SAISD Lesson Plan 2004-05

Graphic Organizers / Online Resources / Bilingual/ESL / Special Education / Gifted & Talented / Professional Development
1. Goals/Objectives/Guiding Questions / 2. Standards/expectations (TEKS/TAKS) / 3. Engagement/Warm-up
What are the qualities of an effective leader?
What motivated the historical figures to participate in the democratic process?
What writing elements are necessary for an effective introductory paragraph?
How do you use reading strategies and tools to help understand and comprehend social studies? / TEKS 4.19 CitizenshipThe student understands the importance of effective leadership in a democratic society. The student is expected to:
A Identify leaders in state and local governments, including the governor, selected members of the Texas Legislature, and Texans who have been President of the United States, and their political parties. (TEKS 8.16D, TAKS Obj.4)
B Identify leadership qualities of state and local leaders, past and present.
TEKS 4.18 Citizenship The student understands the importance of voluntary individual participation in the democratic process. The student is expected to:
C Identify the importance of historical figures such as Sam Houston, Barbara Jordan, and Lorenzo de Zavala who modeled active participation in the democratic process.
Unit 13 – Reading Narratives – Historical and Realistic Fiction (10 days)
TEKS 4 The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies. The student is expected to
10G paraphrase and summarize text to recall, inform, or organize ideas (TAKS 1)
12E compare communication in different forms such as . . . comparing story variants (TAKS 3)
13E organize information: notes, outlines, charts
Unit 14: TAKS Writing Review (15 days)
 TAKS Objective 1 – The student will, within a given context, produce an effective composition for a specific purpose.
 TAKS Objective 2 – The student will produce a piece of writing that demonstrates a command of the conventions of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, usage, and sentence structure.
TAKS Objective 3 – The student will recognize appropriate organization of ideas in written text.
 TAKS Objective 4 – The student will recognize correct and effective sentence construction in written text.
 TAKS Objective 5 – The student will recognize standard usage and appropriate word choice in written text.
 TAKS Objective 6 – The student will proofread for correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling in written text. / Use the digital curriculum to show a ten second video on Dr. Martin Luther King. Demonstrate video without sound to connect prior knowledge of leaders with the general idea of the qualities of leaders.
Digital Curriculum
Use library books or photographs of different leaders to begin discussion.
Create a one 2 minute slide show using photographs of different leaders.
Assessment Examples / □ TAKS Sample Item
□ Interim Assessment Sample Item
4. Strategies / 5. Activities / 6. Modeling (Teacher-led Practice)
Use the ReadingFrameworks to introduce biographies (social studies TEKS) during the Read Aloud section and social studies vocabulary within the Word Works.
K-W-L Chart
VENN diagram
Writing Graphic Organizer
Reading Process
Student Generated Biography Organizer / M / Use the KWL Chart about leaders.
Use the biography of Sam Houston during your Read-Aloud time to introduce Texas leaders.
*reading a story or excerpts from a biography, about a notable leader / Teacher completes the KWL chart with the students
T / Teacher-led discussion/conversation about characteristics of a leader. Generates a list of words, topics using a writing graphic organizer through a Write-Aloud.
W / Writing prompt:
Think about someone you consider a leader. Write an introductory paragraph about that leader. / Teacher models how to write an introductory paragraph. (Write-aloud)
Th / Students will go to the library and self-select a biography book or use the Internet to research biographies. Use a graphic organizer to answer student generated questions.
+ researching a famous Texan who served in city, state or national government. (4.19A, B)
+ researching a famousTexas citizenwho modeled democratic practices such as Sam Houston and Lorenzo de Zavala. (4.18C) / Teacher demonstrates the self-selection process for locating biographies.
F / Provide students with 3 pictures and descriptions of people. Two are considered leaders, one is a famous person.
+ analyzing the characteristics of effective leadership. (4.19A) / Students are given a set of 3 pictures (2 leaders and 1 famous) and the students will have to select the two leaders. Students will have to defend their choices.
7. Formative/Monitoring for Comprehension / 8. Connect Learning/Summary / 9. Evidence/Product/Demonstrates Mastery
  • Use TAKS rubric to determine effective writing skills (editing checklists, parts of speech)
  • Defending the leader characteristics on Friday's assignment.
/ (To be completed by teacher) / Check-off all that apply.
Presentation Chart ___
 Graphic Organizer ___
Debate ___
(Link to possible options by C&I)

(Gray area to be completed as needed)

Resources / Integration / Special Population Modifications/Accommodations / Teacher Reflection
(Link to possible choices to be provided by C&I) / (Link to possible choices to be provided by C&I) / (To be completed by teacher as needed) / The writing TEKS are introduced in this lesson to develop endurance in writing. A 15 day cycle is not explored in this lesson.

All components are required if completing lesson plan on paper.