Registration now open!
BIGSPD was formed in 1999 and is a focus for academicand professional development in the field of personality disorder.This year’s annual conferencewill feature talks by internationally renowned experts on the latest developments in research and clinical practice for personality disorders and will be a fantastic opportunity to share best practice and work together to improve services for personality disorder
This year we are delighted to be holding the conference at the Kingsmills Hotel,a 17th century mansion set in four acres of grounds, amidst the beautiful scenery of Inverness - the 'Highlands Capital' of Scotland.
Highlights of the conference will include keynote addresses from Professor Peter Fonagy, this year’s Senior Scientist award winner, and from Dr Lucy Johnstone. Both talks will aim to radically challenge our current conceptualisations of personality disorder.
Dr Johnstone’s keynote address will challenge our current conceptions of psychiatric classification, including personality disorder, by questioning the evidence base for our current diagnostic systems and bringing forward the idea of trauma-informed case formulation as a more helpful and healing alternative.
Professor Fonagy’s talk will focus on the concept of epistemic trust as it relates to our conceptualization of personality disorder. Is the apparent rigidity of personality disorder the consequence of problems being embedded in character, as traditionally thought, or a more specific difficulty in placing trust in socially communicated knowledge and information? Should we consider this a disorder or is it better seen as a failure to engage in regular interpersonal communication that protects us at times of social change?
A further highlight will be the address from this year’s Senior Practitioner Award winner, Dr Jackie Craisatti, who will trace the highs and lows of the past 15 years’ development in models of care for offenders with personality disorder, and will provide a very personal take on the challenges of the next five years.
Who Should Attend?mental health professionals
research scientists
multi-agency professionals
service planners
service users and carers / The Venue
Kingsmills Hotel,
Culcabock Road,
Inverness IV2 3LP
First Name
Job Title
Address (inc Postcode)
Telephone Number
Email Address
Dietary requirements
Access/other requirements
Delegate Rates: please indicate choice /
Attendance for all 3 days at the conference.
Accommodation at Kingsmills Hotel or the nearby Craigmoniehotel(hotel will be allocated at a later date)
Welcome drink and dinner on 1st night
Gala dinner with entertainment on 2nd night
Before 31st January 2017 / BIGSPD Members / £420.00
After 31stJanuary 2017 / BIGSPD Members / £470.00
Before 31st January 2017 / Non- members / £470.00
After 31st January 2017 / Non- members / £520.00
Attendance for all 3 days at the conference including lunch and refreshments.
(does not include evening meals – these can be added on as extras below)
Before 31st January 2017 / BIGSPD Members / £260.00
After 31st January 2017 / BIGSPD Members / £310.00
Before 31st January 2017 / Non- members / £310.00
After 31st January 2017 / Non- members / £360.00
Extras for non-residential delegates
Welcome drink and dinner on 1st night / £40.00
Gala Dinner with entertainment on 2nd night / £50.00
Please select and complete one of the following payment Options:
We regret we are not able to accept payment by debit/credit card.
Option 1:Cheque / Please find a cheque attached for £ …………………………..
Please make cheque payable to “BIGSPD” and post F.A.O Karen Sugars, D floor,
Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham Innovation Park,
Triumph Road, Nottingham NG7 2TU to ensure the fees are recorded as paid.
Option 2:
Bank Transfer (BACS) Payment / Co-Operative Bank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account No: 65309160
IBAN: GB53CPBK 0892 9965 309160
Payment made on ……………………………….
Total £ …………………………………………
Please ensure you use your first and last name and/or ‘BIGSPD Conference 2017’ as a reference so the payment can be identified and recorded as paid.
Option 3:
Invoice – which will be emailed ONLY (please complete this sectionin full) / Name of organisation/person to be invoiced …………………………………
Full postal address ………………………………………………………………………
Email invoice to …………………………………………………
Purchase order number ………………………………………………..
Please obtain and provide a PO number(if required)BEFORE sending the registration form
PLEASE NOTE: A place at the conference will be reserved for delegates who have completed this booking form and will be subject to the cancellation policy below.
Notice before event / Cancellation fee15 days or more / £30.00
Between 1 and 14 days before / Full delegate fee payment i.e no refund will be made
Failure to attend / Full delegate fee payment i,e no refund will be made