M.Sc. Nursing First Year

Obstetrics And Gynaecological Nursing

Year 2010-11 (MID-STREAM)


Naubad, BIDAR




1.  / Name of the Candidate & Address / SHOBA RANI S.
1st Year M.Sc.
Vasantha College of nursing, Naubad Bidar.
2.  / Name of the institution / Vasantha College of nursing, Naubad Bidar.
3.  / Course of study / M.Sc. in Nursing ( 1St Year)
Obstetrics And Gynaecological Nursing
4.  / Date of admission to the course batch 2010-2011. / 15.10.2010
2010-11 (MID STREAM)



Child birth is always challenging. It is not a small thing to bring a new soul into the world and not a small thing to suffer so that another may have life. But birth is not meant to be unbearable. We are not meant to suffer so completely that the experience leaves us felling less of a woman. Instead of more. Natural birth has always allowed for a woman to keep her power and her strength for the birth. Water birth allows much more. It allows less pain and less suffering and nurtures one’s belief in oneself. Child birth is believed to be a strenuous experience for the baby. Properly heated water is claimed by proponents to help ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid is thought to resemble the intrauterine environment. Water birth in India is emerging as a promising alternative to painful traditional delivery methods. Its relatively painless, needs minimal intervention and is an ideal medium to bring a child into the world.

“Water is soothing and relaxing.

·  When the waters rose

·  In the darkness

·  In the wake of the endless flood

·  It flowed into our memory

·  It flowed into our blood.

·  When something broke the surface

·  Just to see the starry dome

We still feel that relation, when the water takes us home”.

Water birth is a method of giving birth which involves immersion in warm water, proponents believe that this method is safe and provides many benefits for both mother and infant, including pain relief and a less traumatic birth experience for the baby. However, critics argue that the procedure introduces unnecessary risks to the infant such as infection and water inhalation.

Water birth is a leading alternative to the conventional bed delivery practiced by most US hospitals. There are many reasons why the women choose home birth by water. Many women consider conception, pregnancy and labor to be very personal and natural processes that do not need intervention from medical monitoring or analgesics, women can feel alienated at a hospital by the lack of personal attention or by other birthing mothers in their ward. Many women find it distracting to be in a new place, with bright florescent lights and a stream of unfamiliar faces. Any of these anxieties could raise the stress level in mother and in turn greatly increase the perception of pain. Birthing pools can be rented or bought for your home or used in hospitals for assisted care. They are usually heated. It is the heat of the pool that contains most of the claimed effects of relaxation and calming. These pools can either be still or jet powered like a spa.

Water birth first came to the united states through couples giving birth at home but soon was introduced into the medical environment of hospitals and free standing birth centers by midwives and obstetricians.

It is the safety of this procedure that is under speculation. Personal testimonials supporting this method are most often found on website trying to sell birthing pools and therefore should be validated. Whatever style you choose to deliver your baby, just remember the choice is yours don’t be bullied by well meaning friends and distant family. Research the situation and come to a decision that suits you and your immediate family.

Learn all about this wonderful new innovation that enables gentle, joyous, empowering. Child birth the pioneering study is dedicated to the belief that every mother has the right to have the birth experience she wants & to educate expectant parents & birth care professional about the extra ordinary value of water labour & water birth to everyone concerned read on & learn how you can give yourself your mate & your baby the wonderful gift of gentle, joyous water birth your worth it.


“How beautiful everyone interested in supporting the optimal health of mothers & babies needs to see this uplifting & transformational method of delivery”

The birth of your baby is one of the most important events of your entire life. It will have for reaching consequences that effects your most intimate family relationships for many years to come .water birth is a gift that lasts a life time it can optimize your birth & create your own personal miracle of love and empowerment safe,gentle,joyous water birth is available to you now what could be more important.

Water birth is not a new concept; women throughout history have given birth in water, with the advent of modern medicine the practice become less common.

In recent years, water birth is experiencing a revival as more women choose this method for giving birth. There are many benefits to giving birth in the water.


Greater comfort and mobility. The mother has much greater ease and freedom to more spontaneously and to change position to assist the descent of the baby.

Reduction of pressure on the abdomen. Buoyancy promotes more efficient uterine contractions and better blood circulation, resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, less pain for the mother, and more oxygen for the baby.

Helps mother to conserve her energy. Immersion reduces opposition to gravity; supports the mother’s weight so that her energy can be used to cope with the contractions.

Promotes deeper relaxation. As a woman relaxes deeply in water, her hormones kick in and she starts progressing faster and with more rhythm; labor becomes more efficient.

Water relaxes the pelvic floor muscles.

Water minimizes pain so effectively that for most women other pain control methods are no longer needed.

Water stimulates the touch and temperature nerve fibers in the skin. It blocks impulses from the pain fibers, known as the Gate Theory of Pain.

Immersion is often more effective and safer than an epidural. Some people call water birth an “aquadural”.

