8:30 a.m. Service

Book of Common Prayer (BCP)

Page 67


1st Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25

Psalm Isaiah 12:2-6

Refrain: You shall draw water with rejoicing

The Holy Gospel: Luke 21:5-19


10:30 a.m. Service

Book of Alternative Services (BAS)

Page 185


1st Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25

Psalm Isaiah 12:2-6

Refrain: You shall draw water with rejoicing

The Holy Gospel: Luke 21:5-19

The Epistle: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

The Holy Gospel: Luke 21:5-19


Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to be the light of the world. Free us from all that darkens and ensnares us, and bring us to eternal light and joy; through the power of him who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Holy God, in this eucharist we renew our baptismal covenant. Help us, through our offering this day, to renounce all things that draw us from your love. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer after Communion

Gracious God, in this sacrament we have shared the body and blood of Christ. May we who have been nourished by holy things bear witness to his light, and share in his eternal priesthood; for he is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Welcome to the Parish of

St. John the Evangelist

Conception Bay South, Newfoundland

17 November 2013

The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God

and in Loving Memory of:

Bert Barnes

On the 4th Anniversary of his death


Wife, Olga


To ask God’s Blessing on Declan Robert Sears being baptized here today


Great Grandmother, Olga Barnes

Today, we welcome into the Body of Christ,

through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism,

Declan Robert Sears, Hunter William Fayers & Hailey Arianna Grace Robson. We ask God’s Blessing upon them, their families and Godparents. Warm greetings to family and friends who have come to share this special occasion.

Rev. Parsons +

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

PRAY for The Episcopal Church , Washington USA

Tri-Diocesan Intercessions

Parish of Holy Innocents, Paradise

Rector- The Ven. Shawn Samson

Anglican Life

Editor -The Rev. Samuel Rose

The Sick

Shirley EllisKrystal Lynette Cal

Soul of the Faithful departed

Lillian Eason

Sunday Duties for Sunday, November 24, 2013

E A / Sidespersons / Sound / Counting / Readers
8:30 a.m. / Team 8 - Bruce / Philip / Jim
10:30 a.m. / Team 13
Robin Andrews

Rector’s Auto-Debit Blitz Challenge!

During the month of November, parishioners will be encouraged to consider using monthly auto-debit, Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) as a preferred method of giving. PAD allows your church flexibility in meeting its financial needs and goals. One lucky parishioner who opts for this method will be eligible for a $100 Jungle Jim’s Certificate to be drawn December 2nd!

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes….

After today’s 10:30 a.m. service, we will be sending our shoeboxes for shipping to well deserving boys and girls. Sincere thanks to all who have helped in this very valuable outreach ministry!

Successful Fall Fair

Our Fall Fair continues to be a popular fellowship event. The 2013 Fair, under Chairperson, John Carter, and with the assistance of many parish groups and volunteers, was successful and raised approximately $11,000 for parish ministries. Thank you to all church groups who contributed in numerous ways to help with the meals and the various sale of works. Thank you to all parishioners and friends of the parish who donated and made purchases during the Fair. Our Fall Fair brings us together socially and gives us a sense of community. It also gives us some needed financial resources to support God’s work within our church and beyond.

A Message from the Parish Treasurer

All organizations within the parish that collect funds, fundraise or have any financial transitions, such as ACW, Men’s Club, CLB, etc. must produce annual financial statements for the Annual Report and Synod purposes. These statements must contain, at a minimum, a statement of Income and Expenses and either a Balance Sheet or a Cash Report depending on the organization. When calculating income for the year, it is important not to include the balance brought forward from the year before since our Synod Assessment is based on NET INCOME.

It would also be helpful for organizations requiring funding from the Parish, to have a budget prepared for the coming year for overall parish budgeting purposes. We request that the above be submitted to the office no later than December 31st 2013.

Year End

You are reminded that our financial records for 2013 will close on December 31st. ALL contributions must be in by that date to be used for your 2012 Income Tax purposes. Any monies received after December 31st will be credited to your account in 2014.