
References Are To Section Numbers

Abandoned Vehicles, (See Motor Vehicles)


attorney, village

-appointment of, 1-3-48

-duties of, 1-3-49

bidding procedures, 1-2-26

bonds, 1-2-24

claims, 1-2-28

clerk, village,

-appointed, 1-3-16

-bonds of, 1-2-24

-delivery of papers, 1-3-19

-deputy clerk for, 1-3-30

-license report, 1-3-22

-licenses issuance, 1-3-21

-minutes, 1-3-18

-notice to appointed officials, 1-3-28

-oaths administered by, 1-3-23

-other duties of, 1-3-29

-outstanding bonds, 1-3-24

-payments by, 1-3-27

-preparation of commissions, 1-3-20

-reports by, 1-3-25

-seal, in custody of, 1-2-18

-successor of, 1-3-26

-term of, 1-3-16

-vacancy, 1-3-17

code enforcement officer, (zoning administrator)

-creation of position, 1-3-63

-duties, 1-3-64

committees, 1-2-4

conservators of peace, 1-2-22(H)

contracts, 1-2-26

elections, village, 1-2-19


-appointment, 1-3-53

-duties, salary, 1-3-54

expenses of, 1-2-30

federal old age and survivor’s insurance system, 1-2-32

fiscal year, 1-1-16


-appointment of elected officials, 1-2-20

-bidding and contract procedures, 1-2-26

-bonds, 1-2-24

-certificates of insurance, 1-2-34

-claims, 1-2-28

-control of property owned by village outside village limits, 1-2-33

-elections, 1-2-19

-territorial jurisdiction established, 1-2-35

-expense reimbursement policy, 1-2-30

-federal old age and survivor’s insurance system, 1-2-32

-insurance, 1-2-25

Administration, (Cont'd.)

general, (Cont’d.)

-municipal officers, regulations, 1-2-21

-municipal year, 1-2-29

-official records, 1-2-31

-qualifications, 1-2-23

-resignation of appointed officials, 1-2-22

-salaries regulation, 1-2-27

-seal, 1-2-18

liability insurances for, 1-2-25

management association,

-contribution, 1-5-2

-participation, 1-5-1


- appointments,

attorney, 1-3-48

committees, 1-2-4

officers, 1-3-5

police chief, 30-2-2

public works superintendent, 1-3-57

- bond, 1-2-24

-business license commissioner, 1-3-10

-chief executive officer, 1-3-3


business, 1-3-10

health, 1-3-12

liquor, 1-3-11

-conduct of officers,1-3-6

-deciding vote by, 1-3-13

-designation of duties by,1-3-7

-duties of, 1-3-9

-election of, 1-3-1

-formal occasions, 1-3-8

-general duties of, 1-3-9

-ordinances, 1-2-14

-pro-tem, 1-3-2

-revoking business licenses, 1-3-10

-salary of, 1-4-1

-signature required of, 1-3-4

-street closing by, 33-2-5

-term of, 1-3-1

-tie-votes and, 1-3-13

-veto ordinance, 1-2-14(D)

-voting by, 1-3-13

meeting procedures,

-governmental unit remote attendance policy, Addendum “A”

-recording closed meetings,

back-up equipment/procedure for equipment malfunction, 1-6-5

closed session minutes, 1-6-3

maintenance and public release of recordings, 1-6-7

procedure for destruction, 1-6-8

procedure for recording, 1-6-4

procedure for review, 1-6-6

recording closed sessions,1-6-1

responsibility for recording, 1-6-2

Administration, (Cont'd.)

meeting procedures, (Cont’d.)

