Regents Earth Science- Mrs. Gill-Klesaris

Course Description

Unit 1 – Prologue –

This unit is an introduction to the use of instruments, math, and science skills that will be used in this course.

Unit 2 – Earth Dimensions-

Here we will study the size, shape, and structure of Earth. We will focus on mapping techniques and Latitude and Longitude.

Unit 3 - Energy-

This unit explores the three main basic ways that energy is transferred: Conduction, Radiation and Convection. It also considers human energy consumption and the greenhouse effect.

Unit 4 – Astronomy –

This unit looks at our position in the universe. We will study the cycles that occur in our solar system, the stars, and the galaxies.

Unit 5– Weather & Climate –

This unit looks at the day to day changes in the properties of the atmosphere as well as long term changes in climate. We will use instruments to study and predict these changes.

Unit 6- The Water Cycle & Ground Water Movement-

This unit looks at how water changes phases as it moves through our oceans, atmosphere and land. It also examines how water infiltrates the ground and why some surfaces are more permeable than others.

Unit 7 – Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes –

This unit looks at the dynamic (changing) Earth. We will examine a picture of Earth today and the processes that have been going on for 4.6 billion years that have brought us to this point.

Unit 8 – Rocks and Minerals –

Rocks and minerals introduce us to the chemical makeup of the solid part of Earth. We will study the origin and process that forms each type of rock and the rock cycle. We will look at the characteristics and properties of minerals.

Unit 9 – Surface Processes & Landscapes-

Processes have been changing the surface of Earth. We will look at how these work to shape and change land features, specifically agents of weathering, erosion and deposition.

Unit 10– Earth’s History –

Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. In this unit we will look at the changes that have occurred since its origin and predict what might happen in the future.

Regent’s Review-

We will spend as much time as possible reviewing for the regents by taking weekly flashback quizzes, practice regents exams and review sessions.

Earth Science Syllabus

Carrie Palmer Weber Middle School

Teacher: Mrs. Gill-Klesarisin Room 220


Welcome to Regents Earth Science. My name is Mrs. Gill-Klesaris and I will be your teacher and guide through the Earth Science curriculum. Earth Science is a High School Regents level course, so get ready for a fun, interesting and challenging year. If you stay organized, current, work hard, practice good study habits and ask questions you will meet your goals with great success.


  • You need four 1.5 inch 3-ring binders, one for each quarter.
  • You should divide each into 4 sections:

1) Notes, 2) Classwork, 3) Homework & 4) Quizzes/Tests,

  • Each binder should have a folder for lab work & plenty of loose-leaf paper
  • A three ring hole puncher that fits into the binder
  • A binder pencil case should contain the following:
  • Three #2 pencils with erasers
  • Black or blue ink pens
  • Highlighters (at least two different colors)
  • Color pencils
  • Non-programmable basic function calculator
  • Glue stick x2
  • Manual Pencil Sharpener
  • Small safety scissor

Resources Provided:

  • Textbook: Earth Science- The physical Setting
  • The Earth Science Reference Table (ESRT)
  • Class website:

Resources to be Purchased:

These links are also listed on my website under the “Introduction to Earth Science: Supplies” tab

  • Required Review Book: Reviewing Earth Science: The Physical Setting 3rd Edition.
  • ISBN: 978-156765942-9
  • How to purchase books: When you order online the cost is $10.50
  • Go to

Phone: (866) 902-6726 Fax: (770) 280-4125 email:

  • Optional Review Book: Earth Science- The Physical Setting Power Pack (Barron’s):
  • You may also want to have this safety compass:

Triman™ Safe Drawing Compass:

Earth Science Syllabus

Carrie Palmer Weber Middle School

Earth Science Curriculum:

  • Prologue
  • Earth’s Dimensions
  • Energy
  • Astronomy
  • Weather and Climate
  • Water Cycle & Ground Water
  • Rocks and Minerals
  • Dynamic Earth
  • Surface Processes & Landscapes
  • Interpreting Geologic History
  • Regents Review

5 Simple Class Rules:

1. Respect yourself, other students, school property, and the teacher at all times.

2. Do not interfere with another student’s right to learn.

3. Come to class prepared with all materials each day, this includes an open mind and

and a positive attitude!

4. Class begins the moment the bell rings. All students should be seated in their

assigned seats, and working on the “Do Now” when the bell rings.

5. Always follow all safety rules in the laboratory and classroom.

***These are in addition to all school rules in the School Code of Conduct and Student-Parent Handbook***

Grading Policy: All work counts towards your grade. Failing labs must be redone accurately in order to sit for the Regents exam, according to the New York State lab hour requirements. All quizzes and tests will require a parent/guardian signature to acknowledge grades.

