Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Reporting Requirements:
PERF & TRF has recently merged into one agency now called INPRS (Indiana Public Retirement System). Beginning with the first payroll in April 2012, all pension contributions must be paid every pay. With this new requirement, you will be required to submit data to INPRS that reflects the contributions via a file upload.
In order to provide this information to the State in the new format, some additional control fields have been added to the pension control screens.
Pension Code 2 Control Screen M ---- Y = Tax Exempt. ----
Amount/% a Fed State FICA Med Cnty Balnc
Employee Share Paid by Employer: .0300 Y Y Y Y Y 45100
Employer Non-Fed/State Share: .0800 _ Y Y Y Y Y 45100
Employer Fed/State Share: .0800 _
Employee Share Paid by Employee: ______
Addtl Max Paid by Employee: .1000
(Shares < 1.00 = %) Addt'l @ Hr: _____
Fnd F Prog Acctn Objct Loct B
Withholding Exp. Acct. Data: 810_____ 9261______
Withholding Rev. Acct. Data: 810_____ 9261______
Are employees required to participate in Pension: Y (Y=Yes, Blank=No)
For Flat Pens. Amt, indicate Accounts to Charge : A (A=All, 1=1st)
Will Gross have Employee Pension Pd by Employer : N(Y=Yes, N=No)
Should this Pension be calculated on Over-Time : Y (Y=Yes, N=No)
Should this Pension be calculated on Adjustments: Y (Y=Yes, N=No)
Should this Pension be calculated on Section 125: Y (Y=Yes, A=All,1=1)
Should this Pension be calculated on Annuities: Y (Y=Yes, N=No)Cd: _ _
Fund Ded. ------Pension Descriptors ------
Sort Sort Vendor Sub Unit Long Description Short Desc Abbrv Fund
ENTER=Update,F6=Delete,F7=Employer Share Accts,F24=Help,F16=Exit______
These fields MUST be filled in prior to your first INPRS upload for wages and contributions.
Revised 02/10/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Reporting Considerations:
Audit Trailing:
Make sure that the audit trailing of changes to employee pension codes is
set on. This is done in F24-17. The Pension Code field is field number 04.
Be sure it hasan 'X' indicating to audit trail the field. Also, make sure
there is an 'O' for 'ON' at the top of the screen. This is necessary so the
system knows when anemployee enrolls in pension. This auditing will be
used for those times when youforgot to enroll an employee in pension or
enrolled them in the wrong pension codethen corrected it at a later time.
Their pension effective date should reflect theactual effective date and
the system will use the auditing date (actual date of thecorrection) for
inclusion in the date range being reported.
Full Time to Part Time:
It's important to make sure that you record when an employee goes from a
full timeposition to a part time position. This indicates going from a
covered to a non-covered position. The part time date is used to include
this change as a life eventCNC based upon the date range being reported.
End Date:
When an employee's pension coverage has ended, you must record the end date
on theirPersonnel screen. This date is located to the right of the 'Eff
Date' field on thepension line. This date gets recorded in the ERM
Maintenance file for INPRS.
Elected Date: (Counties Only)
It is important to record the effective date of an elected official's
position. Youmust record the elected date on their Personnel screen. This
date is located to theright of the 'Term Reason' field. This date gets
recorded in the ERM enrollmentfile and the ERM maintenance file.
Earnings History Pay Adjustments:
When an employee was paid from the wrong account, it gets recorded in
history whenyou do a transfer. It will be very important to use a transfer
date (Pay Date fieldat the top of the transfer screen) that reflects a date
for inclusion in the ERMMaintenance file. By indicating a different date
than the original check/directdeposit, a separate earnings record will be
recorded allowing for it to be includedin the ERM Maintenance file. Only
those account changes that reflect a change froma federal fund to a
non-federal fund or vice versa will be picked up as adjustments.
Manuals & Previous Pay Voids:
When recording a manual paycheck/direct deposit you will be asked whether
the manualis an ERM adjustment. All previous pay voids will ALWAYS be
considered as an ERMadjustment. If a manual entry is being done during the
current pay being processed,for wages earned during the current pay, then
it would NOT be an ERM adjustment. Ifthe manual entry is for wages earned
during a prior pay, then it should be marked asan ERM adjustment. You will
also be asked for the attendance period of themanual/void as that is a
required field of information in the ERM Maintenance file.
Revised 02/17/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Wage & Contribution Reporting Requirements:
A new process has been implemented for the Wage & Contribution processing requirements. From the State/Federal Reports Menu (F5), press F10 for Print Wage & Contribution. This option is also available from the new ERM Maintenance Menu (F5-21-10 in Payroll). The following screen will be displayed.
* * Wage & Contribution Reporting * *
This process allows for generating the wage & contribution
report and electronic file.
Indicate the 2 digit beginning year being processed: 12
Indicate the report format: E (N = Non-ERM format, E = ERM Format)
For ERM format, indicate the attendance period being reported:
04 112 thru 41512 for classes: 99 ______
______thru ______for classes: ______
For ERM format, indicate pay types/objects that indicate severance pay:
ENTER=Validate, F24=Help, F16=Exit______
This process will generate the wage and contribution reports and the electronic file to be uploaded to INPRS. To do this, the following data entry requirements must be followed.
