The Region X Meeting was held at Holy Family Parish in Albuquerque, NM on September 27, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 12:50p.m. byHugo Valverde and prior to meeting we made a visit to the Blessed Sacrament to do the Sabatina in both languages by Deacon Andy Carrillo and Hugo Valverde.
Introductions were done.
We were read the minutes by Elaine Hoolihan of the last meeting on May 31, 2013. It was noted that Rodrigo Becerra represented Phoenix at that meeting and the spelling of Mauricio’s last name is spelled Avalos. Theresa Brophy moved to accept the minutes as amended. Richard Montano seconded the motion and they were approved as corrected and passed.
Reports from the Secretariats were then given as follows:
El Paso: Lay Director was not able to come to meeting, but Hugo reported for El Paso. The school is having difficulties. The school is flat. No cursillos planned this year. English coordinator needs to push for cursillos.
Las Cruces – No lay director presently and Concepcion is not on Secretariat anymore. This was reported also by Hugo Valverde.
Phoenix – Reported by Ben Burciaga: Cursillos in October cancelled for sponsoring Cursillo de Cursillos. Spanish on October 2-6 and English 16-20. They have English and Spanish schools. They have 8 English Cursillos a year and 8 Spanish Cursillos a year.
Santa Fe – Gilbert Alarid reported as Lay Director. No Cursillos this year. They have 5 areas with Schools meeting regularly. The School of Leaders (comprised of the 5 schools) meeting once a month for workshops, etc. Next month having a Workshop on October 11 to work on the Pastoral Plan and in November a Workshop on Commitment. Juan Montoya shared that the Spanish Leader School also did not have any Cursillos this year but are planning one the first weekend in May 2015 for men and 3rd weekend in May for women.
Tucson – Not represented.
Gallup – We are presently seeking a Spiritual Advisor. Our Secretariat is both in English and Spanish. In January we had a workshop reunion/renewal and in August we had a General Ultreya with about 50 persons attending.
We have 6 Leader’s schools in the diocese, in 6 different areas. We meet once a month. The Spanish leader’s school only has one school in Farmington as most of the candidates are from there at this time.
In 2014 we had one Men’s English Cursillo and one Men’s Spanish each with 10 candidates. We have one women’s English planned for November and we had one women’s Spanish with 16 candidates. We have a Men’s Spanish scheduled for November in Durango.
Next year 2015 we have 4 English Cursillos planned (two men’s and two women’s). We schedule the date and place so that people can plan on attending and if we don’t have enough candidates we call and cancel.
Manuel Zepeda is leading the Spanish school.
No unfinished business to discuss.
New Business:
Nominations from each of the Diocese Lay Directors: Santa Fe (Gilbert Alarid) nominated Liz Gallegos; Gallup (Mary Cullen) nominated Art Velez.
There were no other nominations from Lay Directors from any other Dioceses. However, there were others interested in serving on the Regional Service Team as follows: Juan Montoya, Theresa Brophy and Richard Montano.
It was discussed and a Motion made by Gilbert Alarid to submit all five names to CeferinoAguilon and seconded by Angie Davidson.
Hugo Valverde announced that Monica Garcia from El Paso is now a member of the Spanish Regional Service Team;
The Budget was passed around and Ben Burciaga of Phoenix requested a copy of the Phoenix invoice and Elaine gave it to him and he was informed that the treasury had not received any money from Phoenix. Ben would check into it.
Treasurer’s report was discussed and Mary Cullen made a Motion to Accept the Treasurer’s Report and Ben Burciaga seconded and it was passed and approved.
Regional Encounter was discussed for April 18-19, location to be determined upon availability of a facility. It was recommended for both the English and Spanish. Richard Montano moved to accept this recommendation and Gilbert Alarid seconded the motion and passed.
Discussed stipend for travel expenses for regional service team members only for 2 meetings a year. It was discussed that this should be based on mileage of whatever the Federal guideline going rates are at the time. Anna Martinez moved to accept this proposal and Mary Cullen seconded and passed.
It was discussed that Elaine Hoolihan stay on as Treasurer for Region X until an English Region X service team can be established and a Treasurer can be appointed to take over. Anna Martinez made a Motion to accept this proposal and Richard seconded and passed.
Juan Ruiz from National requested that Hugo Valverde be reimbursed from Region X for his trip to San Antonio. Just for our information and records.
National Encounter was discussed. The National Encounter will be held in Philadelphia in 2015. Hugo also encouraged that we contribute our $3.00 per Cursillista to the National to help defer the costs of the National Encounters. We should encourage people to go.
Next meeting will be held on April 18-19 – place to be announced as facilities are discussed.
Adjourned at 2:57. Deacon Andy Carrillo left us earlier and gave us his blessing.