Minutes of meeting held AUG 14TH 2008

ATTENDED Terry Doyle Service User Co-ordinator

Viki Whelan Joint Commissioning Manager

Ken Mac Gladrie Local Authority Commissioning (Mental Health) Sue Cash PCT Public Health Lead PCT

Simon Dale Chair of R&C Safer Communities Partnership and Chair of JCG

Richard Parker Reducing Re-offending Manager

Helen Armstrong SCP Co-ordinator

John Liddell NTA Deputy Regional Manager

Susan Pashley Service Development Manager

Jacqui Parker PCT Finance

Russell Portues Assistant Director Probation

Deborah Ward Data Manager

Peter Price Director of Public Health PCT


Darren Birkett Cleveland Police

Pauline Lisle Supporting People

Rob Orrell Young Persons Manager

Mary Mohan Local Authority Commissioning (Mental Health)




·  It was noted that we have not had representation from the Police at recent JCGs VW to write to the Police and enquire RE representation at future meetings.

·  A meeting has been arranged between PP and SD to discuss the Commissioning Team re structure this has been scheduled fro Sept 1st 08

·  All other matters appear on this months agenda.


VW had circulated a report on the recent stakeholder’s event. The event went well. The main agenda items included:

·  The new treatment model,

·  NICE Clinical Guidelines and

·  Consultation on the new Clinical treatment model.

Due to an administrative error within the PCT communications team notice of this event was not circulated within the PCT until 4 days prior to the event this lead to a poor turnout particularly from GPs and wider stakeholders and resulted in the feedback from the consultation element limited to provider and service user feedback VW stressed it was vital that we made contact with the GPs to gain a fuller picture of stakeholders views.

VW has experienced difficulty in gaining the views of the GPs, she has had contact with the GP enterprise (Langbaugh area) but as yet has not received the promised invite to their group, she raised concerns that it was vital to court the views of all GPs as to just speak with this group could represent a conflict of interest if we were to tender services. VW has tried to contact GPs separately via practices but had poor response getting past Receptionists and Practice Managers as a result she has contacted Claire Powell within the PCT in order to gain access to forthcoming GP events through which she can gain some feedback.

PP suggested that VW engage with the Practice Based Commissioning Groups as an avenue to gaining feedback


VW tabled an update report on the proposals for the new Clinical model with some visual charts to assist the group.

The report was discussed and the group agreed that the current model with some bolt ons and improvements around the shared care aspect could be a way forward.

TD representing the service users and carers stated that service users have already undergone some major change with the introduction of the new model and care coordination and they would support a new model that imposed minimal further change.

SC and PP stressed that any new model or changes must

·  Strengthen and improve clinical governance.

·  Improve access across the area

·  Ensure enough capacity

·  All GPs needed to sign up to shared care.

Again the need to discuss the proposals with GPs was highlighted as the next priority and VW will be looking into this (see Item 4)


KMc tabled a report on Dual Diagnosis. Information on the project caseload is limited. The report did evidence that the money allocated via the JCG went into the main budget for the whole Dual Diagnosis service and as such clients should be able to access all interventions available.

The group agreed continued support and funding for this financial year, during which

Referral routes and care pathways needed to be established and clear expectations agreed and reported on regularly.

VW to meet with KMc to agree the above and report back to next JCG.

A review of the service against expectations will take place in Dec, via a report to the JCG and a decision on 09/10 funding will be agreed then.


Exception report circulated prior to meeting. VW reported on exceptions to the Treatment Plan although there are some areas which were slightly behind deadline due to staff shortage all areas were being addressed

Exception 1.1 relocation of the commissioning team – The current status is Amber as we are awaiting the Lease sign off. The barrier to signature is due to the JCG 3 year budget streams and that we are only able to agree a 10year lease with a 5 year break clause leaving a possibility of a 2 year rent risk if future funding was not agreed. The group agreed and support that if future funding was not forthcoming between year 4 and 5 any risk should shared between the main partners of the group

Discussions have taken place between the Local Authority and the PCT and an agreement to share the risk will be drawn up.


A copy of the quarter 1 report was tabled. This report has been forwarded to the NTA and should receive a response shortly. The response will be tabled at the next JCG for information and actions arising.



There will be no NDTMS data from NEPHO until SEPTEMBER.

VW tabled what information we had received to date regarding numbers in effective treatment.


VW and DW tabled some data regarding TOPs performance at start and exit stage.