Facilitates a dysfunctional labor. Water can be an effective way to stimulate dilation of the cervix when the mother has difficulty progressing into the active stage of labor.

Water can reduce the need for drugs to artificially stimulate labor. Often, simply getting into the tub will result in dramatic and rapid progress to full dilation within an hour or two.

Lowering of blood pressure. When anxiety is causing high blood pressure, immersion in water often helps lower it.

Change of consciousness. Immersion helps relieve anxiety and promotes relaxation. Water helps a woman to let go and focus inward as labor strengthens.

Easier breathing. Moisture in the air makes it easier to breathe and can be helpful to women with asthma.

Facilitates the second stage of labor. Many mothers are less inhibited in the water. The warm water softens the vagina, vulva, and perineum, leading a fewer injuries to these tissues.

Many women experience rapid second stages, with the baby emerging minutes after the body starts pushing, also known as the fetus ejection reflex.

Empowerment of the mother. When a woman delivers her baby while remaining awake, aware and in control, it greatly enhances the birth experience for her and becomes a source of great personal strength and power that enriches her life forever.

Greater involvement of the father. Because the mother’s pain and stress is so greatly reduced, it is much easier for fathers to participate and take a more active role in the birthing process. Many men are reluctant to become involved in the birth experience when they know that the mother is likely to endure intense pain, trauma and suffering during labor and delivery.

Enhanced family relationships. When the mother’s pain is dramatically reduced, many fathers eagerly take a more active role in the delivery, resulting in a greater family bond. When fathers are more involved it increases the possibility of a joyous birth. Both parents and child get to share a wonderous experience that can enhance their relationships with each other for the rest of their lives.

Better parent-child interactions. A mother who has had a beautiful and empowering birth experience will have an especially positive association in her mind and emotions to that child; and a baby who has had an easy, non-traumatic, not painful, gentle birth will have an especially positive association to the parent. This exceptionally positive start to their relationship will likely enhance the parent-child interactions forever.

Water birthing is without a doubt rising in popularity to one of the most popular world wide alternatives to traditional practices. Although there are records of water births dating back to the early 19th century, there is still a surprising lack of conclusive data on the safety of the procedure. One of the main reasons for this lack of information is the inherent danger of childbirth scientists have to ask themselves, is it truly ethical to perform controlled trials of water birthing versus bed births? Nevertheless there is still informative scientific information available that supports water birthing ability to release the nerves, clam and sooth the mother, possibly shorten labor time and reduces episitomies. For many women especially first time mothers who may be a little anxious about the birth experience a hospital water birth could be the perfect solution. There are now a number of Australian hospitals that support water births. This is great news for all those mums – to be who would love a natural birth, have heard about the pain relief of water births, want to be guided by an expert midlife , but need the assurance of medical assistance incase there is a birth emergency. Keep in mind that hospital water birth is becoming more commonplace, so even if your local hospital, does not appear in the list below give them a call to see if they have recently added water birth to their services or are planning to do as in time for your baby’s birth. Water birth is a subject that can polarize opinions around many mothers in Australia; it has its heroes and critics. But having the right information will help you to make an informed decision.

The number of people inquiring about water birth has steadily grown. The only facility in the capital to undertake such births the phoenix hospital has reported nearly 45 women opting for water birth ever since it was introduced about two years ago of these 30 women have delivered babies by this method on an average, we handle two water births every month since the last two years we are the only centre in Delhi doing this procedures.

The water birth thus finally made its foray into India. This form of delivering a baby is very safe and results in less labor pain. During a water birth, a mother gives birth to her child in a pool or tub full of water, parents who are considering this option need not worry there is no chance of the baby’s death due to asphyxiation or drowning.

Violet, a baby born to a British couple in Delhi on Saturday April 28, at 6:45 am, is the first baby to be born in india through this method. Dr. Urvashi Sehgal, who facilitated the delivery, said a water birth improves the chances of a normal delivery without the use of any painkillers or drugs, which may be required in the conventional method. According to her “Water helps or provide relief from pain, and offers great benefits to the women in labor”. Take this opportunity to make the very best of yours delivery. The information available here, along with the materials. The Single best source of information on water birth that experienced both inspirational and educational done with objectivity and sensitivity. It held my attention like a magnet. A must for all parents and health professional interested in explaining optional methods of birthing.

A descriptive study was conducted on comparison of water birth & traditional delivery methods be reviewing 1,825 water birth at a single institution over a period of 9 years by compare 830 primipara deliveries in water with 424 primipara deliveries in traditional bed and 136 on the delivery stool and also evaluated the duration of labour, arterial cord blood PH and base excess in the primipara and perineal trauma, shoulder dystocia and deliveries after preceding caesarean section as well as rates of neonatal infection in all the 1,825 water birth results revealed that the duration of the first stage of labour was significantly shorter with water birth than with the other delivery positions and concluded that water births appears to be associated with a significantly shorter first stage of labour, a lower episiotomy when compared with other delivery positions. if women are selected appropriately, water birth appears to be safe for both the mother and neonate.