27 February 2018


in relation to

Registration fees and other fees & charges for 2018-19

Title / Registration fees and other fees & charges for 2018-19
Commencement Date / Wednesday 28 February 2018
Date consultation closes / Wednesday 28 March 2018, 10.00hrs
Send responses to / David Kidney, Chief Executive
UKPHR, 18c Mclaren Building,
46, Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 7LR
Or complete online survey /


Registration fees and other fees & charges for 2018-19

This consultation

At the meeting of UKPHR's Board held on 06 February 2018 the Company's budget for the Financial Year 2018-19 was considered.

As part of the budget for the year ahead, the Board identified savings which could be made and ongoing cost pressures, including UKPHR’s plans for revalidation, a new portfolio assessment route for specialists and a review of practitioner registration.

The Board intends to increase registration fees and other fees and charges with effect from 01 July 2018 and seeks views of registrants and other stakeholders on these proposals.

The proposed schedule of registration fees and fees & charges is available below for your perusal.

This consultation will be open from Wednesday 28 February 2018 and will close at 10.00hrs on Wednesday 28 March 2018. The Board intends to consider responses to this consultation at its meeting to be held on 17 April and UKPHR's budget for 2018-19 will then be set.

This consultation will be published on UKPHR's website and will be publicised in emails and announcements to registrants and stakeholders and by Twitter to wider audiences.

Form of response

UKPHR has set up an online survey where you can respond to this consultation. You can access the survey here:

UKPHR does not solely require responses to be by means of completing the online survey. You can send a written response to UKPHR in the post or by email also.

Free text responses will be welcome.

Summary of matters under consideration by UKPHR’s Board

The issues raised by this consultation include:

1. UKPHR is a small organisation with three paid workers (a fourth is being recruited) and approximately 1,000 registrants. The Company is self-sufficient, relying entirely on income generated by its own registration and training activities.

2. UKPHR is introducing revalidation for registrants, a new portfolio assessment route for specialists and is about to receive the results of a review of practitioner registration. These are all major steps forward for UKPHR and its registrants, marking a new stage in the register's development and the assurance of ongoing competence and quality of service of the public health workforce.

3. Registration is voluntary and UKPHR looks to reduce costs before increasing fees and charges.

4. In 2017-18, budgeted income was £302,100 and budgeted expenditure was £265,200.

5. Price inflation has continued to outpace wage inflation in the past 12 months. Currently, the former is 3.1 per cent and the latter is 2.4 per cent.

6. Last year the Board increased registration fees from 1st July 2017 as follows: Specialist from £306 to £315 (2.9 per cent), Specialty Registrar from £90 to £100 (11 per cent) and Practitioner from £99 to £100 (1 per cent). These increases raised income by approximately £5,400.

7. The Board considered last year whether to increase fees and charges significantly to cover the additional cost to UKPHR of the recruitment of a fourth member of staff. Instead, the Board decided on a strategy of regular, modest, increase in fees and charges over several years.

8. UKPHR’s Board proposes to increase all fees and charges by 2 per cent.

We would be grateful for your answers to the following questions. In addition, the consultation provides the opportunity to give comments.

Who is invited to respond

Any registrant and any individual or organisation with an interest in the levels of registration fees and other fees & charges set by UKPHR is welcome to respond to this consultation. The consultation will be live on UKPHR’s website throughout.

How to respond

UKPHR has set up an online response facility (survey monkey) and you are welcome to complete the survey. You can access the survey here:

Alternatively, you are welcome to respond in your own way in writing and send your response to UKPHR by post or email. UKPHR is not prescribing a format for responding to this consultation in this way nor is it providing a form for completion and return.

The proposed schedule of registration fees and other fees & charges accompanies this consultation document showing what will be charged for registration and other services delivered by UKPHR from 1st July 2018.

