Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs: FY 2007
Early Childhood Special Education Allocation
Fund Code: 262
Purpose: / The purpose of these supplemental federal funds (Section 619, Part B of IDEA) is to provide school systems with funding to support 3, 4 and 5 year-old children with disabilities in high-quality programs across settings following the federal and state requirements for inclusive settings.The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) collaborates with the Department of Education’s Special Education Policy and Planning (SEPP) unit on the indicators in the Massachusetts State Performance Plan ( and will report on the three indicators related to early childhood: inclusion and LRE (indicator #6), child outcomes (indicator #7) and transition from Early Intervention (indicator #12). Districts’ responses to the questions in Part III and Part IV of this grant will be a main source of data to respond to the State Performance Plan for early childhood. Grantees’ participation is critical to measuring federal, state and local progress.
Goals and Priorities: / Priorities are to:
· Provide programs that meet children’s developmental needs in high-quality, inclusive settings and that facilitate integrated therapies;
· Support the smooth transition of children from Early Intervention and among programs into preschool and from preschool into kindergarten;
· Enhance collaboration among community programs and services that serve young children and their families;
· Identify and address the needs of families and to include them as partners in the education of their children; and
· Ensure that preschool children experiencing homelessness are included in Child Find and outreach to identify special education needs. Provision of needed services should be expedited.
Eligibility: / Funds are awarded according to the required funding formula that is based on the number of three-, four- and five-year olds with disabilities, three to five- year olds living in poverty, and the enrollment of three to five- year olds in the community.
Funding: / The FY07 federal award is $9,889,606, with 76% or $7,516,100, awarded in grants to school districts and charter schools. Allocations range from $506 to $500,000. The amount for which each school district is eligible will be sent in a separate mailing.
Fund Use: / The Early Childhood Special Education Allocation Grant allows school systems to provide programs for three-, four-, and five-year olds and/or to contract with other public and private providers, such as Head Start, private preschools, and/or licensed child care providers to support inclusive environments for young children with disabilities. The cost for contracted services must be within the range of the provider’s rate schedule for similar services to other children and their families. Specialists/therapists and aides may be funded only if they are providing services in an inclusive setting. All expenditures should relate to the inclusive program.
Funds may be used to:
· expedite services for children with disabilities experiencing homelessness;
· support transition activities from EI into preschool, from preschool into kindergarten and from kindergarten into Grade 1;
· add additional staff to work in the classroom to assist with inclusion activities or consult with the teacher on inclusion issues. This may include but is not limited to a behavioral specialist, aide, therapist, etc. The designated staff must work in a large or small group setting within the inclusive classroom and may not to be used to provide one-on-one or pull-out activities.
· provide training on inclusive practices for parents, teachers, community providers, therapists and other staff members working with young children with disabilities.
These funds may not be used for:
· screening and evaluation materials or activities related to eligibility;
· IEP services provided in a pull-out or one-on-one settings; or
· purchasing adaptive equipment for individual children as designated in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Project Duration: / 9/1/2006 to 8/31/2007
Contact: / Donna Marie Bolden, Early Education and Care
Phone Number: / 781-338-6367
Date Due: / A “rolling submission period” has been established for FY2007 Entitlement/Allocation proposals.
In order to be reasonably assured that funds will be available by the beginning of the school year, proposals should be submitted by MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2006.
Required Forms: / Part I - Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants
Part II – Budget Detail Pages and Budget Narrative Form
Part III – Required Program Information
Part IV – Required Statistical Information
Part V – Attachment A: Assessment Practices in Preschool
Attachment B: Definitions for SIMS Data Collection
Additional Information: / 1. Applications (submitted or approved after September 1, 2006) may legally claim expenses to the grant only from the date of final Department approval. Therefore, it is important for districts to submit well in advance of the start of school so that staff that can be reached in July and August in order to respond to questions, as needed.
2. In relation to data reporting in Part IV, the applicant should consult with their district’s SIMS data collection staff person in order to report consistent Year End data.
Applicants must mail :
1. Standard Contract Form / Application for Program Grants with original signatures (one signed copy)
Nermina Peric
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care350 Main Street – 4th Floor
Malden, MA 02148
Applicants must e-mail:One complete copy of this application to the following email address: .
Please include “262 RFR” and the name of your Lead Agency in the subject line of the email message.
As stated above, the Standard Contract Form /Application for Program Grants must be mailed in with original signatures and will not be accepted electronically.
Massachusetts Department of Education FY2006
PART I – GENERAL DESCRIPTOR INFORMATIONThis form is part of the Standard Grant Application. Please complete as required. If this grant is submitted electronically, the Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants page must be submitted in hard copy with an original signature.
These forms are part of the Standard Grant Application. Please complete both pages and budget narrative as required.
This part contains two sections.
1. Program Accomplishments – FY2006
2. Program Goals and Activities – FY2007
This part contains four sections.
1. Early Intervention
2. Preschool
3. Kindergarten
4. Eligibility in Early Childhood
This section contains one attachment related to on-going assessment practices in public school preschool classrooms. It is required that applicants complete this attachment and submit it with the grant application.
1. Attachment A: Assessment Practices in Preschool
2. Attachment B: Definitions for SIMS data collection
Name of Grant Program: Early Childhood Special Education Allocation Fund Code: 262PART III - REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATION
Describe the accomplishments the district made in FY2006 in meeting the federal and state requirements using the chart below. Attach additional pages if necessary.
