Irish Postgraduate Scholarship

Available for Nepali Students and Professionals interested in the

M.Phil. in International Peace Studies, at the Irish School of Ecumenics,

Trinity College Dublin.

Application Form

Personal Details:
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………
Please return this form with the following documents:
  • curriculum vitae (CV)
  • a statement of interest
  • a copy of your degree transcript and certificate
  • two letters of academic reference

Applicant’s signature: Date:

This Scholarship Application Form, accompanied by the documents required should be forwarded directly to:

Guidelines for the Honey Bee, Nepal –Ireland

Peace Studies Scholarship

  • This scholarship is solely for the International Peace Studies.
  • Applicant should have a background in politics/peacebuilding/human rights, either from a professional or academic perspective.
  • Applicant requires a degree in a relevant discipline at 2.1 or above (GPA 3.2 or above)
  • Applicant requires evidence of English language competence – TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge Certificate at levels set by TCD
  • Applicant should demonstrate a desire to return to Nepal after completing the M.Phil. with the aim of using the qualification within their future work in the areas of peace building/post conflict reconstruction/development/human rights etc. within Nepal.

For the application processDocuments required: CV, Copy of academic transcript and degree certificate, two academic references and statement of interest.

1000 word statement of interest to include:

  • Why this specific course is suitable for you.
  • What you hope to gain from the course and from studying in Ireland
  • What you as an individual can contribute to the course in terms of participating in class.
  • What you intend to do with your qualification on return to Nepal.
  • How taking this course can contribute to development and post-conflict reconstruction in Nepal.

Please note that the figure of €31,000 Euro is the maximum amount provided by the Honey Bee Nepal Ireland Peace Studies Scholarship and will cover the following expenditures: ISE /TCD Non-EU Student ISE /TCD Non-EU Student Fee of – €14,275 plus Commencement Fee of €135, Sports Centre fee €90 and USI fee €8 = total fees of €14,508 which will be deducted in advance from the total amount of €31,000.

The balance – €16,492 - will cover:

  • Visa fee (redeemable on arrival)
  • Fee for English exam to be done in Nepal (if necessary, and redeemable on arrival)
  • Travel expenses (1 return flight)
  • Garda National Immigration Bureau Registration Fee
  • Monthly stipend for living and studying expenses

Deadline: 16thMay 2016