Redfield PTSA Meeting
Tuesday, April 18, 2107 at 5:30 p.m.
Redfield Elementary Learning Center
Members present: Felicia Ethridge, Amy Hermann, Bonnie Kenny, Dawn Kopplin, Kelly Kraft, Leauna Peterson and Janell Shottenkirk.
No secretary’s report was given.
We had the highest amount of Food Center receipts this year with 509,000. Previous years were: 2012: 155,000; 2013: 351,000; 2014: 309,000; 2015: 212,000; 2016: 406,000. Karla Chase will get the catalogs to the teachers so they can pick out what they want so she can get the order in shortly after it opens up on May 1st. We have four adding machines distributed and Dawn will take the lead on this again next year, the dates will be September 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018.
We couldn’t decide on scholarships because we didn’t have a list of seniors but did discuss giving the couple of seniors that come and help a little bit more. Janell and Bonnie will give out the scholarships at the awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 3rd at 1:30 p.m.
The 2016-2017 elementary yearbook is in. Yearbooks that were ordered have been delivered. We did get a few extra for those that didn’t get an order in, they are in Marsha’s office for $20.00. This will be posted on the facebook page. We did have 40 online orders this year so we will keep that as an option next year. Next year Felicia will help Leauna with the yearbook.
The staff appreciation breakfast will be held Friday, May 12th at 7:30 a.m. We will serve breakfast pizza, juice and a fruit salad. Anyone who can help Janell make the fruit salad in the lunch room the day before will be much appreciated. Janell will talk to Marilyn to make sure it is okay to use the lunch room. John Shottenkirk and Jayden Gross will help serve the breakfast.
The cookie dough was a success again this year. We profited over $11,000. A second order was sent in this year because of late order forms turned in. A note will go home next time explaining that the cookie dough needs to be picked up right away.
The treasurer’s report was read by Janell as Shawn couldn’t make it. Savings: $10,305. Checking: $15,392.21. We agreed to transfer $10,000 to savings so it isn’t sitting in checking while we wait to purchase the playground equipment. Bonnie will drop the tax stuff off to Angela Rice.
Dawn brought a fundraiser she received from her niece in Mitchell. No baking, no selling anything, etc. You just donate money.
Janell did visit with an online spirit apparel company, Believe Kids. She will do some more checking into it. We would maybe start now with summer items and then before Christmas do to winter apparel. When it is set up we will post on facebook and hopefully the school will send out an email to parents. We will also let the Doland School know about it.
Election of new officers: President-Karla Chase, Co-President-Bonnie Kenny, Secretary-Amy Hermann, Treasurer- Shawn Nichols.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 9th at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Learning Center.
Respectively submitted by:
Amy Hermann,
Redfield PTSA Secretary