Submission deadline: /
10/19/2016 /
The Regional Arts Partnership Program is being delivered by Country Arts WA under the State Government’s Scheme Four initiative, the $24 million Royalties for Regions investment into arts and culture across WA. /
Regional Arts Organisation Artist’s Expression of Interest Summary
Submission deadline: 5pm,Wednesday 19 October 2016
The Regional Arts Partnership Program (RAPP) is aiming to tackle some of the priority issues raised by regional arts organisations and artists during consultation in 2015. RAPP is driven by your needs.
RAPP aims to connect regional organisations and artists with Western Australian service organisations in collaborative partnership groups. These collaborative partnership groupswill be resourced to co-create projects that meet the needs of the regions. At this stage, there could be any number of regional organisations, artists and service organisations within any collaborative partnership group.
This Expression of Interest (EOI) form collects your information, which Priority Areas are of greatest interest to you and why, and whether there are any service organisations with which you would like to work. A detailed Menu of Offer from each of the service organisations will be available on the Country Arts WA website from 19 September 2016.
The service organisations include:
- Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of WA (AACHWA)
- Artsource
- Art on the Move
- AusdanceWA
- Community Arts Network
- Propel Youth Arts WA
- Museums Australia WA
- West Australian Music (WA)
- WritingWA
EOI Process Timeline
- A Menu of Offer outlining the services, projects and programs of the service organisations is created by19 September 2016.
- Each service organisation will respond to the priority areas and criteria in developing their submission in the menu by 19 September 2016.
- Regional organisations and artists are invited to submit an EOI responding to the menu indicating priority areas and service organisations with which they wish to collaborate with by 19 October 2016.
- Regional organisations have the option to nominate as a potential Collaborative Partnership GroupCo-ordinatorin EOI process.
What is aCollaborative Partnership Group Co-ordinator?
RAPP aims to fund four separate collaborative partnership groups. In the spirit of the intended regional leadership in this program, regional organisations and artist are invited to express interest in taking a leadership role in the implementation of each collaborative partnership group. The role co-ordinates the planning, management, finances and information sharing and guidesthe dialogue and decision-making in the collaboration.
The ideal coordinating organisation will have the capacity and skills to manage a group of stakeholders in the spirit of the program, with fairness and impartiality. The Collaborative PartnershipGroup Co-ordinator will lead the co-creation process, liaising with participants to design the program, co-ordinate travel and meetings, identify any training or capacity building necessary for participants, share information and experiences across the other partnership programs and prepare a program scope for assessment in July 2017. Beyond this point, the collaborative partnership group may renegotiate its co-ordination considering capabilities and resources needed in the implementation of the full two year program.
The first assessment meeting, on Friday 11 November 2016, will be facilitated by an independent facilitator, Karrak Consulting, and assisted by Country Arts WA. The assessment process will follow the core criteria: Collaborative Creativity, Excellence, Relevance, Impact, and Knowledge. This collaborative group will consist of representatives from service organisations and regional organisations, who have identified as potential Collaborative Partnership Group Co-ordinators.
Country Arts WA will develop a matrix of the EOIs for circulation to the assessment group, on the basis of the following points - (1) Priority Area, (2) Art Form and (3) Region/s.
The facilitators will provide impartial and independent chairing of the assessment meeting.Up to four collaborative partnerships will be identified via a process that assesses the each partnership against the criteria.
This process is collaborative decision-making and the group will be working towards consent. Consent means allthe group accept the decision and will support it, even if it is not necessarily the preferred option for some. In the event that consent cannot be reached, then the Regional Arts Development Panel of the Country Arts WA Board of Directors will make the final decision at the Board Meetingscheduled December 2016.
You will be notified of the outcomes of the assessment on Monday 14 November 2016 and full RAPP announcements will take place at the Country Arts WA Exchange in Fairbridge, Pinjarra on Wednesday 16 November 2016.
Co-creation phase
An initial funding allocation of $70,000 will be provided to each collaborative partnership group for developing relationships, the co-creation process, program scoping and identification of leveraged funding opportunities. The initial payments to the four collaborative partnership groups will total $280,000.
Further funding instalments will be decided in July 2017 once the full scoping, budgeting and co-creation of the programs has occurred. The remaining budget will be $590,780. This funding alignment will be decided in the same collaborative manner. The funding may not be divided equally, but along considerations of program scale, strength of collaborative relationships, level of leveraged funding potential, and viability. Programs will be implemented between July 2017 and July 2019.
Scheme Four Regional Arts Partnership Program (RAPP)
Regional Arts Organisation & Artist’s Expression of Interest Form
- Development of advocacy resources for local/regional organisations and stakeholders
- Building the regional arts business case for leverage and promotion of regional arts
- Research – measuring the impact and value of regional arts
- PRIORITY AREA: Sustainability
- Leadership development and capacity building in the regions
- Supporting and resourcing artists and arts workers in their creative practice and business for project and programs
- Celebrating and supportingour volunteers and governance committees
- Cultural competencies, and protocols of practice
- PRIORITY AREA: Resources
- Sharing knowledge and intellectual property
- Key positions in the regions
- Joined up approach to support efficiencies e.g. shared access to legal, insurance
- PRIORITY AREA: Regional Arts Network
- Networking for inter/intra-regional support, both digital and physical
- Strengthening social capital
- Sharing resources, services and increasing accessibility
- Improving communication channels
- PRIORITY AREA: Regional Artists
- Active and direct support from the service and regional organisations
- Regional artist development program
- Authentic engagement with regional artists
- Artist and cultural exchange – regional/metro/national/international
- Recognition and promotion of regional artists
- AACHWA (Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of WA)
- Artsource
- Art on the Move
- AusdanceWA
- Community Arts Network
- Propel Youth Arts WA
- Museums Australia WA
- West Australian Music (WA)
- Writingwa
- Are you interested in the role of Collaborative PartnershipGroup Coordinator?
- Are there any specific outcomes you would like to get out of the RAPP partnership collaborations?
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Please submit the completed Expression of Interest Formby 5pm Wednesday19th October 2016to Hayley Dart, Project Officer, via
Ricky Arnold - RAPP Coordinator
(08) 9200 6208