This template will help you get beyond the generalized questions and responses often encountered when obtaining references. It will assist you ask and evaluate specific information you are seeking about your candidates.

Select competencies and questions relevant to the position you are trying to fill. Assess four to six competencies and choose one question per competency.

Candidate Name:
Name of Person Giving Reference:
Current Position of Person Giving Reference:
Working Relationship with Candidate:
How long have you worked with the candidate? ______to ______
(month/year) (month/year)
Are/were you the candidate’s: _ superior _ peer _ subordinate _ other (e.g., customer)?
Your title at that time: ______
Candidate’s position(s) at that time: ______
Reference Check Conducted By:
Date of Reference Check:


  • Review résumé and candidate information, paying particular attention to relevant jobs and experience as well as education and training. Highlight areas to review in the reference check.
  • Review competencies required for the position and select relevant reference-check questions.

Start the Reference Check

  • To begin the reference check, thank the person for taking the time to talk with you.
  • Reiterate and check pertinent information—candidate’s name, the job for which the candidate is being considered, etc. This initial interaction is an opportunity to create a positive and relaxed atmosphere for the reference check.

Conduct the Reference Check

  • Proceed in a planned and organized manner. Be sure to provide the person sufficient time to think and respond to your questions.
  • In reference checks, behavioural questions are used in the same manner as in behaviourally based selection interviews. Therefore, responses to behavioural questions must include the following components to allow a complete understanding of a candidate’s past behaviour:

othecircumstances (situation or task) in which the candidate was involved,

  • the action the candidate took to complete the task or address the situation, and

othe result of the candidate’s action.

  • Follow-up probes or questions help ensure each aspect of an example is addressed.
  • Take detailed notes throughout and avoid evaluating information until the reference check is complete.
  • Be thorough in your note-taking—write everything down and sort it out later when you do the evaluation.
  • Take notes of factual data (examples of work, quotes from reference person), not your judgments.

Close the Reference Check

  • To close the reference check, thank the person for taking the time to speak with you and for responding to your questions.

Rate the Results

  • Immediately after the reference check is complete, take a few minutes to review and complete your notes.Identify all information obtained for each competency. A person’s answer to a behaviourally based question may provide information for more than one competency.
  • Using the scale below, assign a rating to each competency based on behavioural examples the reference person provided.

5 / Well Above Standard (significantly exceeds requirements)
Evidence of competency is exceptional and reflects superior ability to perform; all aspects of the competency are demonstrated to a high degree.
4 / Above Standard(exceeds requirements)
Evidence of competency is above-average and reflects more than an adequate ability to perform; all or most aspects of the competency are demonstrated at above-average
3 / Meets Standard(meets requirement)
Evidence of competency meets expectations and reflects an adequate ability to perform; candidate may have demonstrated minor weaknesses in some aspects of the competency, but none of major significance.
2 / Below Standard(below expected requirements)
Evidence of competency is inadequate in key respects.
1 / Well Below Standard(falls significantly below requirements)
Evidence of competency is far from adequate in all or most respects.

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Dependability, Initiativeand Diligence

Demonstrates dependable work habits and demonstrates initiative in the workplace, works with diligence
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • Uses good judgement about work absences and attendance.
  • Has good attendance record and work performance.
  • Can work with minimal supervision.
  • Takes action to resolve issues without prompting.
  • Uses work time productively

Example reference-check questions
  1. What is the candidates attitude and toward work attendance and absences?
  2. Does the candidate call in consistently when they are going to be absent or late?
  3. Were the reasons for absence reasonable and excusable, did the candidate use good judgment?
  4. Do they make an effort to get to work even when it’s difficult, e.g. bad weather, feeling unwell?
  5. What is there absence record for the past 12 months?
  1. Did the candidate work productively and effectively?
  • How would you rate their quality of work against the average worker?
  • How would you rate their speed of work and how they used their downtime?
  • Did the candidate come to work prepared to start immediately, did they have all the right equipment, did they have an organized routine to end work effectively daily?
  1. Did the candidate use initiative and work well with minimal supervision?
  • Can you describe a situation where the candidate took independent action (without supervision) to resolve a significant issue?
  • Can you describe a situation where the candidate used initiative to resolve an issue or problem?