A. Services/Inclusion1. Describe how the district provided specialized instruction and related services within inclusive settings, including community programs. What type of community programs and how many?
B. Transition
1. Describe activities and transition practices that occurred with Early Intervention and between preschool and
Kindergarten as well as kindergarten and first grade.
C. Pre-K Curriculum Alignment with Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
1. What professional development did the district offer regarding: a) curriculum development;
b) curriculum modifications; c) accommodations; d) alignment with the curriculum frameworks; e) NAEYC accreditation; and f) other:______?
2. What training did the district offer on the Department’s Early Childhood Program Standards and Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences?
3. How did the district involve other early education and care programs in the community in the above mentioned training and professional development opportunities?
D. Parent Involvement Facilitated by LEA
1. How did the district ensure that parent involvement activities were inclusive of and relevant for parents of preschool children with and without disabilities?
E. Involvement of Community Providers
1. Describe how the district included private early education and care providers in the special education process in referral, evaluation, eligibility determination and Team meetings.
2. If children with disabilities attended community-based programs as part of or in addition to their IEP, how did the district communicate to those providers regarding service delivery, transitions, supports, etc.?
F. Outreach to Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness
1. How did the district, in coordination with its Homeless Education liaison, conduct outreach to families experiencing homelessness in regards to its Child Find activities?Name of Grant Program: Early Childhood Special Education Allocation Fund Code: 262
Describe FY 2007 the goals and activities for meeting the federal and state requirements. The Department requests responses regarding preschool and kindergarten programs, regardless of whether the district expends 262 funds in both the preschool and kindergarten programs. If the applicant does not offer a preschool program, please write N/A in the Preschool Program Column for all questions.
Topic and Questions / Preschool Program / Kindergarten ProgramA. Services/Inclusion
1. Describe how the district plans to provide specialized instruction and therapies within inclusive settings, including in community programs if applicable.
B. Transition
1. Describe the district’s process and timelines for ensuring that children with summer birthdays will have eligibility determined and IEPs implemented by their third birthday.
2. In what ways will the district participate with Early Intervention in transition planning for individual children, including the 90-day transition meeting convened by E.I.?
3. a. Describe planned activities and transition practices with Early Intervention, Early Head Start and childcare for children transitioning into preschool.
b. Describe planned activities and transition practices with Head Start, child care and public preschools for children transitioning into kindergarten.
C. Curriculum Alignment with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
1. Describe the district’s progress in aligning the program’s curriculum to the MA Curriculum Frameworks. Discuss in your response the following:
· Access to the general curriculum
· Differentiated instruction
· Universal design
2. Describe the district’s plan for professional development related to the three topics mentioned above in C.1.
3. How will the district involve other early education and care programs in the community in the above mentioned training and professional development opportunities?
4. How will the district implement the Early Childhood Program Standards and Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences? Discuss how those efforts will link with the kindergarten curriculum.
5. What plans does the district have for linking kindergarten curriculum efforts with those of 1st grade?
6. Discuss the district’s process for reporting on children’s progress in the general curriculum. What assessment tools will be used?
Note: See Appendix A for additional data requirements related to this topic.
Topic and Questions (continued…) / Preschool Program / Kindergarten Program
D. Parent Involvement
1. How will the district ensure that parent involvement activities are inclusive of and relevant for parents of young children with and without disabilities?
2. Describe how parents will be given opportunities for leadership/decision making roles?
3. Describe how parents will be involved in the evaluation of the district’s special education services?
4. How will the district facilitate parent involvement in the policy development for the overall special education program?
E. Involvement of Community Providers
1. Describe how the district will inform the community of special education activities including Child Find activities, screening, referral, evaluation, eligibility determinations and the Team process.
2. Describe how the district will involve community-based providers in child-specific referrals, evaluations and team meetings as well as on-going communication.
In instances where providers are unable to attend meetings, what will be the district’s plan to keep them informed about special education?
Topic and Questions (continued…) / Preschool Program / Kindergarten Program
3. If children with disabilities attend community-based programs as part of or in addition to their IEP, how will the district communicate to those providers regarding service delivery, transitions, supports, etc.?
4. How will the district provide related services for children enrolled in community-based programs?
F. Outreach to Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness
1. How will the district, in coordination with its Homeless Education liaison, conduct outreach to families experiencing homelessness in regards to its Child Find activities?
Name of Grant Program: Early Childhood Special Education Allocation Fund Code: 262
Applicant:(school district or agency)
To meet state and federal requirements as outlined in the State Performance Plan (SPP) (, please provide the following information based on the Year End child count for FY2006. All data requested in the following four sections should be based on programmatic information for the 2005-2006 school year.
Sections A and B collect data to report on SPP Indicators # 12 (Transitions from Early Intervention) and #6 (Inclusion Practices in Preschool). Indicator #12 is a compliance indicator and it is the goal of the state to reach 100% compliance in school year 2006-2007.
Section B (Inclusion Practices in Preschool) will provide the state with consistent data for Indicator #6 on Least Restrictive Environments in Preschool.
All data collected for the purposes of the SPP will be reported in aggregate as well as by district in order to determine progress as outlined in the performance plan.
A. Transitions from Early Intervention1. Number of children referred from Early Intervention (EI) during FY 2006. / ______
2. Of the number provided in question 1, indicate the number of children found:
a. ineligible for special education services
b. eligible for special education services / ______
3. Of the number provided in question 2a, indicate the number of children who were determined ineligible on or before their third birthday. / ______
4. Of the number provided in question 2b, indicate the number of children who had an IEP developed and implemented: