APENDICE 1 b – Organos Regionales e Internacionales – (Información en inglés)
Type/level / Name / Web address / Objectives/Key words / RegionCultural Information System for Latin America and the Caribbean / / Exchange of cultural information. Includes: Directories of cultural entities in the region, creators, events. / Latin America and the Caribbean.
Observatory / *Observatorio del Caribe Colombiano / / Includes a network of researchers.
Think tank, analysis. Social and economic development of Costa Rica and the Caribbean.
Strategic studies for regional development, information exchange and research.
Proyecto Museo del Caribe - / Colombia and the Caribbean
Inter-Government / Convenio Andrés Bello
El Instituto Andino de Artes Populares (IADAP) /
/ Offers support and meeting opportunities for the research and study of cultural manifestations, develop creative proposals, manage sustainable cultural policies and actions.
Centro Cultural
Red CEI / Latin America
Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM) / / Regional Cultural Committee / Caribbean
*Communidad Andina / / Sub-regional organization. Trade, sustainable development, statistics, social agenda. Made up of the Andean Court of Justice, Council of Foreign Ministers, Development Corporation, Commission of the Community, Latin American Reserve Fund, Labor Advisory Council. / Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Sistema Económico Latinoamericano (SELA) /
Association of Caribbean States (ACS) / / The Association of Caribbean States is an organization for consultation, cooperation and concerted action. Trade, Transport, Sustainable Tourism and Natural Disasters. / Caribbean
Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración / / Inter-governmental. Promotes regional integration. Economic and social development, common market. / Latin America
Central American Integration System (SICA) / / Central America
Sistema de Información para Comunidades y Municipios (SISCOM) / / Coordinated by the ‘Centro de Recursos para el Desarrollo Sostenible en los Asentamientos Humanos de Centroamérica’ (CERCA)
Has a project for Gestión Participativa y del Desarrollo Local en Centroamérica. Resource center. / Central America
/ / Cultural information exchange within the MERCOSUR, has a “Rede Cultural MERCOSUL” / South America, BrazilRegional Economic and Social Research Coordinator (CRIES)
/ / Network of research centres, organizations, associations of professionals and foundations that promote economic and social research in the greater Caribbean. / CaribbeanSistema de la Integración Centroamericana
(SICA) / / Coordinación Educativa y Cultural Centroamericana (CECC) -
(Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá) / Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Belize.
Summits of the Americas / / National reports, publications, calendar of events.
Sustainable development, cultural diversity, indigenous peoples, infrastructure, civil society. / Americas
UN Economic Commission for LAC(ECLAC / CEPAL) / / Databases, indicators, conferences, research, publications / Latin America and the Caribbean
Caribbean Tourism Organisation / / The Caribbean Tourism Organisation is an international development agency and the official body for promoting and developing tourism throughout the Caribbean. / Caribbean
University/ Research / Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - FLACSO
(also CLACSO) / / International, regional. Promote social sciences in Latin-America and the Caribbean.
- FLASCO, Chile / Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, República Dominicana y Surinam.
Simón Bolívar Andean University / / Research, teaching, post-university training and the provision of services, as well as to promoting a spirit of cooperation and coordination among the Sub-region's universities. Its main campus is located in Bolivia. / Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela.
Guyana and Caribbean Political and Cultural Center for Popular Education / / Aforum for conversation, information exchange. Caribbean society.
It includes policy papers such as : “Cultural Identities and Related Economic Pursuits” and includes articles on Caribbean culture. / Caribbean
Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS) / / Dedicated to research, policy analysis and education with a focus on issues that impact the Caribbean and Caribbean Diaspora. Purpose: provide a forum for scholars, private sector, NGO community in addressing development issues. / Caribbean
Sociedad Lationamericana de Estudios sobre America Latina y el Caribe (SOLAR) / / Network of research and study centers mainly in humanities, political science, and regional studies. / Latin America and the Caribbean
LAPSU / / Academic and social programs for the Americas.
LASPAU is a non-profit organization affiliated with Harvard University that designs, develops, and implements academic and professional exchange programs on behalf of individuals and institutions in the United States, Canada, Latin America and Caribbean. / The Americas
Non-Governmental / Latin America Information Agency (ALAI) / / Co-organizers of the NGO Forum of the Americas. Special section on cultural issues. Respect of human rights, gender equality and people's participation in development and policy making in Latin America. / Latin America
Organizacion Universitaria Interamericana / (Canadian based) / Inter-America
Consejo Latinoamericano de Cultura (CLC) / Latin America
Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development (CNIRD) / / Research and analysis, capacity building, information and communication, business initiative.
