Present: Cllr M Bawden Rawsthorne chairman, Cllr P Gash, Cllr E Gough, Cllr S Greenman, Cllr D Martin, Cllr P Murton, Cllr K Tillotson
Also present: Four members of the public
Public Question Time
There were no questions.
86/17 Apologies for Absence
Baroness Cllr. Jane Scott, Cllr A Slater – holiday, Cllr P Sobers – work commitments
87/17 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Gough – agenda item 6e reference Genesis Singers
88/17 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 14 December 2016
The minutes of the ordinary meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.
89/17 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk read a report and will append it to the minutes.
90/17 Planning Applications
i. 20 The Parklands – N/16/08909/FUL – awaiting a decision
ii. Hanger 88 – N/16/07818/FUL – refused
iii. Mays Farm 25 The Street – N/16/09965/LBC – refused by committee
iv. 87 The Street – N/16/11093/FUL – waiting a decision
v. The Old Rectory – N/16/11336/LBC and N/16/11032/FUL – waiting a decision
vi. 40 The Street – N/16/12056/FUL – Mr Rawlinson, the applicant, spoke about his application. The Parish Council supports this application with a comment that the drawings include a new access that is on a previous application which is currently under appeal.
91/17 Finance and Administration
a) Update on Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group
Graeme Slaymaker, newly appointed Chairman of the NDP Steering Group, gave a report which included that the next Open Day will be on Saturday 18 February 2017. A Business Questionnaire will be sent to businesses in the village. The group will soon engage with the land owners.
b) Schedule of receipts and payments of invoices
The following receipts and payments were proposed by Cllr Murton, seconded by Cllr Gash and unanimously agreed.
Receipts / AmountNone
Payments / Chq No / Amount
Jam Print – Neighbourhood Planning money / 388 / £400.00
Village hall hire – Neighbourhood Planning money / 389 / £46.00
Cancelled / 390
Clerk salary, travelling, stationery / 391 / £570.84
Wiltshire Pension Fund employers / 392 / £108.40
Wiltshire Pension Fund employees / 393 / £28.26
Bank Charges November and December / £10.00
Pegasus – Neighbourhood Planning money / 394 / £660.00
Cancelled / 395
Paper / 396 / £2.00
Total / £1,825.50
Invoices will be available for members’ perusal.
c) Consideration of application for transparency funding
The Clerk and Chairman are completing the request form.
d) Budget and precept confirmation
The budget and precept were proposed by Cllr Greenman, seconded by Cllr Martin and unanimously agreed. The precept of £19,000 was agreed.
e) Consideration for donations
It was proposed by Cllr Greenman, seconded by Cllr Murton and unanimously agreed to donate £100 to Genesis Singers. It was proposed by Cllr Gough, seconded by Cllr Gash to donate £100 to the Golden Threads and £50 to the Hullavington News.
92/17 Footpaths and Rights of Way
No issues have been reported.
93/17 Car Parking, Traffic and Highway Matters
a) Update regarding the request for alterations to existing bus stop opposite the Star Inn
Martin Rose, Highways Engineer Wiltshire Council, anticipates that the plans for this item will be available at the end of January.
b) Update on the blocked manhole causing flooding in Watts Lane
This has been completed quickly and efficiently following the intervention of Baroness Cllr Jane Scott.
94/17 Cemetery and Churchyard Matters
a) Removal of the tree stump and reinstatement of the footpath
Cllr Slater is continuing with the tree stump removal work.
b) Update on repair to the bier house roof tile
Cllr Slater will carry out the repair.
c) Approval to purchase a replacement of the broken notice board
Cllr Martin offered to arrange for a new notice board to be made at no cost to the Parish Council and will liaise with Cllr Gough. The Parish Council thanked him for this offer.
d) Possible clean-up of paths
Cllr Murton will ask if the Army will be able help.
95/17 Village Maintenance
No issues reported
96/17 Exchange of Information, Councillors Reports and Items for Next Meeting
a) Village Hall
Cllr Gash reported that rental charges will increase. The Treasurer will be moving from the village and will therefore be unable to continue on the committee. The committee is going to advertise for this to be a paid role. The locks will be changed to gain more control over key holders. Quotes are being sourced to replace the lights, the notice board and display boards.
b) Buckley Barracks
Cllr Murton reported that the last aircraft flew out from the airfield on Monday. 621 Volunteer Gliding Squadron, occupants for 24 years, will leave on Saturday. He also reported that some light aircraft were doing circuits and bumps on the airfield without permission. The security of the airfield is now the responsibility of the new owners. The company on C site will move out in the next few days.
Late Correspondence
c) Items for next meeting
Best Kept Village arrangements and Annual Parish Meeting date confirmation.
97/17 Date of Next Meetings
Wednesday 8 February 2017
The meeting closed at 8.47pm