-remote meeting participation,

amendment of previous terms, 1-6-13

definition, 1-6-12

remote participation policy, 1-6-14

statutory authority, 1-6-11

-request for auxiliary aid(s) and/or service(s), Addendum “B”

-travel, meal and lodging expense reimbursement form, Addendum “C”


-absences from, 1-2-7

-agenda, 1-2-12

-quorum, 1-2-6

-refusal to attend, 1-2-7

-regular, 1-2-2

-special, 1-2-3

-time, 1-2-2


-changes in votes, 1-2-11(O)

-division, 1-2-11(M)

-filling of blanks, 1-2-11(W)

-postpone, 1-2-11(T)

-precedence of, 1-2-11(P)

-previous question, 1-2-11(R)

-reconsideration of, 1-2-11(Y)

-record of, 1-2-11(N)

-to adjourn, 1-2-11(Q)

-to amend, 1-2-11(V)

-to refer, 1-2-11(U)

-to substitute, 1-2-11(X)

-to table, 1-2-11(S)

-written, 1-2-11(L)

municipal year, 1-2-29

oath, 1-2-22(I)


-appointment of, 1-2-20

-conservators of peace, 1-2-22(H)

-fees, 1-2-22(F)

-inspection of books, 1-2-22(E)

-oath, 1-2-22(I)

-qualification of, 1-2-22(B)

-report of fees, 1-2-22(F)

-residency, 1-2-23

-successor delivery of books to, 1-2-21(D)

official records, 1-2-31


- approval, 1-2-14(D)

- veto, 1-2-14(D)

public works superintendent,

-appointment, 1-3-57

-custodian of property, 1-3-60

-employees under, 1-3-59

quorum, 1-2-6

Administration, (Cont'd.)

rules, board,

-agenda, 1-2-12

-business, order of, 1-2-11(A)

-call to order, 1-2-11(G)

-censure, 1-2-11(BB)

-chair, decisions of, 1-2-11(H)

-debate, 1-2-11(F)

-members, duties of, 1-2-11(C)

-motions, (see title)

-new business, 1-2-11(E)

-presiding officer, 1-2-11(B)

-question of personal privilege, 1-2-11(I)

-reconsideration, 1-2-11(Y)

-"rules of order" adopted, 1-2-11(Z)

-special order of business, 1-2-11(K)

-suspension of rules, 1-2-11(AA)

-visitors, 1-2-11(D)

-voting, 1-2-11(J)

salaries, 1-4-1

seal, 1-2-18


- books delivered to, 1-2-21(D)

treasurer, village

-accounts by, 1-3-35

-appointment of, 1-3-34

-appropriation, 1-3-44

-bond of, 1-2-24, 1-3-38

-bookkeeping, 1-3-40

-committee established, 1-3-32

-deposit of funds, 1-3-45

-finance committee, 1-3-33

-official depositories, 1-3-45

-personal use of funds, 1-3-37

-report delinquent officers, 1-3-42

-special assessments, 1-3-39

-statements by, 1-3-41

-warrant register, 1-3-36

-warrants by, 1-3-35

-year-end report, 1-3-43


-appointment to fill trustee vacancy, 1-2-41

-by death or disability, 1-2-38

-by other causes, 1-2-39

-by resignation, 1-2-37

-due to election be declared void, 1-2-43

-election of an acting mayor, 1-2-40

-election to fill vacancies in municipal offices with four (4) year terms, 1-2-41

-owing a debt to the municipality, 1-2-44

village board of trustees,

-address by non-members, 1-2-13

- agenda of, 1-2-12

- committees of, 1-2-4

-composition of, 1-2-1

-meetings of, 1-2-2

Administration, (Cont'd.)

village board of trustees, (Cont’d.)