Development. / Caribbean
Assembly of the Caribbean People /
/ Web community for social movements in Latin America and the Caribbean. Civil society. Information and links on the World Social Forum, women’s rights, indigenous rights. Includes Resolutions and Declarations of various meetings. / Latin America and the Caribbean
Professional / Museums Association of the Caribbean (MAC) / / Provide a forum, information exchange, research, training. Museums, museum professionals, historic societies, tourist boards. / Caribbean
ILAM - Instituto Latinoamericano de Museología
/ / Information exchange, research, training. Museums, museum professionals. / Latin AmericaCentro Regionalpara el Fortalecimiento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe
/ / Inter-governmental. Supports governments in the definition and implementation of polices, programmes and projects. Promoting literacy, books, reading, author rights. / Latin America and the CaribbeanInstituto Interamericano de Derechos de Autor
/ Intellectual property rights of artists / Inter-AmericaAsociación de Agregados Culturales Iberoamericanos
/ Network of Cultural Attaches, sponsors programmes, conferences, activities. / Ibero-AmericaLATINAUTOR
/ / Latin American authors' rights organisation, is a regional co-operation project between Latin American musical and dramatic collecting societies, which encompasses most of those in Latin America as well as those of Spain and Portugal. / Latin AmericaNetworks / *La Red de Promotores Culturales de América Latina y El Caribe / / Generate a space for joint work between producers, break isolation. Professionals of contemporary performing arts.
Forum Cultural Mundial
Platform for collective action, promote discussion and reflection. Culture, public policies, economic development.
El Mercado Cultural Latinoamericano
Give visibility, promote, disseminate, create networks offer opportunities for professional development and becoming active in the art market. Latin American artists and culture. / Latin America and the Caribbean
CARIBNET - Rede de Presentadores de Arte del Caribe / / With a base in Cuba, network of art presenters. / Caribbean
Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo / / Red de Postgrados en Administración y Políticas Públicas, REDAPP / Latin America
Caribbean Forum of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States (Cariforum) / / Projects include:
Cariforum Cultural Centres
Cultural information System for the Caribbean
cariculture.net / Caribbean States that are Lome signatories, Caribbean and Pacific States, European Union.
IBERFORMAT / / Network of centers, institutions and educators. Cultural management and administration in Ibero-America. / Ibero-America
Red Lationamericana y del Caribe de las Ciudades por la Paz / / Network of creators, users, promoters, researchers. Established by UNESCO’s Cities for Peace Prize. Includes a directory of cities and their projects. / Latin America and the Caribbean
Asociacion Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Communicacion / / Network of researchers from Latin-America dedicated to advancing communications in the region and the academics study of this field.
Foment and articulate the dissemination of research in communications. Includes a database and directory, a journal, publications and events. / Latin America
Internet / *Escena Cultural - Portal de Cultura Iberoamericana / / The objective is to inform and connect the various spaces, professionals, institutions, etc amongst our users. The portal should foment the exchange of experiences between arts, culture and patrimony administrators and creators throughout Ibero-America. / Ibero-America
Funredes / / Promote and facilitate the use of Newer Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) in developing countries, and especially in Latin America and the Caribbean / Latin America and the Caribbean
Bazar Americano / / On-line culture magazine with editorials, opinion pieces on culture and current events, analyses, publishes. Arts, popular culture, contemporary ideologies. / Americas
Portal : La Comunidad Cultural virtual de Iberoamérica y el Caribe / / Initiative of the Red de Promotores Culturales de América Latina y El Caribe (see above – Networks) / Ibero-America and the Caribbean
Other / Parlamento Latinoamericano / / Latin-American Parliament.
Project: "La Factibilidad Cultural en la Planificación del Desarrollo" / Latin America
*Caribbean Contemporary Arts / / Initiates exchanges and programmes that aim to build an autonomous regional developmental organization which actively attempts to bridge the many islands states and the Latin American rim, using culture as a development tool. / Caribbean Region
Consejo Andino de Gerencia Sostenible / / Sustainable management. / Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela.
The Caribbean Fund for Arts and Culture / / Promotion of arts and culture. / Caribbean
Asociación para la Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural de las Américas / / Research, information exchange. Conservation and preservation of cultural heritage. / Americas
INCORPORE Cuerpo, Arte, Cultura y Desarrollo en Centroamérica / / (See Costa Rica) / Central America
Arts Pages / / International news and statistics related to culture and economics. / Cultural industries
Infraestructura de Integracion Regional para America del SUR(IIRSA) /
/ Stimulate interaction and dialogue for the modernization and development of the regional infrastructure. / South America
El corredor de las ideas / / Reflection and information exchange. Integration and development of the region from Valparaíso to Porto Alegre, democracy, identity and human rights, culture.
