Symposium information:

Full Name: ______(First name for badge)______


Preferred Mailing Address: ______

City: ______State/Province: ______Zip/Postal Code: ______

Country: ______Telephone: (______)______Fax: (______)______

Email: ______


1.  Registration Fees Includes lunch, breaks, and proceedings.

Please check appropriate registration fee:

For Theme Sessions (April 3rd 2015)

postmarked paid

Before march 16th 2015 after march 16th 2015

University Rs. 4000.00 Rs. 5000.00

Industry Rs. 5000.00 Rs. 6000.00

International USD 100.00 USD 120.00

Student (with meals) Rs. 3000.00 Rs. 3000.00

Student (with meals) Rs. 1000.00 Rs. 1000.00

For Technical Sessions (April 4th 2015)

Before march 16th 2015 after march 16th 2015

For students Rs. 500.00 Rs. 500.00

For academic staff Rs. 1500.00 Rs. 2000.00

Industry Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 2500.00

International USD 50.00 USD 70.00

Rs. ______

If you received a scholarship, check r Do not pay a registration fee. Still complete this registration form.

Rs. ______

2.  gala night or banquet dinner (Friday evening)

Indicate number of guests: ___ total number x Rs. 4500.00 Rs. ______

Print full name of guest(s):

total enclosed: Rs. ______

Count me for lunch: r Fri r Sat Vegetarian meals required: r Self r Guest(s)

Count me for Gala night or banquet dinner (Friday) r Vegetarian meal required: r Self r Guest(s)

Please list any Special Needs: ______

Cancellations/Changes and Refunds: Fees for missed meals, late arrivals, and early departures will not be refunded. Fees will be refunded, less a Rs. 500.00 processing fee, if cancellation or change resulting in a refund is received in writing no later than March 15th, 2015. After that date, fees are non-refundable. All refunds will be processed after the conference. Substitutions are allowed at no charge.

PAYMENT METHODS: Check or Money Order must be in U.S. funds or rupees payable to: Senior Treasurer, Chemical Society, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. Also money can be direct deposit to the People’s bank account at Gangodavila branch (Account number = 097-2-002-2-2334405) and post the bank slip to us. Cheques should be drawn in favor of the “Chemical Society, University of Sri Jayewardenepura”. There will be a $25.00 fee charged on checks returned by the bank due to insufficient funds. Registration confirmation/receipt and further information will be mailed.

Please check appropriate box: r Check r Money Order r Direct deposit

Card #:______Print Cardholder Name: ______

Please mail or fax completed registration form with payment to: IIUPST 2015 Symposium

Phone : (+094) 071-9809653 Dr. Dilru Ratnaweera

FAX : (+094) 011-2804206 Dept. of Chemistry

Email : University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Do not email credit card information because security cannot be guaranteed. Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

Please fax or telephone credit card information.