Question ______Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Thinking Skills

Analyzing and synthesizing information to understand issues, identify options, solve problems and support sound decision-making.
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • breaks down straightforward situations into discrete tasks or activities
  • distinguishes critical from irrelevant pieces of information,.
  • gathers input and information from different sources to reach a conclusion,.
  • identifies critical connections and patterns in information and data,.
  • draws logical conclusions based on in-depth analysis of information
  • recognizes latent causes and predicts consequences of actions and events.
  • anticipates obstacles and next steps.

Example reference-check questions
  1. Can you provide an example of a problem the candidate had to analyze?
  2. What process did the candidate follow in analyzing the problem?
  3. What components did the candidate determine were contributing to the problem?
  4. What solution did the candidate suggest?
  5. What was the outcome?
  1. Describe a situation when the candidate anticipated that certain obstacles were going to create a problem.
  • What was the situation?
  • What obstacles did the candidate anticipate?
  • What did the candidate do to deal with the anticipated obstacles?
  • What was the outcome?

Question ______Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Customer Service

Providing service excellence to customers.
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • responds to customer needs in a timely, professional, helpful, and courteous manner regardless of customer attitude
  • clearly demonstrates to customers their opinion is valued
  • strives to meet service standards consistently
  • follows up with customers during and after delivery of services to ensure needs have been met
  • keeps customers up-to-date on progress of the service they receive and changes that affect them
  • ensures service is provided to customers during critical periods
  • prioritizes customer issues and addresses most pressing concerns

Example reference-check questions
  1. Has the candidate helped a customer determine the services they needed to address a certain situation?
  2. Describe the customer’s situation.
  3. What kind of help did the customer require to determine their requirements?
  4. What did the candidate do that the customer found useful?
  5. How was the customer able to make use of the candidate’s ideas?
  1. Provide an example of an instance when the candidate went out of his or her way to be responsive to a customer.
  2. Describe the situation.
  3. What did the candidate do for the customer?
  4. What was the outcome?

Question ______ Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Communication

Listening to others and communicating articulately, fostering open communication.
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • listens and pays attention actively and objectively
  • presents details and facts logically with appropriate phrasing and vocabulary
  • shares information willingly and on a timely basis
  • communicates honestly, respectfully and sensitively
  • recalls others’ main points and takes them into account in own communication
  • checks own understanding of others’ communication (e.g., paraphrases, asks questions)
  • elicits comments or feedback on what has been said
  • maintains continuous, open and consistent communication with others

Example reference-check questions
1. Describe a situation where the candidate had to explain a complex idea or problem to someone in a credible and persuasive manner.
  • Who was the candidate dealing with and what was the situation?
  • What was the desired outcome of the communication?
  • Describe the candidate’s communication approach or strategy.
  • To what extent did the candidate succeed in getting the message across or persuading the individual?
  1. Sharing information is often crucial to success. Talk about a time when the candidate’s listening and speaking skills proved especially critical to ensure an objective was met.
  2. Describe the situation.
  3. What was the candidate trying to communicate?
  4. In what way did the candidate’s listening skill prove useful?
  5. How did the candidate ensure that others truly understood what was said?
  6. What challenges, if any, did the candidate encounter in communicating orally with others?

Question ______ Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Safety

Identifying hazardous or potentially hazardous situations and taking appropriate action to maintain a safe environment for self and others.
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • understands and applies relevant health and safety regulations and policies
  • maintains and updates knowledge of safety issues
  • acts to correct obviously unsafe conditions in the workplace
  • recommends improved safety procedures where appropriate
  • identifies potentially unsafe conditions in the workplace
  • conducts analysis to avoid hazards in the workplace

Example reference-check questions
  1. What has the candidate done to stay up-to-date with health and safety issues in the workplace?
  2. What did the candidate do to stay current?
  3. Where did the candidate get the most recent information?
  4. How did the candidate apply this information?
  5. How was it beneficial to the organization?
2. Has the candidate ever identified a need or opportunity for improvement to existing safety procedures?
  • What was the situation?
  • What needed improvement and why?
  • What recommendations did the candidate make?
  • What was the outcome?

