Regional GOFC-GOLD workshop
(Наблюдения за земным покровом и нужды научных проектов
в Северной Евразии)
June 18 - 19, 2005
St. Petersburg, Russia
Pre-symposium workshop at the 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment “GLOBAL MONITORING FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND SECURITY”
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Day 1, June 18, 2005
8:00 – poster set-up begins
9:00 – 9:30 Opening session
Welcome, NERIN overview, and workshop plans - O. Krankina (10 min)
GOFC-GOLD update and the role of regional networks – Michael Brady (10 min)
Technologies for resourse assessment and environmental forecasting in Northern Eurasia under global change conditions - Alexander Isaev (10 min)
9:30 – 10:45 Session 1. Overview of data and observational networks in NASA-funded projects – Chair Garik Gutman
1. Garik Gutman (NASA) NASA-funded GOFC projects in Northern Eurasia: an Overview (15 min)
2. Olga Krankina (Oregon State U.) Data availability and networks in the NEESPI boreal zone: land cover(15 min)
3. Ivan Csiszar (U.Maryland) Data availability and networks in the NEESPI boreal zone: fires (15 min)
4. Anatoly Gitelson (U.Nebraska) Data availability and networks in the NEESPI non-boreal zone(15 min)
5. Jiaguo Qi (Michigan State U.): Data availability and networks in the NEESPI China region (15 min)
10:45 – 12:00 Coffee break and Poster Session A. Data sets and data needs of projects funded by USA, EU, China and Japan (list of poster presentations below)
noon – 2:00 Session 2. Regional Social Science Data – Co-Chairs Bob Walker and A. Shvidenko
- Robert Walker and Dmitrii Logofet - “Social Science Data for Northern Eurasia Earth Science Research: Availability and Limitations”
- Volker Radeloff and A. Prishchepov - “Post-USSR Land Cover change in Eastern Europe – Socioeconomic Forcings, Effects on Biodiversity, and Future Scenarios”
- Vyacheslav Razuvaev, O. Bulygina, and B. Sherstyukov - “Impact of changes in the frequency of occurrence of climate extremes on socio-economic conditions of living in Northern Eurasia”
- Nancy Maynard and Boris Yurchak - “Data and Information Exchange System for the ‘Reindeer Mapper’ Project”
- Anatoly Shvidenko, Sten Nilsson, and Robert Walker - “Socio-Economic Component in Integrated Earth Science Projects in Northern Eurasia”
- Dennis Ojima - “The Global Land Project of the IGBP and the IHDP: Integrated Approaches to Research and Monitoring Needs for Sustainability”
2:00 – 3:00 Lunch
3:00 – 4:15 Session 3. Overview of data and observational networks in projects funded by EU Chair – Frederic Achard
- Martin Herold “Siberia I+II and related projects”
- Frederic Achard “Development of methods for monitoring forest resources in Eurasia by JRC”
- Heather Reese “Large Area Mapping of Forest and Mountain Vegetation in Sweden Using Inventory and Remote Sensing Data”
- Stein Rune Karlsen “Vegetation mapping of Fennoscandia and neighbouring parts of NW Russia, using MODIS and Landsat TM/ETM+ data”
- Galina Churkina “Can accurate land cover classification reduce uncertainties in European carbon budget?”
4:15 – 4:30 Coffee break
4:30 – 5:30 Session 4. Overview of data and observational networks in projects funded by Japan, China, Mongolia. Co-Chairs – Rikie Suzuki and Dennis Ojima
- Rikie Suzuki and Akihiko Kondoh. Constructing Daily 8km NDVI dataset from 1982 to 2000 over Eurasia
- Takeshi Ohta, Rikie Suzuki, Hironori Yabuki, and Tetsuo Ohata. Overview of Japanese Projects on Hydro-meteorological Field Experiment in Northern Eurasia
- Renchin Tsolmon, Z.Narangerel. Biomass and Carbon Storage of Northern Forest
5:30 – 6:00 Day-1 wrap-up:
O. Krankina. NERIN Network status and plans for network project (NELDA) (15 min)
A. Gitelson “Central Asia Metadata” (5 min)
Comments on Day 1 and updated plans for Day 2
6:00 – 6:30 – additional time to view posters; informal meetings
Day 2, June 19, 2005
9:00 – 11:00 Session 5. Overview of data and observational networks in projects funded by CIS. (A.S. Isaev – Chair);
- 1. Korovin G.N., Isaev A.S. Information support for national system of accounting for sinks and sources of carbon in forests.