-non-attendance, 1-2-7

-ordinances of, 1-2-14

-quorum, 1-2-6

-rules of, 1-2-11

-salary of, 1-4-1

-special committees, 1-2-5

-special meetings, 1-2-3

village engineer, 1-3-53


-fiscal, 1-1-16

- municipal, 1-2-29

zoning administrator, 1-3-63


on trees, 33-2-14

over streets, 33-2-6



-confinement in motor vehicle, 3-2-18

-dangerous dog, female at large, 3-2-16

-definitions, 3-2-1

-disposition of dogs deemed nuisances, 3-2-15

-duration of inoculation, 3-2-4

-exhibition of certificate upon request, 3-2-6

-female dog with other dogs, 3-2-17

-impoundment, 3-2-8, 3-2-12

-impoundment of dogs which have bitten persons, 3-2-11

-inoculation and name tags, 3-2-2

-inoculation by licensed veterinarian, 3-2-3

-notice and citation, 3-2-9

-obstructing poundmaster, 3-2-10

-redemption of impounded animals, 3-2-13

-restraint of dogs, 3-2-7

-specifications for tag, 3-2-5

-vicious animals prohibited, 3-2-19

-village pound, 3-2-14

general regulations,

-animal feed prohibited, 3-1-12

-cock fighting, dog fighting, 3-1-15

-cruelty to animals, 3-1-7

-dead animals, 3-1-13

-definitions, 3-1-2

-exercise of certain powers, 3-1-3

-exhibiting wild or vicious animals, 3-1-8

-health hazard, 3-1-9

-in village, 3-1-11

-injured animals, 3-1-14

-injury to property, 3-1-4

-keeping barking dogs and crying cats, 3-1-6

-limitation on number, 3-1-10

-manner of keeping, 3-1-5

-short title, 3-1-1

hobby animal application, Appendix “B”

notice of impoundment of animal, Appendix “A”

Animals, (Cont’d.)

penalties and enforcement,

-citations, 3-5-1

-fines and penalties, 3-5-3

-prosecution of violations, 3-5-2


-regulations, 3-4-1

-variances, 3-4-2

vicious and dangerous dogs,

-definitions, 3-3-1

-dog permitted to leave premises, 3-3-4

-injunction, 3-3-5

-liability of owner, 3-3-6

-owner’s responsibility, 3-3-3

-right of entry, 3-37

-unlawful to maintain, 3-3-2


disturbing, 27-2-3

Attorney, Village, 1-3-48

- B -

Banks, 1-3-45

Begging, 27-2-17

Bond(s), 1-2-24

Building regulations,

fees, 6-1-1


adult use licensing and regulation,

-adult entertainment cabarets, 7-5-14

-business records, 7-5-12

-definitions, 7-5-2

-expiration of license, 7-5-8

-fees, 7-5-6

-hours of operation, 7-5-16

-inspection, 7-5-7

-investigation, 7-5-17

-issuance of license, 7-5-4

-license required, 7-5-3

-liquor, 7-5-5

-liquor license, 7-5-13

-purpose, 7-5-1

-revocation, 7-5-10

-suspension, 7-5-9

-transfer of license, 7-5-11

-video viewing booths, 7-5-15

coin-operated machines,

-application, 7-3-3

-closing hours, 7-3-10

-definitions, 7-3-1

-display of license, 7-3-8

-fees, 7-3-5

-gambling, 7-3-7

-license required, 7-3-2

-non-assignability of license, 7-3-6

-prohibited licensees, 7-3-4

-right of entry, 7-3-9

Businesses, (Cont’d.)


-applicability, 7-6-16

-application for public display permit, 7-6-8

-application for seller’s permit, 7-6-9

-definitions, 7-6-1

-enforcement, 7-6-18

-issuance, nontransferable voiding, 7-6-7

-nonprohibited acts, 7-6-15

-permit fees, 7-6-6

-permit required to sell or display, 7-6-4

-possession, use and discharge, 7-6-3

-reckless discharge or use prohibited, 7-6-19

-sale from stands, 7-6-10

-sale unlawful, 7-6-2

-special effects for entertainment media, 7-6-14

-standards for public displays, 7-6-12

-standards for temporary stands, 7-6-11

-status of state law, 7-6-17

-time limit, 7-6-5

-use in public parks, 7-6-13


-application, 7-2-3

-definitions, 7-2-2

-farmers excluded, 7-2-11

-fees, 7-2-12

-fraud, 7-2-6

-hours, 7-2-5

-investigation, 7-2-4

-license for, 7-2-1

-nuisance, 7-2-9

-photographs of, 7-2-7

-police action, 7-2-10

-unwanted, 7-2-8

raffles and poker runs,

-application for poker run, 7-4-4

-application for raffle, 7-4-3

-conduct, 7-4-7

-definitions, 7-4-1

-license issuance, 7-4-6

-licensee qualifications, 7-4-5

-limited construction, 7-4-10

-manager – bond, 7-4-8

-prize limitations, 7-4-11

-records, 7-4-9

-requirement of license, 7-4-2


-application for, 7-1-3

-certificate for, 7-1-2

-compliance by, 7-1-7

-defined 7-1-1

-fees, 7-1-11

-notices for, 7-1-6

-policy on, 7-1-5

-public highways, 7-1-10

-revocation, 7-1-4

-time limit for, 7-1-9

-uninvited, 7-1-8

- C -

Cable Television, 8-1-1

Chief of Police, (See Public Safety)

