H05-077 – Information

September 22, 2005
TO: / Home & Community Services Regional Administrators
Area Agency on Aging Directors
HCS and AAA Training Coordinators
FROM: / Penny Black, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Purpose: / ·  To notify HCS and AAA staff of the dates for the Case Management & Program training.
·  To notify HCS and AAA training coordinators that the on-line registration site is now available to register staff for the Case Management & Program trainings.
Background: / ·  The HCS/AAA Case Management & Program training gives staff a hands-on training on assessment, program eligibility, and other topics crucial to doing their jobs.
·  The training gives a uniform, statewide presentation of ADSA’s mission, goals and policies.
·  HCS financial staff are invited to attend the first day of the training.
·  Travel expenses for participants will be paid through headquarters following the state and DSHS travel guidelines.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / The CMPT registration site has been updated for this year of CMPT training. Based on the regional or PSA training plans, each region or PSA has been assigned one slot per training, with the following exceptions:
·  Region 1 has been assigned two slots;
·  Region 3 has been assigned four slots;
·  Region 4 has been assigned two slots; and
·  PSA 4 has been assigned four slots.
In addition, each HCS region may register up to two financial staff for each training. Financial staff attend only the first day of the training.
ACTION: / ·  Training coordinators—please register your staff on-line at www.peopleware.net/2697. Based on the number of slots listed above, you may register your staff up to two weeks prior to each training, or for the entire year. Registrants should be staff that were identified on your training plans for the year. Any unclaimed slots will be released two weeks prior to each training to AAAs and HCS regions requesting additional slots.
·  To eliminate duplicate names in the database, it is important to register names in upper and lower case, e.g. Barbara Hanneman.
·  For any reasonable accommodations, please notify Barbara Hanneman one week before the training.
·  Approved registrants will receive a confirmation letter, prior to the training, with an agenda, directions to the training site, and a parking permit.
ATTACHMENT(S): / CMPT Training Dates Training coordinators

CONTACT(S): / Barbara Hanneman, Program Manager
Training, Communications and Development
TEL: 360/725-2540