Indicate the 2-digit beginning year to be processed:
This field allows for indicating the year being reported.
Indicate the report format:
This field allows for indicating the format of the report being generated.
Valid entries are:
N = Non-ERM format. This option will generate the electronic file using
the formatprior to ERM reporting.
E = ERM format. This option will generate the electronic file in the formatthat can beuploaded to the ERM website.
Revised 02/10/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Wage & Contribution Reporting Requirements(continued):
For ERM format, indicate the attendance period being reported:
This field allows for indicating the attendance period of the wages and
contributionsbeing reported. At least one attendance period must be
entered. If only one isentered, indicate 99 in the first class field
indicating all classes. If a 2ndattendance period is specified, individual
classes must be indicated foreach period.
For ERM format, indicate pay types/objects that indicate severance pay:
This field allows for indicating pay types and/or object codes (in the
accounts) usedtopay severance pay.
Once the information has been specified, press ENTER and the system will validate the data entered. If any errors exist, the field in error will flash in red with a message displayed at the bottom of the screen. Correct any errors, as needed, and press ENTER again. Once noerrors exist, the screen will be redisplayed, protected from modification for final review. If all data is correct, press ENTER again and the process will continue to the next screen.
* * Wage & Contribution Reporting * *
Enter Date Range:4 112 thru 41512 Indicate (C)heck or(P)ay Date: P
Enter Default Number of Days: 10 for classes: ______
__ for classes: ______
__ for classes: ______
Pension Pretax Deduction Codes: ______
( 3 ) TEACHER RET FUND/B4 95 B use 'X' for
( 4 ) TEACHER RET FUND/AFT 95 X pensions, except
( 6 ) SUB TEACHERS TRF X use 'B' for
( 7 ) SUB TEACHER RETIREE X pensions of
BEFORE 06/30/95.
ENTER=Validate, F24=Help, F16=Exit______
In order to generate this report, there are several reporting options available. Each of these reporting options is described below.
Enter Date Range:
Indicate the date range of earnings history to include for this reporting
period. Format = MMDDYY. For the ERM report, the endingdate will be
reported as thepay date.
Revised 02/17/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Wage & Contribution Reporting Requirements(continued):
NOTE: If an employee has 'Leave Dates' entered on his/her Personnel data screen (F2-2) that fall within the date range specified, the leave ending date will be listed under the 'TRM DATE' column on the Wage & Contribution report. If you do not want that date to appear under that column, you should move the 'Leave Dates' down one line onthe Personnel data screen to the 'Leave of Abs' field.
Indicate (C)heck or (P)ay Date:
Indicate the date to use for record selection. C=Check date,P=Pay date.
Default Number of Days: (Occurs 3 times)
Indicate the number of days to be defaulted followed by from 1-9 pay
classes towhich it applies.
Pension Pretax Deduction Codes:
Optionally, indicate any pension pretax deduction codes. These amounts will
be reported under the 'EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY PRE. TAX' column on the worksheet
& in the electronic file. This is a license restricted option. If your
site has not licensed this option, this field will not be modifiable.
Optionally, indicate any sub classes that should have the special hourly
maximumcalculation done.
Divide hours by: (FOR GARY SCHOOLS ONLY)
If a sub class is specified, indicate the number to divide the employee's
totalnumber of hours by in order to come up with thenumber of days to be
Up to Maximum of: (FOR GARY SCHOOLS ONLY)
If sub classes are specified, indicate the maximum number of days to default
if thenumber of days the system accumulates is greater than the maximum
NOTE: Any primary class changes during the date range specified will beindicated byplacing '**' to the right of the employee's day field on the worksheet only (ANNP0150 spool file).
State of Indiana sites must indicate the submission unit on the
individual pension withholding screens (F14-21-5).
Acct: (All sites EXCEPT State of Indiana)
Indicate your state assigned account number (0-9999).
Unit: (All sites EXCEPT State of Indiana)
Indicate your state assigned unit number (0-999).
Revised 02/17/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Wage & Contribution Reporting Requirements(continued):
Pension Codes:
Indicate which pension codes are to be processed. Use a 'B' forpensions of
thosehired before 1995, and use an 'X' for pensions ofthose hired after
1995 or other pensions.
If an employee has multiple employee records and the record (including wages
anddays) needs to be skipped, enter 999 in theW&C days. This can be done
in F2-7, orin data base management, F2-18-18. The employee's record that
contains 999 will beprinted on the worksheet, but will be skipped on the
wage and contributionreports and will NOT appear in the electronic file.
The employee'srecord will showon the skip list. If an employee has
multipleemployee records and the record (including wages and days) should
be included but the days should be reported aszero, enter 900 in the W&C
days. This can be done in F2-7, or in DBMS, F2-18-18. The employee's
record will appear on the worksheet with 900, and will be merged with
other records on the wage and contribution reports and in the electronic
file. Therecord will NOT show onthe skip list.