Civil Emergency,

authority of mayor to issue orders, 30-1-4

curfew, 30-1-3

declaration of emergency, 30-1-2

definitions, 30-1-1

effectiveness, 30-1-5

notification, 30-1-6

Claims against Village, 1-2-28

Clerk, Village, (See Administration)

Contracts, 1-2-26

Culverts in Streets, (See Streets)

Curbs and Gutters, 33-5-2

Curfew, 27-2-31

- D -

Disorderly Conduct, 27-4-1

Disturbing peace, 27-2-5

Drug Free Workplace,

definitions, 22-8-1

requirements for village, 27-8-2

Drug/Alcohol Testing Policy and Procedure,

applicability, 22-9-4

confidentiality of test results, 22-9-7

consequences of positive test result or refusal to cooperate, 22-9-8

definitions, 22-9-2

policy, 22-9-1

prohibited actions, 22-9-3

screening and testing, 22-9-6

testing procedure, 22-9-5

- E -

Elections, 1-2-19

Emergency Management Agency (E.M.A.),

appropriations and levy of tax, 40-3-13

authority to accept services, gifts, grants or loans, 30-3-14

communications, 30-3-10

compensation, 30-3-20

definitions, 30-3-3

emergency management agency, 30-3-4

emergency termination or reduction of electrical service, 30-3-22

financing, 30-3-6

immunity, 30-3-11

limitations, 30-3-2

local disaster emergencies, 30-3-7

mutual aid arrangements between political subdivisions, 30-3-9

no private liability, 30-3-18

orders, rules and regulations, 30-3-15

penalty, 30-3-23

personnel oath, 30-3-21

policy and procedures, 30-3-1

Emergency Management Agency (E.M.A.),(Cont’d.)

powers of the mayor, 30-3-5

professions, trades and occupations, 30-3-12

severability, 30-3-17

succession, 30-3-19

testing of disaster warning devices, 30-3-8

utilization of existing agency, facilities and personnel, 30-3-16

Employee Policies,

anti-bullying policy,

-application of policy, 11-15-1

-bullying prohibited, 11-15-3

-definition, 11-15-2

-disciplinary action, 11-15-4

-reporting and complaint procedure, 11-15-5

compensation, 11-5-2

-overtime, 11-5-3

-paychecks, 11-5-1

-salary increases, 11-5-4

definitions, 11-2-1


-administrative leave, 11-17-5

-code of conduct, 11-17-8

-dismissal, 11-17-7

-political activities, 11-17-9

-probation, 11-17-4

-procedure, 11-17-1

-suspension, 11-17-6

-verbal reprimand, 11-17-2

-written reprimand, 11-17-3

domestic and sexual violence policy,

-definition, 11-16-2

-policy, 11-16-4

-purpose, 11-16-1

-victim’s economic security and safety act (VESSA), 11-16-3

hiring policy,

-application forms, 11-4-3

-probationary period, 11-4-5

-promotions, 11-4-4

-requirements, 11-4-1

-residency requirements, 11-4-2

hours of work,

-holiday pay, 11-6-4

-lunch, 11-6-2

-time and attendance, 11-6-3

-work week, 11-6-1


-bereavement pay, 11-7-3

-illness or injury at work, 11-7-6

-leave of absence, 11-7-8

-maternity and reasonable accommodation, 11-7-7

-paid holidays, 11-7-2

-personal leave, 11-7-4

-sick leave, 11-7-5

-vacation pay schedule, 11-7-1

Employee Policies, (Cont’d.)