When to respond

This consultation will close on Wednesday 28th March 2018 at 10.00hrs

Where to send responses

If you post your response, please address it to:

David Kidney, Chief Executive,


18c Mclaren Building, 46, Priory Queensway, BIRMINGHAM B4 7LR

If you email your response, please send it to:

Please state “Fees & charges 18-19” in your response.

Any queries?

If you have any queries about this consultation, please telephone David Kidney on

0121 296 4370 or email him at

Consultation questions

Q1. Annual practitioner registration fees will rise from £100 to £102, specialist registration fees will rise from £315 to £321 and Specialty Registrar registration fees will rise from £100 to £102.
Do you agree with the Board’s proposal?
Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
Any comment:
Q2. Charges to local practitioner registration schemes will be increased by 2 per cent. For example, Assessor Training Day charge will rise from £754 to £770.
Do you agree with the Board’s proposal?
Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
Any comment:
Q3. The Board’s priorities in managing UKPHR’s finances are (1) long-term sustainability; (2) improved registration services for registrants; (3) successful implementation of revalidation, new portfolio assessment route for specialists and completion of review of practitioner registration.
Do you agree with the Board’s priorities?
Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
Any comment:
Q4. UKPHR is committed to the introduction of the revalidation scheme approved by its Board. It will involve UKPHR in some additional cost but UKPHR believes that the revalidation scheme is essential and therefore meeting the cost is necessary. UKPHR intends to bear the cost of introducing revalidation itself.
Do you agree with the Board’s judgement?
Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
Any comment:
Q5. The Board has provided registrants with an approved logo to confirm their registration status. Are you aware of this option?
Yes, and I have already availed myself of it / Yes / No
Any comment:

Only complete Q6 & Q7 if you do not already pay by Direct Debit.

Q6. Registration fees can be paid by (1) Direct Debit; (2) bank transfer; (3) Pay pal via UKPHR’s website and (4) cheque.
Are you aware of these options?
Yes – and I already pay by Direct debit / Yes / No
Q7. Are you willing to pay in future by Direct Debit?
n/a / Yes
(Click here to download a DD mandate and post to our Birmingham office) / No

Q8. Do you have any further comment in response to UKPHR’s consultation?

Schedule of registration fees and charges

Category of registrant / Current annual fee / Proposed increase / Percentage increase / Proposed new fee
Specialist / 315 / 6 / 2% / 321
Specialty Registrar / 100 / 2 / 2% / 102
Practitioner / 100 / 2 / 2% / 102
Other fees and charges
Practitioner / Specialist / Specialty Registrar / Practitioner / Specialist / Specialty Registrar
Portfolio Assessment Fee / - / £500 / - / - / £510 / -
Restoration Administrative Fee / £40 / £75 / £40 / £42 / £80 / £42
Arrears of fees payable on Restoration / Varies depending on total arrears accumulated

UKPHR costs for Practitioner Scheme Programme 2017/18

Scheme Requirements / Unit / Compulsory / Per Trainer
Scheme Launch Event / One Day / NO / £754
Assessor Training Day One* / One Day / NO / £754
Assessor Training Day Two* / Half Day** / NO / £494
Practitioner Introduction Day / One Day / NO / £754
Verification Panel Meetings / Annual / YES / £1,508
Moderation / Annual / YES / £1,508
Support/Audit/Guidance / Annual / YES / £1,508
Verifier Training / Half Day** / NO / £494
Refresher Training / Half Day** / NO / £494

UKPHR costs for Practitioner Scheme Programme 2018/19

Scheme Requirements / Unit / Compulsory / Per Trainer
Launch Event / One Day / NO / £770
Assessor Training Day One* / One Day / NO / £770
Assessor Training Day Two (two people required to deliver) / Half Day** / NO / £500 (two required)
Practitioner Introduction Day / One Day / NO / £770
Verification Panel Meetings / Annual / YES / £1,540
Moderation / Annual / YES / £1,540
Support/Audit/Guidance / Annual / YES / £1,540
Verifier Training / Half Day** / NO / £500
Refresher Training (assessors and verifiers) / Half Day** / NO / £500

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