Note: You can use both scenarios if the employee only has one record. If
you use999, the record will be skipped. If youuse 900 the record will be
includedand reported with zerodays.
Once the selection criteria has been filled in, press ENTER. The system will validate the information entered. Any errors will be highlighted in red and a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. If no errors exist, press ENTER to generate the report & create theelectronic file or press F16 to reenter.
Pressing F16 at any time will exit the process.
Once the wage & contribution reporting process is complete, the following screen will be displayed indicating the totals associated to the upload.
Revised 02/17/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Wage & Contribution Reporting Requirements(continued):
* Wage & Contribution ERM File Creation *
The Wage & Contribution reporting process is now
complete. An electronic file has been generated which
must be uploaded to the State ERM website.
Library: PAYDATA
Record Size: Variable
Total ERM Rows: 649
Employee Mandatory: 495.83
Employee Vol Post: 6,854.78
Employee Vol Pre:
Employer: 214,905.28
Totals: 222,255.89
ENTER=Acknowledge & Exit, F16=Acknowledge & Exit______
This screen indicates totals for the file being uploaded. These totals should be compared to the pension totals for the payroll and the Wage & Contribution report. The file to be uploaded to INPRS will be called ERMWAGES and is located in the library specified on the screen.
To look at the ERMWAGES file, in a raw data format, F11 can be used. When F11 is pressed the following screen will be displayed (the data will not match this data, as this is a sample).
Display Physical File Member
File ...... : ERMWAGES Library . . . . : PAYDATA
Member . . . . . : ERMWAGES Record . . . . . : 1
Control . . . . . Column . . . . . : 1
Find ......
Revised 02/17/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Member Enrollment Requirements:
For Counties, Cities & Towns Only
You MUST define job codes for all elected officials in the list below:
County Auditor County Clerk
County Recorder County Treasurer
Coroner Sheriff
State Elected Auditor State Elected Treasurer
State Elected Secretary County Surveyor
All others (free-format)
When employees are hired or transfer from a non-covered position to a covered position, new member maintenance is required. These entries can either be done manually, one at a time, on the INPRS website or it can be done in a bulk file upload. To do the bulk file upload for new members, use F1, Member Enrollment, on the ERM Maintenance Menu. The following screen will be displayed.
* ERM Member Enrollment *
This process will generate a list and electronic file showing all
ERM member enrollments for a specific time period.
Indicate the date range of new members to be reported:
______thru ______
Pension fund: _ (P=PERF, T=TRF)
Optionally, indicate 1-11 emp.#'s to exclude:
ENTER=Validate, F24=Help, F16=Exit______
To create the bulk upload file, the following data entry requirements must be followed.
This process will generate a list and electronic file showing all ERM member enrollments for a specific time period. This file must begenerated separately for each pension fund type. To do this, the following data entry requirements must be followed.
Revised 02/17/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Member Enrollment Requirements (continued):
Indicate the date range of new members to be reported:
This field allows for indicating the date range of new members to be
reported toINPRS. The system will include employees based uponthe
following dates.
1) If the employee's pension effective date (as specified on the
Personnelscreen) is not zeroes, it will be used todetermine if an
employee should beincluded.
2) If the employee's pension effective date is blank, then thehire
date will be used for inclusion.
Pension fund:
This field allows for indicating the pension fund to be processed. Valid
For Schools: P = PERF, T = TRF
For Cities & Towns: P = PERF, 7 = Police & Pension fund
For Counties: P = PERF
Optionally, indicate 1-13 emp.#'s to exclude:
This field allows for indicating from 1-13 employee numbers to be EXCLUDED
from thereport & electronic file.
Once all of the entries have been made, press ENTER and the system will verify theentries made. If any errors are detected, the field in error will flash in red with a message displayed at the bottom of the screen. Correct any errors, as necessary, and press ENTER again. Onceno errors exist, the screen will be redisplayed, protected frommodification for final review.
F16 may be pressed at any time to exit the process.
Once the member enrollment reporting process is complete, the following screen will be displayed indicating the totals associated to the upload.
* ERM Member Enrollment *
The electronic file containing the ERM member enrollment for INPRS
now resides in a file called ERMENROLL in the library PAYDATA .
This file must be transferred to your PC before sending it to INPRS.
Record Size: Variable
Total Members Reported: 2
ENTER=Acknowledge & Exit, F16=Acknowledge & Exit______
Revised 02/17/12
Regional Data Services, Inc.
Payroll System
* * Initial Training * *
* ERM Management *
ERM Member Enrollment Requirements (continued):
This screen indicates totals for the file being uploaded. The file to be uploaded to INPRS will be called ERMENROLL and is located in the library specified on the screen.
To look at the ERMENROLL file, in a raw data format, F3 can be used. When F3 is pressed the following screen will be displayed (the data will not match this data, as this is a sample).
Display Physical File Member
File ...... : ERMENROLL Library . . . . : PAYDATA
Member . . . . . : ERMENROLL Record . . . . . : 1
Control . . . . . Column . . . . . : 1