-grievance procedure, 11-18-1

-layoffs, 11-18-2

-resignation, 11-18-3

miscellaneous benefits,

-death benefits, 11-8-3

-insurance, 11-8-1

-reimbursement of other expenses, 11-8-5

-training, 11-8-2

-travel, 11-8-4

pre-employment verification policy,

-general policy, 11-3-2

-optional verifications, 11-3-4

-policy, 11-3-1

-required verifications, 11-3-3

purpose, 11-1-1

regulations and restrictions,

-computer usage policy, 11-9-30

-drug free workplace policy,

drug free workplace, 11-9-20

drug free workplace statement, 11-9-22

employee assistance, 11-9-24

purpose, 11-9-21

status of employment, rehab costs, 11-9-25

violations, 11-9-23

-electronic communications,

accessing user email during absence, 11-9-47

disclaimer of liability for use of the internet, 11-9-51

duty not to waste electronic communications resources, 11-9-52

e-mail addresses, 11-9-64

firewalls and network protection, 11-9-48

freedom of information act requests, 11-9-54

internet usage, 11-9-44

no presumption of policy, 11-9-40

ownership, 11-9-37

password protection, 11-9-49

passwords, 11-9-43

policy changes, 11-9-57

policy definitions, 11-9-36

policy, introduction/purpose, 11-9-35

prohibited activities, 11-9-42

prohibited communications, 11-9-39

records disposal, 11-9-46

records retained, 11-9-45

use of credit cards on the internet, 11-9-55

use of electronic communications, 11-9-38

village’s right to monitor use, 11-9-41

violations, 11-9-56

viruses and tampering, 11-9-50


accidents/injuries, 11-9-1

appearance, 11-9-2

correspondence and communications, 11-9-5

ethics, 11-9-11

other employment, 11-9-12

Employee Policies, (Cont’d.)

regulations and restrictions, (Cont’d.)

-general, (Cont’d.)

photo I.D.s, 11-9-7

physical examinations, 11-9-13

possession of firearms, 11-9-10

prescription drug use, 11-9-15

reimbursement of cost of training, 11-9-14

relations with creditors, 11-9-9

smoking, 11-9-6

speech and dissemination of information, 11-9-8

telephone usage, 11-9-4

use of department property, 11-9-3

rights of employees,

-personnel file, 11-10-1

-references, 11-10-2

-safety, 11-10-3

rights of employer,

-exemptions to labor agreements, 11-11-5

-length of service, 11-11-4

-management responsibilities, 11-11-3

-new regulations, 11-11-2

-village’s rights, 11-11-1

sexual harassment policy,

-definition, 11-12-3

-false and frivolous complaints, 11-12-9

-policy, 11-12-2

-procedures for filing a complaint, 11-12-6

-purpose, 11-12-1

-responsibility of individual employees, 11-12-4

-responsibility of supervisory personnel, 11-12-5

-retaliation, 11-12-7

-training, 11-12-8

sexual misconduct policy,

-child abuse, 11-13-3

-reporting procedures and designated sexual abuse coordinator, 11-13-2

-statement, 11-13-1

social media policy,

-mission statement, 11-14-1

-policy, 11-14-3

-purpose, 11-14-2

-rules and regulations, 11-14-4

Equal Employment Policy,

accommodations for disabled, 22-7-6

adoption of codes, 22-7-1

compliance by employees, 22-7-7

contracting with non-complaints, 22-7-3

designated enforcers, 22-7-8

minority hiring, 22-7-5

non-discriminatory practices, 22-7-2

outreach to all, 22-7-4

Ethics Code,

definitions, 22-6-1

disposition of gifts, 22-6-5

ethics advisor, 22-6-6

exceptions to general rule, 22-6-4

gift ban – general rule, 22-6-3

penalties, 22-6-7

prohibited political activities, 22-6-2

Excavations in Streets, (See Streets)

- F -

Fair Housing Code,

declaration of policy, 22-4-1

definitions, 22-4-2

penalty, 22-4-4

prohibited acts, 22-4-3

Filth, 25-1-1(A)

