Registration Check-List

The Basics

Scout’s Name ______Scout’s Age _____

Scout’s School ______Scout’s Grade _____

Scout is:  Webelo Crossing Over  Boy Scout Transferring  New to Scouting

Complete the Following Forms or Items

These can all be found online under the Join tab at

Boy Scout Application

Medical Form (for scout)

Parts A&B are required to participate in any campout or day activity. Part C is only required for events over 72 hours such as summer camp, but requires a signed physical. It is recommended to do all three parts at once annually.

Adult Profile

This enables the troop to get to know who you are.

Vehicle Information

This is required by BSA if you drive any scout other than your own

Adult Application

The more involved the family is in Boy Scouting, the more rewarding experience the scout discovers. We encourage parents to become involved with the troop to whatever extent they are capable. Participation in some activities may be restricted if not registered.

Medical Form (for adult)

Youth Protection Training (taken online at

All adults who wish to be registered and participate in troop activities must have current Youth Protection Training (YPT). We want you to know the measures we take for everyone to be protected from even the impression of a problem - this helps keep our boys safe. Please retain the certificate of completion for your records and our records.


Please see the accompanying Dues and Fee Schedule to calculate how much is due at registration

Uniform and Scout Handbook (purchased at Scout Shop:

The scout will need at least one shirt, long or short pants, scout belt and scout socks. The troop neckerchief and slide is provided after the rank of Scout is achieved and is presented at a Court of Honor. Additionally, some clothing can be acquired through the Troop’s Uniform Exchange.

Turn Complete Forms to the Troop Registrar

Jennifer Webb phone: (214) 505-4067 email:

Dues and Fee Schedule

Troop 570 operates by charging annual dues to cover our national dues and insurance and for troop operating expenses such as awards, training materials and equipment repair. Activities such as monthly campouts, summer camp or high adventure treks are then paid for on a per event attended basis.

Dues are based on the Calendar year and are collected annually in November to correspond with our main fundraising event through a process called rechartering. New scouts pay a prorated amount rounded up to the nearest month for the remaining part of the year until their next rechartering. A scout coming into the unit from cub scouts in March would pay for ten months. A scout joining at the beginning of the school year in September would pay for four months.

The troop attempts to provide the scouts with fundraising opportunities to earn enough money to put our activities within reach of every scout. Each scout will have a scout account where the credit for money earned is kept. This credit can be used for any Troop activity or dues, but may not be used for any personal costs such as equipment or clothing. The current fundraising opportunities include:

  • Popcorn. This is our primary fundraiser in which scouts earn commissions for the Troop and themselves. The commission structure varies from year to year. We prefer to have every scout try to sell at least $300 in popcorn.
  • Camp Cards. This is a secondary fundraiser in the spring. 50% of all sales go directly to their Scout accounts.
  • Flag Duty. Troop 570 helps a Lake Highlands troop distribute and pick-up flags for the major holidays. Scouts earned on average $100 for their scout accounts per participation in the 2017 season. Scouts are limited to participating once per season (unless additional slots are available).

Troop 570 has a Scholarship Committee for determining financial assistance of troop members. Circle 10 Council offers Camperships for providing financial assistance to scouts who want to attend summer camp. Contact the Troop Committee Chairman for more information.

Annual Dues(calculation for joining scouts)

National: _____ months X $2.75 = ______($1 if transferring from Cub Scouts)

Troop:_____ months X $10.00 = ______

Boys Life:_____ months X $1.00 = ______(OPTIONAL, it is the national magazine for Boy Scouts)

Total Due (due at registration time)


Monthly Campouts: Usually $25 per campout unless noted in advance. Nine campouts a year. Once or twice a year special activities can raise the monthly fee, e.g. NASA lock-in and whitewater rafting were $100 each.

Summer Camp: Usually $300 for the week based on 2018 rate. Additional fees for merit badge supplies and snacks/souvenirs can add another $25-$50.

High Adventure: This varies greatly from one type to the next based on location and duration. On average the base cost is $850-$1,000 with travel ranging $300-$400. This excludes equipment cost.