Guo, Cao & Gao, 22-237

standleyi, 22-238

Pylaisaea guineensis, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis variegatum, 22-214

Rajasthan, bryophytes of, 22-298

Reappraisal of Cololejeunea balansae (Steph.) Mizut., C. grushvitzkiana Pócs, and C. yoshinagana (S.Hatt.) Mizut. (Hepaticae, Lejeuneaceae), see Zhu & So, 22-279

Recent Bryological Literature,

97, see Ellis, 22-243

98, see Ellis, 22-307

Referees consulted for Volume 22, 22-314

Revision, of Rhacopilopsis, 22-207

Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-208

fo. densa, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

var. pendula, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

var. perserrata, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis trinitensis, 22-211

Rhacopilopsis variegatum comb. nov., 22-214

Rhizoids, of Scleropodium purum, 22-300

Rhodobryum giganteum, 22-195

Rhynchostegiella teneriffae, 22-286

Riccia ciliifera, new to Belgium, 22-303

River bank mosses, 22-291

Roellia roellii, 22-195

Ros RM,

--Cano MJ, Muñoz J and Guerra J, Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Morocco: the Jbel Toubkal, 22-283

--see Cano, Ros & Guerra, 22-269

Sabovljevic MS, see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Schistidium cinclidodonteum, 22-286

rivulare, 22-287

Schizymenium bryoides,22-195

campylocarpum,22- 195

Scleropodium purum, occurrence of rhizoids in, 22-300

SEM photos,

of capsule of Orthotrichum shawii, 22-186

of endostomes of Ulota bruchii and U. crispa, 22-277

of exostomes of Ulota bruchii and U. crispa, 22-276

of metal deposits on Fontinalis antipyretica, 22-254

of Orthotrichum hispanicum, 22-265

of peristome details, Orthotrichum hispanicum, 22-266

of peristome teeth of Orthotrichum shawii, 22-187

Sematophyllum adnatum, new to Italy and Europe, 22-305

Sérgio C

--and Jansen J, On the presence of Brachythecium dieckii in Portugal and Morocco, 22-239

--Figueira R and Viegas Crespo AM, Observations of heavy metal accumulation in the cell walls of Fontinalis antipyretica, in a Portuguese stream affected by mine effluent, 22-251

--see Blockeel, Bergaminin, Brusa, Ertz, Sérgio, Garcia, Hedenäs, Müller, Nieuwkoop & Sabovljevic, 22-303

Silvola J, see Van der Heijden, Jauhiainen, Silvola, Vasander & Kuiper, 22-175

Sjörs H and Een G, Wetland bryophytes in Muddus National Park, North Sweden, 22-223

So ML, see Zhu & So, 22-279

Soluble sugars, 22-176

Some bryophytes collected in Rajasthan, see Stern, 22-298

South America, Amphidium lapponicum new to, 22-304

Spain, Orthotrichum hispanicum new to, 22-263

Sphagnum balticum, effects of CO2 and N deposition, 22-175

papillosum, effects of CO2 and N deposition, 22-175

Splachnaceae, 22-196

Starch, 22-176

Stech M, see Frahm, Müller & Stech, 22-291

Stegonia mouretii var. crinita, synonymized with Pterygoneurum ovatum, 22-270

Stereodon albo-alaris, synonymized with Rhacopilopsis variegatum, 22-214

Stern RC, Some bryophytes collected in Rajasthan, 22-298

Supra-Mediterranean belt, 22-288

Sweden, 22-223

Switzerland, Weissia rostellata new to, 22-303

Synopsis of Grimmia Hedw. in Australia, see Greven, 22-217

Synthetodontium pringlei, 22-195

Syntrichia bolanderi, 22-287

calcicola, 22-287

Tabors G, see Brümelis, Lapina & Tabors, 22-163

Taxonomic notes on Anomodon (Anomodontaceae, Bryopsida) in Africa, see O’Shea, 22-241

Taxonomy of Grimmia williamsii, see Delgadillo, 22-294

Tayloria lingulata, 22-196

Thamnobryum maderense, new to Portugal, 22-305

The taxonomic status of Eurhynchium crassinervium from river banks based on ITS sequence data, see Frahm, Müller & Stech, 22-291

Tignon M, see Vanderpoorten & Tignon, 22-257

Tortella elkantarensis, synonymized with Pleurochaete squarrosa, 22-270

Tortula cuneifolia, 22-271

humillima, synonymized with Pottia starckeana, 22-271

mairei, synonymized with Encalypta vulgaris, 22-271

papillosa, new to Yugoslavia, 22-304

Transplant experiments, 22-164, 22-252

Trichostomum crispulum var. armatum, synonymized with Weissia condensa var. armata, 22-271

Two old records for Orthotrichum consimile Mitt. in Britain, see Porley, 22-293

Ulota bruchii, 22-273

crispa, 22-273

Uptake of Ca, Mg and K during growth of annual segments of the moss Hylocomium splendens in the field, see Brümelis, Lapina & Tabors, 22-163

Van der Heijden E, Jauhiainen J, Silvola J, Vasander H and Kuiper PJC, Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and increased nitrogen deposition on growth and chemical composition of ombrotrophic Sphagnum balticum and oligo-mesotrophic Sphagnum papillosum, 22-175

Vanderpoorten A and Tignon M, Amplified fragments length polymorphism between populations of Amblystegium tenax exposed to contrasting water chemistries, 22-257

Vasander H, see Van der Heijden, Jauhiainen, Silvola, Vasander & Kuiper, 22-175

Viegas Crespo AM, see Sérgio, Figueira & Viegas Crespo, 22-251


chemistry, 22-257

pollution, 22-251

Watling MC and O’Shea BJ, British Bryological Society Expedition to Mulanje Mountain, Malawi. 12. A revision of the genus Rhacopilopsis Renauld & Cardot (Hypnaceae, Bryopsida), 22-207

Weissia condensa var. armata comb. nov., 22-271

levieri, 22-287

papillosissima, 22-271

rostellata, new to Switzerland, 22-303

Wetland bryophytes in Muddus National Park, North Sweden, see Sjörs & Een, 22-223

X-ray microanalysis, 22-252

Yugoslavia, Tortula papillosa new to, 22-304

Zhu R-L and So ML, Reappraisal of Cololejeunea balansae (Steph.) Mizut., C. grushvitzkiana Pócs, and C. yoshinagana (S.Hatt.) Mizut. (Hepaticae, Lejeuneaaceae), 22-279

Zn, 22-252