Register of Commercial Activities

Register of Commercial Activities

Review of Continuing
Commercial Activities

The University of New South Wales Guidelines for Commercial Activities require that all UNSW Commercial Activities are reviewed at least once every three years. The object of this review is to:

- assess the continuing viability of the activity,

- identify any significant changes in the activity,

- ascertain appropriate risk management processes are in place,

- explore opportunities for leveraging of the activity, and

- ensure compliance with relevant law, policy and standards (section 6.5 of the UNSW Guidelines for Commercial Activities)

This review should be conducted by an individual or panel appropriate to the nature of the activity, however it is strongly recommended that the review process involve at least one person who is not directly involved in the day to day management of the activity.

Reviews of one-off activities or activities winding up should follow the Commercial Activity Winding Up Review procedures.

The managing unit must retain all records relating reviews of commercial activities. A copy of the findings and recommendations of the review must be forwarded to the approval authority for endorsement, and a copy of the endorsed findings must then be provided to the Compliance Unit.

Enquiries regarding the UNSW Guidelines for Commercial Activities, the UNSW Register of Commercial Activities or the review process should be directed to:

Compliance Unit, Legal Office

9385 2497 / 8768

Register of Commercial Activities

Commercial Activity Review

Activity Name:
Activity Registration Number:
Activity reviewed by:
Date of review:

Activity Goals and Objectives

Evaluate the extent to which the original goals and objectives of the activity have been achieved to date.
Consider: the goals outlined in the original business plan / proposal for the activity; the strengths and weaknesses of the activity.
Significant Changes to the Activity
Provide details of any significant changes to the activity since it was proposed / the last review.
Consider: Changes in the way the activity is managed (i.e. financial management, registration/enrolment processes, etc), involvement of external parties, changes to targeted consumers/audience
Risk Management
Re-evaluate risk assessment and management processes for this activity, including analysis of both previously identified and new risks.
Consider: New and/or previously unidentified risks including: financial risks; physical injury (to staff, students, members of the public); loss or damage to University equipment / facilities; breach of legislation, policy or ethical standards; misuse of public resources or corruption; legal liability; damage to the University’s reputation or the reputation of individuals.  see the Risk Assessment Template in the Operational Guide to the Guidelines for Commercial Activities for further information.
Leveraging Opportunities
Give details of opportunities for leveraging of this activity.
Consider: Other faculties/schools running similar activities – can they be combined for greater impact/ reduced cost?
Compliance with Relevant Law, Policy and Standards
Consider: Are all relevant laws, policies and standards being adhered to? (examples include – but are not limited to – Working with Children checks, internal University policy – Intellectual Property, Competitive Neutrality and Pricing, Conflict of Interest; external policies, UNSW publicity standards, ISO/ANZ standards, OH&S regulations, Ethical standards, EEO)

Continuing Viability of the Activity

Provide details of the continuing viability of the activity.
Consider: Financial, Human Resources, Consumer Demand, Relevance
Other Comments

* Please attach additional pages / documentation as necessary

Review report prepared by:
Approval Authority endorsement
I confirm that this activity should:
○ continue, in line with any changes stated above
○ not continue

Name & UNSW Position



Review documentation checklist:
 review documentation kept on file within managing unit
 copy of endorsed review findings provided to Compliance Unit

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