Tests (60%): about 2-3 per quarter, approximately 100- 200 points each

Quizzes (25%): about 4 per quarter, approximately 25-50 points each

Labs (10%): about 10 per quarter worth 2 to 5 points per lab depending on scope of lab. One lab quiz per quarter worth 20-50 points.

Homework (5%): about 15 per quarter,2 points per fully completed and on time assignment. Late assignments will only be accepted if due to an excused absence.

Academic Dishonesty Policy: In accordance with district policy, any student caught cheating or voluntarily enabling another student to cheat will at the very least receive a zero for that assessment. Further action may be sought depending on the severity of the offense.

Parental Role: As a parent you strive to help your son or daughter become successful in both school and life endeavors. As such, we are a team to help your child succeed and reach their greatest potential. To facilitate transparency and student success I keep my website up to date. Here both parents and students can see most classroom documents, notes and the testing schedule. If your child is absent they can find daily handouts and activities on this class website. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail or by calling the school. I will be happy to discuss your child’s performance at any time.

Dear Parents,

My name is Gloria Gill-Klesaris and I will guide your child through the Regents Earth Science Curriculum. This course will be both exciting and challenging as we explore topics such as Astronomy, Plate Tectonics, Meteorology, and Earth's history. It is my goal to encourage and nurture your child's creative thinking and inquiries about our Earth and Universe.

As a parent your goal is to have your child excel academically and socially; therefore I look forward to working with you as a team to help your child succeed and reach their greatest potential. Organization, hard work and integrity are imperative skills that every student must strive to master this year in Earth Science. However, I realize that it is my responsibility to adapt lessons to meet the learn style of every student. I achieve this by incorporating differentiated instruction, visual demonstrations, technology, cooperative learning, and kinesthetic activities into my teaching repertoire.To facilitate transparency and student success I keep my website up to date. Here both parents and students can see most classroom documents, notes, and testing schedule. If your child is absent they can find daily handouts and activities on this class website.

Beyond my dedication to teaching Earth Science, I plan to help your child prepare for high school and college-level work. I believe that literacy, strong study habits, and active goal setting are invaluable skills to your child's education and future success. I will focus on helping your child develop and improve these skills throughout the year.

I am looking forward to meeting you at Weber Middle School’s "Open House" and working together to have a great year. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail or by calling the school. I will be happy to discuss your child’s performance at any time.


Mrs. Gill-Klesaris

Mrs. Gill-Klesaris Classroom Procedures:

Dear Students:

I look forward to completing the year as your Regents Earth Science Teacher! I promise to give 200% to help you reach your goals for this course. I plan to prove to you that Earth Science is both interesting and fun with exciting demonstrations, labs and activities. However, in order for both you and I to be successful… the follow procedures must be adhered to during each class period.

Procedure 1. Before the bell rings:

-Please enter quietly

-Put graded homework, finished labs and make-up work in the “Feed Me Labs and HW” bin.

-Fill out a pink slip for any missing work.

-Be seated in your assigned seat before the bell rings.

Procedure 2. During the first minute of class:

-Take out supplies: Earth Science Reference Tables, binder, two sharpened pencils.

-Immediately begin the Do Now projected on the smart board.

Procedure 3. During class:

-Treat each person with dignity and respect

-Follow directions the first time they are given

-Stay seated; ask permission to move around the classroom

-Bathroom and Locker trips are not permitted except in case of an emergency.

Procedure 4.During class discussions:

-Do not talk out of turn or interrupt others

-Raise your hand and wait patiently to be called on

Procedure 5. End of class:

-Please continue to work through the bell until I dismiss you.

-Do not pack up your belongings until after the bell rings.

-Take all of your belongings with you.

Following these simple procedures will result in a stress-free learning environment. These guidelines are in addition to all procedures and policies outlined in the Weber Middle School handbook. I truly believe in your potential, I want you to believe in it too. Let’s have an awesome year and not take this opportunity for granite!


Mrs. Gill-Klesaris

Mrs. Gill-Klesaris Lab Write-Up Requirements

  • Please type or neatly write all vocabulary and discussion questions on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Try to fit all the vocabulary and questions on one page if possible.
  • Data tables/Graphs in most cases do not have to be retyped or redrawn.
  • Do NOT rewrite the questions.
  • Staple the lab handout behind your lab write up. Do this BEFORE class!
  • Please remember to type or re-write NEATLY in Blue or Black INK (no cross outs). Labs which are sloppy, done in pencil or colorful ink will NOT be accepted.
  • If hand-written it must be on LINED paper.
  • You must write in COMPLETE SENTENCES! Remember to include part of the question in your answer. Try to be very clear and be sure to answer the question.
  • Data tables, diagrams and graphs are ALWAYS done in pencil directly on the lab handout.
  • Every lab should be saved on your flash drive to use as a study aid.
  • Design each Lab Write-Up exactly as follows: Please use “Comic Sans Font” size 10 and Do NOT double space. Place one space in between questions. Use 0.5 inch margins.