Firearms, 27-2-19

Fireworks, (Regulations),

applicability, 7-6-16

application for public display permit, 7-6-8

application for seller’s permit, 7-6-9

definitions, 7-6-1

enforcement, 7-6-18

issuance, nontransferable voiding, 7-6-7

nonprohibited acts, 7-6-15

permit fees, 7-6-6

permit required to sell or display, 7-6-4

possession, use and discharge, 7-6-3

reckless discharge or use prohibited, 7-6-19

sale from stands, 7-6-10

sale unlawful, 7-6-2

special effects for entertainment media, 7-6-14

standards for public displays, 7-6-12

standards for temporary stands, 7-6-11

status of state law, 7-6-17

time limit, 7-6-5

use in public parks, 7-6-13

Fiscal year, 1-1-16

Flood Plain Code,

abrogation and greater restrictions, 14-1-14

base elevation, 14-1-3

carrying capacity and notification, 14-1-10

definitions for, 14-1-2

development permit, 14-1-5

liability disclaimer, 14-1-12

protecting buildings, 14-1-7

penalties for, 14-1-13

preventing increased damages, 14-1-6

public health and other standards, 14-1-9

purpose of, 14-1-14

subdivision requirements, 14-1-8

variances, 14-1-11

zoning administrator's duties, 14-1-4


electric, 15-1-1, Appendix “A”

gas, 15-2-1, Appendix “B”

Freedom of Information Code,

certain information exempt, 22-3-9

designation, duties and training, 22-3-2

fees, 22-3-6

granting or denial of requests, 22-3-8

notice of denial of request; appeals, 22-3-10

procedures, 22-3-3

public file, 22-3-7

public records available, 22-3-1

request for commercial purposes, 22-3-5

requests to inspect or copy, 22-3-4

- G -

Games in Streets, 27-2-20


accumulation unlawful, 16-1-9

definitions, 16-1-1

falling from truck, 16-1-8

industrial uses, 16-1-11

license for,

- applications for, 16-1-3

- fee for, 16-1-2

- required, 16-1-2

parked truck, 16-1-5

revocation of permit, 16-1-12

truck requirements, 16-1-4

wastewaters from, 16-1-6

windblown, 16-1-7

yard location, 16-1-10

- I -

Identity Theft,


-detecting red flags, 22-1-4

-identification of red flags, 22-1-3

-preventing and mitigating, 22-1-5

-program adoption, 22-1-1

-program purpose and definitions, 22-1-2

-program updates, 22-1-6

use of social security numbers,

-amendment, 22-2-9

-applicability, 22-2-4

-compliance with federal law, 22-2-5

-conflict with stricter laws, 22-2-10

-definitions, 22-2-1

-embedded social security numbers, 22-2-6

-identity – protection requirements 22-2-7

-penalty, 22-2-8

-prohibited activities, 22-2-2

-public inspection and copying of documents, 22-2-3

Inoperable Vehicles,

definitions, 25-4-1

exclusions, 25-4-4

notice to owner, 25-4-3

nuisance, 25-4-2

Investment Policy,

authorized and suitable investments, 22-5-8

authorized financial dealers and institutions, 22-5-7

collateralization, 22-5-9

delegation of authority, 22-5-5

diversification, 22-5-11

ethics and conflicts of interest, 22-5-6

internal control, 22-5-13

investment policy review, 22-5-16

maximum maturities, 22-5-12

objective, 22-5-4

performance standards, 22-5-14

policy, 22-5-1

prudence, 22-5-3

reporting, 22-5-15

safekeeping and custody, 22-5-10

scope, 22-5-2

- L -

Liquor Code,

classes of licenses, 21-2-7

closing hours, 21-3-1

commissioner for, 1-3-11

definitions for, 21-1-1

examination of applicant, 21-2-3

happy hours, 21-3-2

inspections, 21-3-27

licenses for,

-application, 21-2-2

-classes, 21-2-7

-display of, 21-2-11

-dramshop insurance, 21-2-10

-examining, 21-2-3

-fees for, 21-2-7

-hours open, 21-3-1

-limitation, 21-2-9

-manager requisites, 21-2-5

-nature of, 21-2-8

-prohibited, 21-2-4

-record of, 21-2-12

-required, 21-2-1

-term of, 21-2-6

liquor defined, 21-1-1

mayor as liquor commissioner, 1-3-11

minors with liquor in vehicle, 21-3-8

regulations for,

-BASSET training, 21-3-35

-books and records, 21-3-28

-change of location, 21-3-4

-diseased employees, 21-3-14

Liquor Code, (Cont’d.)

regulations for, (Cont’d.)

