Regina Coeli Catholic Church
530 Regina Parkway w Toledo OH 43612 w 419-476-0922
Marriage Request Form
Gender / Click here to enter today’s date.Full Name / enter first, middle, last name
Address / enter full address
Phone / enter mobile (m) and/or home (h)
Email / enter email address
Date of Birth / enter month, day, year
Place of Birth / enter place, city, and state
Religion / enter religious demonination
practicing? / choose an item
Full name of your father / enter first, middle, last name
Religion of your father / enter religious demonination
Full maiden name of your mother / enter first, middle, last name
Religion of your mother / enter religious demonination
If Catholic
Place of Baptism / enter church name, city, and state
Date of Baptism / enter month, day, year
Received the sacrament of Confirmation? / enter answer
Parish currently attending / enter church name, city, and state
If NOT Catholic
Have you been baptized? / enter answer
Place of Baptism / enter church name, city, and state
Date of Baptism / enter month, day, year
Church currently attending / enter church name, city, and state
Other questions
Place of wedding / enter place, city, and state
Requested date & time of wedding / enter time, month, day, year
Have you ever been married before? / enter answer
Do your parents know of your intent to marry and do they have any objections? / enter answers for both questions
Are you related to your intended spouse by blood, adoption, or marriage? / enter answer
The following information will help the marriage preparation team better know you and therefore assist you in preparing for this next phase of your life. The team will look to build on your strengths and help you to identify the weakness within each of you that will make your marriage less than what it should be.
Please provide a short summary of your life so far.
Click here to enter text.
How long have you been dating your finance and how did you first meet?
Click here to enter text.
What do you like about your future spouse enough that you are willing to marry him/her?
Click here to enter text.
Why not just dating or living together the rest of your lives instead of getting married?
Click here to enter text.
What are some of the things you hope to avoid in your marriage with him/her?
Click here to enter text.
Do you have any positive role models for marriage?
Click here to enter text.
And finally, do you have any specific hopes for the marriage preparation you will be beginning soon?
Click here to enter text.
Form Revision: 2013.1.8