- Victor I. Gorny, Sergei G. Kritsuk New strategy for the satellite observations of geographic-landscape zones shift, following the climate warming.
- Georgiadi A.G., Milyukova I.P. Data needs and availability for studying hydrological consequences of global climate warming within large river basins of Northern Eurasia.
- S. Bartalev, E. Loupian, I. Uvarov. The TerraNorte Information System: New Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics Facility for Northern Eurasia.
- U.Sultangazin and L.Spivak. Space Monitoring System of Kazakhstan
- Rudolf F. Treifeld, Alexander S. Alekseev. State of art and perspectives in remote sensing methods applications in Russian forest inventory.
- D.G. Zamolodchkov Dynamics of productivity and decomposition in forests: sources of spatial information
11:00 – 12:00 Poster session B/coffee break.
12:00 – 13:00 Panel discussion: Observational data needs and the role of NERIN in regional studies of landcover (Alexander Isaev, Jean-Paul Malingreau, Anatoly Shvidenko, Sergey Bartalev, Rikie Suzuki)
- How well observational data needs of research programs are met? What are the major gaps/challenges?
- How can NERIN organize itself to better address the needs of research programs and users in the region?
- NELDA project, Fire project; ideas for additional network projects
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Session 6. Harmonization and LCCS capacity building workshop (GOFC/GOLD-GTOS-FAO)
- Harmonized land cover mapping (Latham, 25 min – Herold, 25 min)
- The Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) and the Global Land Cover Network (GLCN)
- Tutorial on the FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS-2) as common land cover language and legend translator
- Guidance for mapping projects in land cover harmonization and legend development/translation using LCCS-2
- Land cover validation: CEOS Cal-Val validation standards and harmonized acquisition of in-situ and land cover reference data (Woodcock, 20 min)
- Lessons learned from GLC2000 and the initial steps within GLOBCOVER (Achard, 20 min)
- Towards boreal mapping standards: GOFC-GOLD strategies and North-American experiences (Brady, 15 min)
- Questions and Discussion (15 min)
16:00 – 16:30 – coffee break
16:30 – 17:30 Panel Discussion:Observational data needs and the role of NERIN in global studies of landcover (John Latham, Curtis Woodcock, Dennis Ojima, Vladimir Kattsov, Frederic Achard)
- How well observational data needs of global research programs are met in Northern Eurasia? What are the major gaps/challenges?
- How can NERIN organize itself to better address the needs of global change research?
O. Krankina -- Workshop summary and next steps for NERIN
17:30 – 18:00 planning meetings as needed
List of Posters
Poster Session A.
- Jiquan Chen, Asko Noormets, Steve McNulty, Ge Sun, Xiangming Xiao, et al. Effects of Land Use Change on the Energy and Water Balance of the Semi-Arid Region of Inner Mongolia, China
- Jiquan Chen, Steve McNulty, Xingguo Han, and Osbert Sun. US-China Carbon Consortium (USCCC) Sites in P.R. China
- Geoff M. Henebry, Kirsten M. de Beurs, Anatoly A. Gitelson. Investigating land surface phenology in Northern Eurasia using multiple data sources.
