Call for Partnership
Regional Economic Justice Organizations
About Diakonia
Diakonia is an international developmentorganization with Christian values that workstogether with partner organizations forsustainable change for the most vulnerablepeople in the world. We cover thirty countries in four continents, with the head office in Sweden. In Africa we work through a regional office in Nairobi and through local offices inMali, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia, DRC, Somalia, Zimbabweand Kenya.
The Africa Economic Justice program is implemented by the Diakonia Regional Office in Nairobi. The current program supports 10 regional and influential partners working with Economic Justice throughout the continent. We especially support organizations that push for fairer financial flows in and out of Africa; including trade, reduced capital flight, climate finance and aid flows. More information on the current partners is found in the attached leaflet.
The call for Partnership
Diakonia help partners to achieve results throughlong-term partnerships, providingcore-support and capacity building. We continuously strive to be a good donor and a good partner, to add value in addition to the financial contribution. More information on Diakonia’s approach to partnership can be found at You may also contact our current partners to hear about their experience of working with Diakonia.
Through this call we want to develop new long-term partnerships in the Africa Economic Justice program. There are three basic requirements.Firstly your organization has a regional outreach, working beyond the national level. Secondly your organization focuses on Economic Justice issues.And thirdly you achieve changes through a combination of advocacy, research, and mobilization.
The finer details
The applicationswill be handled continuously during 2013 and 2014.To apply early is an advantage.In total 2-3 new partners will be added into the program during 2014 and 2015. In addition, we also hope to develop non-financial partnerships.
To apply,answer the below questions, and send this document to Caroline Kogi at . We will do a quick screening to make sure that your organization fulfil the basic requirements, and evaluate how well itcomplements the current partners in the program. There may be brief complementary questions during this phase.
We willthen initiate an in-depth dialogue. This will allow us to understand if Diakonia can add value to your organization, and for you to assess if we are the right donor for you. This phase also allows us to go through more in-depth selection criteria’sincluding if you share Diakonia’s values, are focused on results beyond the activity level andpossess the skill to carry out the work. Diakonia also emphasizes accountability aspects as outlined in our Accountability Framework will especially consider your specificregional niche/roleto promote Economic Justice in Africa. Please note that Diakonia does not look for perfect organizations, but organizations with a willingness to develop.
The application
To apply, please answer the following questions. You do not need to send any supporting documents at this stage.
1. Name of organization, webpage, and contact details;
2. Geographical area of work, and the location of your office/offices;
3. The current donors, type of support and your yearly turnover (optional question);
4. The Organizations Visions and Mission;
5. What is the specific niche/role of your organization working with Economic Justice on regional/international level?Be as specific as possible in your description, and use maximum 400 words.
6. If Diakonia would provide you with 60000 USD yearly from 2014-2016, how would you spend those funds, and what would be the possible result (outcome, impact)?You could either pick any part of your strategic plan, or imagine a separate project. Be as specific as possible in your description, and use maximum 400 words.
7. What is your current experience onachieving the resultsas suggested in question 6? Be as specific as possible in your description, and use maximum 400 words.
Contact us
The Africa Economic Justice Program is handled by the Program Manager Andreas Ulfsax and the Program Officer Caroline Kogi. If you have any questions about this call, please contact us on;
Diakonia Regional Office, Nairobi
+254(0)20 6180211/+ 254(0)206180200