Lab #____Lab Title:______


  1. Word: Write definition in your own words, use your text and note-packet.

Discussion Questions:

1. Remember no pencil, no cross-outs.

2. Write in complete sentences and use the question in your answer.


Each Lab is worth five points and is graded using the following rubric:

5.0 pts: 100% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

4.5 pts: 90% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

4.0 pts: 80% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

3.5 pts: 70% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

3.0 pts: 60% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

2.5 pts: 50% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

2.0 pts: 40% of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

1.0 pts: 30% or less of questions are correct. Lab is neat, on time and complete.

***1 point will be deducted if the lab is messy or late.***

***3 points will be deducted if the lab is incomplete ***

(Complete all vocabulary, all graphs, all maps, all data tables and all questions)

Any Lab that receives a 3/5 or less must be redone and resubmitted.

As always feel free to email Ms. Gill-Klesaris with any questions.

This form can also be found on Ms. Gill-Klesaris’s website

My Goals Sheet! ~ To be done in class! Do NOT complete at home!

To achieve something in life, you must plan to achieve it!

Please give a numeric score between 80-100. Do not write a Range or Letter. Challenge yourself & AIM HIGH!!!!

Long Term Goals

Goal for your final grade:______

Goal for your Midterm: ______

Goal for the Earth Science Regents: ______

Short Term Goals

Quiz Average:______Exam Average:______

Homework Average:______Lab Average: ______

First Quarter Average:______

How do you plan to achieve these goals? (Please make a bulleted list)






How do you study for exams? What will you do exactly to ACTIVELY study?


What will you do different from last year?



How much time will you put aside for study and review each night? Do you participate in a lot of extracurricular activities? How will you plan to manage your time? ______


Now fill out the index card provided by answering these three questions:

1) What can Mrs. Gill-Klesaris do to aid you in achieving your goals?

2) How do you learn best?

3) What is your long term goal for your final grade and for the regents?

Science Safety Contract
Science is an active, hands-on class. We will be doing many activities that require the use of sensitive equipment and potentially hazardous chemicals. Safety is the # 1 priority in our classroom. To ensure a safe learning environment, all students will be instructed in science classroom safety and the student / parent / guardian safety contract will be signed and filed at school. A copy of this contract will also be kept in your science notebook as a reminder of safe classroom practices. When necessary, safety considerations will be included on student handouts; they also will be given orally at the start of each activity.

  • I will act responsibly at all times in the classroom. I understand that horseplay, jokes, and pranks are not appropriate in a science classroom.
  • I will follow all instructions, written and verbal, about the laboratory procedures given by the teacher.
  • I will not touch any equipment or supplies until instructed to do so by the teacher.
  • I will perform only those activities that have been authorized by the teacher. I will never do anything that is not called for by the procedure. I understand that unauthorized experiments are forbidden.
  • I will keep my table and the area around it clean and neat.
  • I will wear my safety goggles whenever we are working with chemicals or heat. I understand that there are no exceptions to this rule.
  • I will immediately notify the teacher of any emergency.
  • I will tie back long hair, baggy clothes, and dangling jewelry while doing a laboratory activity.
  • I know whom to contact for help in case of an emergency.
  • I will not take anything out of the classroom without permission from the teacher.
  • I will never eat, drink, or chew gum in the classroom unless instructed to do so by the teacher. I will not use classroom equipment as containers for food or drink.
  • I will only handle living organisms when authorized to do so by the teacher.


I understand and agree to follow all of the safety rules in this contract. I understand that I must obey these rules to make sure that my fellow students, my teacher, and I work and learn in a safe environment. I will cooperate completely with my teacher and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part will result in being removed from the classroom, or other appropriate measures to maintain safety.


Student Signature Print Name Date

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I feel that you should be informed regarding the school’s effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom/laboratory environment. You should be aware of the safety instructions your child will receive before participating in any laboratory work. Please read the list of safety rules above. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher. Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read this Student Safety Contract, are aware of the measures taken to insure the safety of your child in the science laboratory, and will instruct your child to uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory.


Signature of parent or guardian Date

Please turn over 

Earth Science- Mrs. Gill-Klesaris

Student-Teacher-Parent Contract Acknowledgment