-disorderly house, 21-3-18

-election days, 21-3-10

-exclusionary provision, 21-3-26

-false identification, 21-3-31

-gambling, 21-3-17

-happy hours, 21-3-2

-health permit, 21-3-15

-identification required, 21-3-23

-inspections, 21-3-27

-minors, liquor in vehicles, 21-3-8

-open liquor, 21-3-7

-peddling alcohol, 21-3-16

-persons selling, 21-3-20

-prohibited locations, 21-3-3

-prohibited sales, 21-3-19

-renting hotel rooms, 21-3-34

-residential areas, 21-3-9

-residential drinking, 21-3-33

-restrictions on licensee, 21-3-29

-sanitary conditions, 21-3-13

-school supplies sold, 21-3-5

-selling false identification, 21-3-30

-transfer of identification prohibited, 21-3-24

-transporting in motor vehicles, 21-3-6

-underaged drinking on streets, 21-3-32

-underaged, entry on licensed premises, 21-3-21

-unlawful acts, 21-3-11

-unlawful entertainment, 21-3-12

-unlawful purchase, 21-3-22

-warnings posted, 21-3-25

term of license, 21-2-6

violations of,

-abatement of place used, 21-4-6

-acts of agents, 21-4-2

-appeal limitations, 21-4-13

-appeals, 21-4-11

-complaint of residents, 21-4-9

-misbranding, 21-4-5

-owner permitting, 21-4-1

- revocation of license, 21-4-3, 21-4-4, 21-4-7, 21-4-8

-subsequent violations, 21-4-12

- suspension of, 21-4-10


aircraft, 27-5-8

construction sites, 27-5-12

definitions, 27-5-1

handbills, 27-5-10

loading docks, 27-5-13

parks, 27-5-9

parking lots, 27-5-14

posting notices prohibited, 27-5-11

private property, 27-5-6

prohibited, 27-5-2

Litter, (Cont’d.)

receptacles, 27-5-4

scattering, 27-5-3

sidewalks and, 27-5-5

vehicle, 27-5-7

- M -

Mandated Policies,

drug free workplace,

-definitions, 22-8-1

-requirements for village, 22-8-2

drug/alcohol testing policy and procedure,

-applicability, 22-9-4

-confidentiality of test results, 22-9-7

-consequences of positive test result or refusal to cooperate, 22-9-8

-definitions, 22-9-2

-policy, 22-9-1

-prohibited actions, 22-9-3

-screening and testing, 22-9-6

-testing procedure, 22-9-5

equal employment policy,

-accommodations for disabled, 22-7-6

-adoption of codes, 22-7-1

-compliance by employees, 22-7-7

-contracting with non-complaints, 22-7-3

-designated enforcers, 22-7-8

-minority hiring, 22-7-5

-non-discriminatory practices, 22-7-2

-outreach to all, 22-7-4

ethics code,

-definitions, 22-6-1

-disposition of gifts, 22-6-5

-ethics advisor, 22-6-6

-exceptions to general rule, 22-6-4

-gift ban – general rule, 22-6-3

-penalties, 22-6-7

-prohibited political activities, 22-6-2

fair housing code,

-declaration of policy, 22-4-1

-definitions, 22-4-2

-penalty, 22-4-4

-prohibited acts, 22-4-3

freedom of information code,

-certain information exempt, 22-3-9

-designation, duties and training, 22-3-2

-fees, 22-3-6

-granting or denial of requests, 22-3-8

-notice of denial of request; appeals, 22-3-10

-procedures, 22-3-3

-public file, 22-3-7

-public records available, 22-3-1

-request for commercial purposes, 22-3-5

-requests to inspect or copy, 22-3-4

Mandated Policies, (Cont’d.)