Question ______ Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Adaptability

Ability to adjust behaviour and perspective to work effectively in ambiguous or changing situations with diverse individuals and groups.
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • expresses willingness to do things differenty,
  • understands and recognizes the value of other points of view and ways of doing thing,
  • displays a positive attitude in the face of ambiguity and change
  • changes own behaviour or approach to suit the situation
  • applies rules or procedures flexibly while retaining the organization’s values
  • adapts behaviour to perform effectively under changing or unclear conditions

Example reference-check questions
1. Please give an example of a situation where the candidate changed his or her behaviour or approach in response to circumstances and people involved.
  • Why did the candidate need to change his or her approach?
  • Describe how the candidate changed his or her approach or behaviour.
  • How easily did the candidate adapt to the situation?
  • What was the outcome?
2. Specify an instance when the candidate was able to solve a problem or better serve a customer by applying flexibility to a rule or procedure.
  • Describe the situation.
  • What rule or procedure was involved?
  • What aspects of the rule or procedure were flexible?
  • What was the outcome?

Question ______ Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Responsibility

Developing, implementing, evaluating and adjusting plans to reach goals while ensuring optimal use of resources and quality customer service.
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • plans and organizes own activities to accomplish pre-determined standards or procedures
  • seeks clarification of priorities as needed
  • monitors quality and timeliness of own work
  • uses resources at immediate disposal
  • identifies who needs to be involved and when
  • distinguishes who will do what and when, taking into account group members’ skills, needs and, if possible, preferences,
  • sets timelines and work steps,
  • tracks progress and use of resources (e.g., people, supplies, money),
  • makes needed adjustments to timelines, steps and resource allocation
  • prepares for effective accomplishment of next steps

Example reference-check questions
1. Could you provide an example of a specific objective for which the candidate developed a back-up plan to handle potential obstacles?
  • Describe the situation.
  • How did the candidate know to develop a back-up plan?
  • What were the key elements of the candidate’s plan?
  • How did the candidate prioritize?
  • What were the obstacles?
  • What was the result?
2. Provide an example of a situation when planning and organizing tasks was especially critical for the candidate—for example, to meet a tough deadline or deal with several priorities at once.
  • What was the situation?
  • How did the candidate plan and organize the tasks?
  • How did the candidate ensure the tasks were completed on time and that priorities were met?
  • What was the outcome?

Question ______ Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Reference-Check Competency Evaluation: Ability to Work with Others

Working collaboratively with others to achieve organizational goals.
Look for evidence that the candidate:
  • shares all relevant information
  • deals honestly and fairly with others, showing consideration and respect for individual differences
  • does own fair share of the work
  • seeks assistance from team members as needed
  • assists other team members
  • initiates collaboration with team member,
  • assumes additional responsibilities to facilitate achievement of team goals
  • gathers input from team members on matters that affect them

Example reference-check questions
1. Conflict can arise in varied situations at work, including when people work in teams. Describe a situation where the candidate was faced with a conflict between team members.
  • What was the team working on?
  • How did the conflict arise?
  • What impact did the conflict have on the team?
  • What steps did the candidate take to help resolve the situation?
  • How successful was the resolution?
2. Describe a situation where the candidate helped someone complete a project or activity in the past.
  • Describe the situation and the candidate’s role.
  • Was the candidate in a position to offer help or was it requested?
  • Was the project one that they were already working on?
  • How did the candidate help?

Question ______ Take CARE: remember to record Circumstances, Actions and Results and Evaluate objectively
Well Below Standard / Below Standard / Meets Standard / Above Standard / Well Above Standard
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Summary of Reference-check Scores

Competency / Score
Dependability, Initiative and Diligence
Thinking Skills
Customer Service
Ability to Work with Others