Some of the Regional Bodies included are not directly working on cultural policies but on related issues that could provide useful information, especially in terms of development, infrastructure, and public policy.
Type/level / Name / Web address / Objectives / Key wordsGovernment / UNESCO / / See division for Cultural Policies and Diversity, LAC offices, World Heritage Center, Information Sector’s Observatory
UN – Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights – Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. / / Cultural rights
Organization of the Wider Caribbean on Monuments and Sites (CARIMOS) / / Encourage preservation. Cultural heritage of the Caribbean region. Inventory Project underway. / Cultural heritage, patrimony
Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) / / Inter-governmental cooperation. Develops projects, publishes information, studies.
Education, science, technology, culture, integral development, democracy.
Publishes on internet an Ibero-American Guide of Public Cultural Administration.
Red México - Caribe: Cuba, República Dominicana, México y Puerto Rico
Red Centroamericana: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá
Red Andina: Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela
Red MERCOSUR: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay / Culture – policies, infrastructure, legal; Education; Science
OCDE / / South America Programmes, South America – Brazil Programme / Development
Inter-American Development Bank -Cultural center / / Discussion forum and showcase. Intellectual and artistic manifestations of Latin America and the Caribbean. / Development
Municipal / Organization of World Heritage Cities / / Preservation, data collection, information exchange. Cultural heritage. / Cultural Heritage
Research / Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Americas Program
Culture Section of Globalization101.org /
/ Research, think tank, conferences, publications. / Culture and globalization.
Non-Governmental / Cultural Survival / / Cultural rights, cultural identity, indigenous culture.
Movimiento Internacional Para Una Nueva Museología (MINOM)* / / “Offer cultural alternatives to the development of creative potential.” / Museum professionals, culture professionals, civil society, democratization of culture.
La Sociedad Digital / / Research. Information society, its political, economic, social, cultural and educational effects. Ibero-American internet portal on the information society. / Information technology.
Networks / Red de Cátedras UNESCO sobre Gestión Cultural y Administración de Institutos Culturales / / Network created by UNESCO. Support countries in their capacity building, research and training. / Regional networks on: culture and development, peace, cultural management, and cultural policies.
Red Internacional de Políticas Culturales / / Network, information exchange, cooperation. / Cultural Policies.
International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) / / Global network of national arts funding bodies. International resource and meeting ground for all those whose public responsibility it is to support excellence and diversity in artistic endeavour. / Arts funding, cultural policies.
Red Iberoamericana del Patrimonio Cultural (REDIPAC) / / Created by the Asociación Española de Gestores del Patrimonio Cultural (AEGPC). Develop activities and promote projects, finance. The network is a system of collaboration between countries to foment research, exchange information and experiences, facilitate specialized training. / Cultural heritage of Latin-America, cultural tourism.
Internacional Network for Cultural Diversity / / Network of artists and cultural groups dedicated to countering the homogenizing effects of globalization on culture. / Cultural diversity, cultural rights.
Sitio internacional sobre la revitalización de centros históricos de ciudades de América Latina y del Caribe / / Network, database, seminars, training workshops.
(SIRCHAL) / Historic city centers, patrimony, architecture
Red Programa
URB-AL / / Network of experts. Exchange of information and experiences between European and Latin-American cities. / Urban, municipal policies
Professional / International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) / / The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, CISAC, works towards increased recognition and protection of creator's rights. / Intellectual property rights of creators
ICOMOS / / ICOMOS-MERCOSUR. The World Heritage Information Network (WHIN) / Cultural heritage
ICOM / / Regional and topic-based committees. / Museums, heritage
International Council on Archives (ICA) / / Dedicated to the advancement of archives world-wide.
Regional offices:
Asociación latinoamericana de archivos - [ALA]; Caribbean Regional Branch - [CARBICA] / Archives
International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions (IFLA) / / Dedicated to the advancement of libraries and like institutions world-wide. / Libraries
International Union of Architects / / Architecture
Other / Capital Americana de la Cultura / / Inter-American integration, mutual knowledge, respect for diversity, common cultural heritage. / Cultural heritage, diversity, dialogue
Fundación Iberoamericana Para La Educación, La Ciencia Y La Cultura / / Spanish, nonprofit created with the support of OEI.
August 11 2003 Appendix 1b – Regional and International Bodies