Redcar has made big improvements in ensuring data was completed and submitted in a timely manner and this was encouraging.

Further work is being undertaken with providers to ensure clear robust processes are embedded to ensure continued timely completion and submission of TOP data inc.

·  TOP performance has been discussed as part of the last Treatment and Care Group agenda

·  A representative from the Care Coordination team, the Data Manager and the Commissioning Manager attended the recent TOPs Master class event.

·  TOPs performance will be further discussed at the next Treatment and Care Group meeting specifically looking at performance and process.

·  NTA and NEPHO training will be delivered to provider managers and front line staff at the October Treatment and Care Group

·  Monthly performance will be monitored via a TOPs agenda item at each JCG.


RP reported a healthy DIP caseload of 59 this has been a steady increase from the start of the year.

KPIs target achievement in all 3 KPIs has been good apart from June KPI 2,

% of adults assessed by the CJIT as needing a further intervention to be taken onto caseload which came in at 43% against an 85% target. Achieving this target has always been hard for Redcar due to our non intensive status however following steady increase across April and May this downturn is unexpected. RP is looking into this and will be addressing it via the reducing re offending group next week.

Intensive DIP status.

RP gave an update to the group on this proposal. A report went the SCP EXEC group requesting their support prior to submitting it to the LSP. The report was deferred until their next meeting on Aug 27th. As the report requests financial assistance to fund Intensive DIP for the next 3 years VW requested that the report be amended to reflect a 5% inflation uplift per year, if the current proposal was agreed the JCG would be expected to supplement any budget shortfall due to inflation, and this could represent a risk given our own PTB will reduce by 13% over the next 3 years. RP to amend

In the meantime the Reducing re offending group is currently exploring the development of a reducing re offending team strengthening partnership work between the DIP, PPO and Probation this will give increased dedicated Probation support and resource into the treatment model for Criminal Justice route clients.


Russell reported poor progress against target to date.

Our targets this year are

70 DRR commencements, we currently have 7

35 DRR completions, we currently have 2

A process mapping event has been arranged by VW and RP for 29th Aug 08 at which we will fully explore the care pathway and processes around DRRs with a view to increase the numbers into DRRs


JP was introduced to the group, she has taken over from Louise Newson as PCT Finance Officer responsible for Redcar JCG finance. It was agreed that JP will attend and report to the JCG on a quarterly basis. Any reports between these times relating to funding, over/underspend etc. will be tabled via VW.

The group agreed to ratify the Dual Diagnosis costs for this year.

Identified some underspend within the current budget due to staff vacancies.

Requested that next quarter a report is tabled which identifies the extent of underspend within the current budget and includes the carry over underspend from last year.

The group are aware that the young persons service has requested funding from this group to support their service an email has been received from the service requesting assistance. The group agreed that this needed to be tabled via a report clearly stating the request and how the funding would improve or support the treatment plan. HA will inform the YP service.


JP queried who the alcohol budget signatory was. Previously this was David Jackson and since his departure it should now be VW.

·  The group agreed that future invoices against this budget will be signed off via VW.

·  As the majority of the expenditure within this budget is for service provision VW enquired if alongside this should she be responsible for Performance management of the 2 current providers. It was agreed VW will performance manage these services.


TD report circulated wit h agenda. TD gave update against report

12. AOB

·  VW requested the group consider accepting a PCT Mental Health rep ( JOHN STAMP) this would ensure we had firm links with the Dual diagnosis and Mental health within our agenda. Agreed – John Stamp will be invited to future meetings

·  Middlesbrough DAT has requested the support of the Redcar and Cleveland JCG in its application for a capital bid for a rehab centre. The group agreed to offer its backing to support this bid.

·  HA raised the recent National Drug Strategy meeting where the area was requested to pick 4 actions from the strategy and embed them within our area. It was agreed the action that would be delivered via the JCG would be Action 63 Agree pathways with local Job centre and Housing support services to assist with the integration of drug users into the community.

·  SD informed the group that this could be his last meeting as chair as following his meeting with PP on Sept 1st it is likely that he will be resigning from the role. Simon wished to thank the group for their commitment to Drug treatment and their assistance in ensuring the treatment model improved and continues to develop. He hopes to visit the group in the future as part of his role as Chair of the SCP exec group.

The group thanks Simon for his support over the last 10 months.

·  Mark Gray YP lead to be invited to attend future meetings in the absence of Rob Orrell.