identity theft,


detecting red flags, 22-1-4

identification of red flags, 22-1-3

preventing and mitigating, 22-1-5

program adoption, 22-1-1

program purpose and definitions, 22-1-2

program updates, 22-1-6

-use of social security numbers,

amendment, 22-2-9

applicability, 22-2-4

compliance with federal law, 22-2-5

conflict with stricter laws, 22-2-10

definitions, 22-2-1

embedded social security numbers, 22-2-6

identity – protection requirements 22-2-7

penalty, 22-2-8

prohibited activities, 22-2-2

public inspection and copying of documents, 22-2-3

investment policy,

-authorized and suitable investments, 22-5-8

-authorized financial dealers and institutions, 22-5-7

-collateralization, 22-5-9

-delegation of authority, 22-5-5

-diversification, 22-5-11

-ethics and conflicts of interest, 22-5-6

-internal control, 22-5-13

-investment policy review, 22-5-16

-maximum maturities, 22-5-12

-objective, 22-5-4

-performance standards, 22-5-14

-policy, 22-5-1

-prudence, 22-5-3

-reporting, 22-5-15

-safekeeping and custody, 22-5-10

-scope, 22-5-2

sexual harassment policy,

-definition, 22-10-2

-false and frivolous complaints, 22-10-6

-procedures for filing a complaint, 22-10-5

-responsibility of employees, 22-10-3

-responsibility of supervisory personnel, 22-10-4

-statement, 22-10-1

Manufactured Homes,

general provisions,

-carbon monoxide alarm detectors, 23-1-10

-definitions, 23-1-1

-fire extinguishers, 23-1-6

-Illinois Department of Public Health, 23-1-4

-inspection, 23-1-7

-manufactured housing act adopted, 23-1-3

-national safety standards, 23-1-5

-off-street parking, 23-1-8

-prohibited residential uses, 23-1-9

-smoke and fire detectors, 23-1-11

-state requirements, 23-1-2

Manufactured Homes, (Cont’d.)

immobilized manufactured homes,

-defined, 23-2-1

-limit of units, 23-2-4

-lot size, 23-2-3

-permit – fee, 23-2-2

manufactured home parks,

-administration requirements,

compliance with statutes, 23-3-1

initial permit required, 23-3-7

inspection of manufactured home park, 23-3-5

local government requirements, 23-3-3

permits, 23-3-4

permitting and planning a park, 23-3-2

violation proceedings, 23-3-6

-design and construction requirements,

application, 23-3-11

location, 23-3-12

parking requirements, 23-3-14

plan document, 23-3-10

roadways and parking, 23-3-13


lot size, 23-3-17

miscellaneous restrictions, 23-3-18

skirting, 23-3-19

-license fee, 23-3-21



-attorney, 1-3-48

-committees, 1-2-4

-officers, 1-3-5

-police chief, 30-2-2

-public works superintendent, 1-3-57

bond, 1-2-24

business license commissioner, 1-3-10

chief executive officer, 1-3-3


-business, 1-3-10

-health, 1-3-12

-liquor, 1-3-11

conduct of officers,1-3-6

deciding vote by, 1-3-13

designation of duties by,1-3-7

duties of, 1-3-9

election of, 1-3-1

formal occasions, 1-3-8

general duties of, 1-3-9

ordinances, 1-2-14

pro-tem, 1-3-2

revoking business licenses, 1-3-10

salary of, 1-4-1

signature required of, 1-3-4

street closing by, 33-2-5

term of, 1-3-1

tie-votes and, 1-3-13

veto ordinance, 1-2-14(D)

voting by, 1-3-13

Motor Vehicles,

abandoned and inoperable vehicles,

-abandoned but not inoperable on private property, 24-7-4

-definitions, 24-7-1

-on private property, 24-7-3

-on public property, 24-7-2

-other remedies, 24-7-5

-parking of vehicles with expired registration stickers, 24-7-6

-penalties and remedies, 24-7-7

bicycles, 24-2-8

condition of,

- muffler, 24-5-2

- noise,

squealing, 24-4-7

stopped vehicle, 24-4-5

wheels, 24-4-6

while driving, 24-4-9

driving rules,

-careless, 24-4-2(A)

-duty to report accident, 24-4-3

-drag racing, 24-4-2(B)

-fleeing or attempting to elude officer, 24-4-2(C)

-reckless, negligent or careless, 24-4-8

- speed restrictions,

elevated structures, 24-4-2(E)

failure to reduce, 24-4-2(H)