SOWK 581 and 682

Due dates to be determined by Faculty Field Liaison

(Please put your name and assignment type and number on paper

(e.g. Summary/Analysis #1, etc.)


One of the requirements of your field experience is that you maintain a weekly journal of your activities (examples of formats of this activity can be found in Appendix A of the Field Manual). Review the required Competencies and Practice Behaviors in your Learning Contract to help you frame your responses.

As part of that activity, complete a summary and analysis of those recordings, answering the points below:

Dates covered by summary:

Please use the item number and the highlighted terms as your section heading on your assignment (e.g. 1) Critical Incidents or 2) Client Systems Issues

1)  Describe some of the critical incidents of your experience-the “Wow, this makes sense, or this relates to what we talked about in class, this is an example of ? theory…..

2)  What client systems issues did you face?

3)  What practice approaches did you utilize?

4)  What administrative and program aspects impacted you?

5)  What intervention strategies did you use?

6)  What agency policy and/or funding source(s) policies did you observe?

7)  Describe personal and professional growth experienced

8)  How could this field experience be enhanced for you?

9)  Describe the impact of the field supervisory conferences upon your practice

10) What are some of the practice issues that interest you and what additional information would be helpful to you to maximize your success in this and future placement experiences?

This assignment should be typed, using a minimum of a 12 point font, and must be turned in by the deadlines required by your liaison. This assignment should be completed using the standard rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. that one would use when writing any graduate school assignment.