Class Lists

Class lists will be posted on the blue breezeway entrance (beneath the blue awning) on Friday, August 20 by 5:00 p.m.


Monday, August 23, 2010, is the first day of school. We will be dismissing one hour early (at 2:00 p.m.) every day during the first week of school. School hours from August 23 through August 27, are 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

There will be no school on Monday, September 6, in observance of Labor Day. The first day with regular school hours will be Monday, August 30, 2010. Regular School hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily.

Student Drop Off & Pick Up

Attheend of the school day, there are many parents who pick up their children from the main parking lot, and traffic can be quite heavy at times. We believe the welfare and safety of our students is our top priority. Please note that students are not allowed to walk to their parents who are waiting for them in parked cars at dismissal. All students must be picked up in the car line, or parents must park their cars and walk up to the school to pick up their child.***There is NO PARKING on the east side of Bond Street due to bus traffic.


When your child is going to be absent, please call the school office at 525-3208 by 9:00 a.m. Our answering machine will pick up your call before or after school hours. Please give your child’s name, teacher and grade level, and the reason for the absence. Please help us make sure your child is safe by reporting his/her absence. Thank you!


If your child must take medication at school, the district requires that parents complete a medication form to be kept on file at the school. Medication forms are available in the school office. No medication (including Tylenol, coughdrops, etc.) can be given without completed medication forms. ALL medications must be kept in the office during the school day.

Enos Reads 5 /Meet Your Teacher Night/Ice Cream Social and Enos Fall Festival

A special celebration for those students who have read at least five books over the summer, as well as our Ice Cream Social and Meet Your Teacher Night is scheduled for Wednesday, August 25, from, 5:00-6:30pm. Please stop by to meet your child’s teacher, and join us for a bit of light refreshment. Also, be sure to plan on attending our Enos Fall Festival, which will be held on Thursday, September 23rd from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. We will serve a free dinner including hot dogs, chips, soda and cookies. After school has begun, a sign-up sheet will be sent home for families to return indicating how many in your family will be attending. Please return one sign-up sheet per family.


On Wednesdays, we will again be sending home informational papers and forms in your child's Take-Home-Wednesday Folder. We ask that you take the time to go through these papers and have your child return any necessary papers to the school’s office as soon as possible. In addition, there are times when student work or other important information may be sent home with your child; it is important to check your child’s book-bag every night. Thanks for your support!


Full Price

Breakfast$ .60


Reduced Price

Breakfast$ .30

Lunch$ .40

Free and Reduced Breakfast / Lunch Forms are available on Registration Day. If you do not complete the form at the time of registration, your child can pick one up from either the school cafeteria or the main office. Once the form is completed, have your child return the completed form to either the cafeteria manager or the school office.

Springfield Public Schools Foundation –

Did You Know?

The Springfield Public Schools Foundation (SPSF) is a community-based organization, serving Springfield District 186 public schools for twenty-eight years with the mission of creating a margin of excellence. SPSF carries out their mission in partnership with Springfield School District 186 and the Springfield community.

Since 1981, the Foundation has contributed more than $2 million to help create exceptional educational experiences for all students in the District. Through donations, memorial gifts, workplace giving and fundraising, the Foundation has provided a wide range of educational programs and activities that would not otherwise have been possible. The Foundation raises funds to benefit all District schools, students and teachers.

These funds have purchased hundreds of library books, computers, science equipment and musical instruments. In addition, Foundation dollars have supported school science fairs, arts education programming, memorial scholarships, outdoor education camps, and architectural and theater residency programs. Thank you Springfield Public Schools Foundation!

Enos School’s Instructional Focus

At Enos Elementary School, our

instructional focus is Reading Comprehension. Our instructional focus statement is, “I can show that I understand what I read.”

Project SCOPE

Project SCOPE is a before and after school program for the children of parents who work or are in educational training. The SCOPE program promotes social, emotional, and physical development of children through supervised activities.

SCOPE is a program that compliments both home and school by providing a secure and fun atmosphere for children who are in need of before and after school care. Application forms for the 2010 -2011-school year are available at the District SCOPE Office and also at the time of registration. Charges for the 2010-2011 program are as follows:

Before School only: $30.00 per week

After school only: $35.00 per week

Before and After School: $65.00 per week

Students may only attend the SCOPE program at the school they attend. To register, please complete the application form at registration or call the Scope Office directly at (217) 525-3309 for more information.

District 186 Student Fees

Please note: there is a $35 technology fee for all students in addition to their grade level fees.

Grades 1 -5 50.00
Kindergarten 45.00 (Full Day)
Early Childhood 35.00

More information about student fees and refunds can be found on the district website under the “About” tab at