- Kyle C. McDonald, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Laura C. Bowling, Nina Speranskaya, Kirill V. Tsytsenko, et al. Diagnosis and Prognosis of Effects of Changes in Lake and Wetland Extent on the Regional Carbon Balance of Northern Eurasia
- Dirk Pflugmacher, Olga N. Krankina, Warren B. Cohen Testing MODIS capability to map peatlands
- A. I. Shiklomanov, Lammers R. B., Rawlins M. A. Change in hydrometeorology of different land cover zones of Northern Eurasia
- M.A. Rawlins, C. J. Vöröosmarty, K.C. McDonald, Steve Frolking, R. B. Lammers, M. Fahnestock, J. S. Kimball. The Application of Scatterometer Data to Infer Freeze-Thaw and Hydrological Dynamics over the Continental Domain
- Gregory Leptoukh. NASA Earth Sciences Data Support System and Services for the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative
- R. T. Pinker and H. Wang. Challenges of Accurate Representation of Radiative Forcing in Northern Eurasia
- Xiangming Xiao and Changsheng Li. Quantifying carbon fluxes of boreal forests in Northern Eurasia: Development of multi-scale and multi-sensor image databases
- Curtis E. Woodcock, Alessandro Baccini, et. al. Quantifying the Effects of Land Use Change on Terrestrial Carbon Budgets in the Black Sea Region
- Dennis S. Ojima, Togtohyn Chuluun, Sayat Temirbekov, Natalie Mahowald, Jeff Hicke. Considerations of socio-economic and global change effects on Euarsian Steppes Ecosystems
- A.Shvidenko, S.Nilsson, G.Fischer, I.McCallum. Information background for Northern Eurasia Earth System Studies: IIASA’s approach
- Guoqing Sun. Comparative Studies on Carbon Dynamics in Disturbed Forest Ecosystems: Eastern Russia and Northeastern China
- B.S.Yurchak, N.G.Maynard. "Time-Series SAR Observations of Chukotka Sub-Arctic Lakes and Forest-Tundra Fire Scars"
- Eugene Lopatin. “Long-Term Forest Growth Trends in Komi Republic (Northwestern Russia): Combination of Dendrochronological Data and Remote Sensing Analysis”
- Urmas Peterson. “Rates and Patterns of Forest Cover Change since mid-1980s in the Eastern Baltic Region, Evaluated with Multitemporal Landsat Imagery”
- S. Maksyutov, A. Peregon, D. Rukhovich, N. Gorina, E. Kozin. Soil and vegetation GIS data for West Siberia.
Poster Session B
- E.P Gordov, I.G. Okladnikov and A.G. Titov. Observational and model data for assessment of Siberian climate changes.
- T.A.Sazonova, S.V.Kolosova. Response of Conifers To Industrial Pollution In Northwest Russia.
- V. Povkh, L. Shljakhova, G. Garbuzov, E.Vorobeychik. Database of the Observational Remotely Sensed and in situ Data for Rostov-on-Don Region
- E.A. Loupian, S.A. Bartalev, V.A. Egorov, D.V. Erchov and G.N. Korovin Northern Eurasia’s fire and burned area monitoring system.
- V.S. Solovyev, V.I. Kozlov. Satellite observations of the forest fire and cloud cover in North-East Asia.
- Bobkova K.S., Galenko E.P, Tuzhilkina V.V. Role of Phytocenoses Forest of Northern Part Of European Russia In Annual Carbon .
- Komarov A.S., Chertov O.G., Mikhailov, A.V., Nadporozhskaya M.A.,.Bykhovets S.S, Zubkova E.V. EFIMOD - a model of carbon and nitrogen turnover in forest ecosystems at local and regional scales uniting population and balance approaches.
- Speranskaya N.A., K.V.Tsytsenko. The dynamics of elements of a spreading (underlying) surface and evaporation in the territory of the European Russia for last 50 years.
- Surin, T. Popova, M.Shubina,V.Antipov Revealing of geobotanical anomalies in Birch Forests Using Landsat-7 Data for natural resources prospecting and environment protection: an example Kola Peninsula.
- Zemnitsky P.V., Markov M.V. Change of Average Stocks of Carbon in Basic (Forest) Stands of Boreal Woods in the European Part of Russia Per 1988-1998
- Vygodskaya N.N, Varlagin A.V., Kurbatova Ju. А Current trends in changes of growing season dates and length in the Russian southern European taiga from satellite and in-situ observations..
- Yakushev V., Badenko V., Kurtener D., Lomakin V., Poluektov R., Slinchuk S., Surin V., Tarakanov A. Validation of the remove sensing data on the test site of Agrophysical Research Institute ”Menkovo” for introducing precision agriculture technologies..
- Mykola S. Zalogin. Informational support of Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) in Ukraine.
- Vladimir Elsakov. Estimation of carbon exchange in vegetation cover of Vorkuta tundra with combine of remote sensing analysis.