

PART 1 - GENERALITIES / [Note to specification writer: Several factors determine the composition of a pavement system such as the type of soil, the volume and mix of traffic, drainage as well as site conditions and completion constraints. In order to guide the selection of the type of concrete road paver, the present section refers to three types of roadways: heavy traffic, light traffic and pedestrian traffic. The final selection of the type of pavers, sizing and composition of a roadway structure depending on the type of traffic should be determined by a civil engineer.]
1.1 Scope of work / .1 This section applies to manual or mechanical laying of precast concrete pavers for heavy, light or pedestrian traffic and, in addition to pavers, deals with bedding and joint sand, paving curbs, cleaning products and seal coats.
.2 Supply materials, hardware, equipment and labour required for completing the project and, without restriction, the related work required by this section.
1.2 References / .1 American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM]
.1 C979-05 Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Coloured Concrete.
.2 Canadian Standards Association [CSA]
.1 CSA A23.1-09 Concrete materials and methods of concrete construction.
.2 CSA A23.2-09 Test methods and standard practices for concrete.
.3 CSA A23.4-09 Precast concrete - Materials and construction.
.4 CSA A179-F04 [R2009] Mortar and grout for large-scale unit masonry.
.5 CSA A231.2-06 Precast concrete pavers.
.3 Bureau de normalisation du Québec [NQ]
.1 NQ 0605-500 [2008] Aménagement paysager à l’aide de matériaux inertes. (Landscaping with inert materials.)
.2 NQ 1809-840 [1989] Pavés préfabriqués en béton de ciment - Pose -Clauses techniques générales. (Precast cement concrete pavers – Installaton – General technical description.)
.3 NQ 2624-900[1991] Protocole particulier de certification - Pavés préfabriqués de béton de ciment. (Special certification protocol – Precast cement concrete pavers.)
.4 NQ 2560-114[2002] Travaux de génie civil - Granulats. (Civil engineering work – Aggregates.)
.4 Ministère des transports du Québec - Cahier des charges et devis généraux du [CCDG] latest edition.
.1 CCDG Section 11 Terrassements. (Grading)
.2 CCDG Section 12 Fondation de chaussée. (Road foundation)
.3 CCDG Norme 1101 Classification des sols. (Soil classification.)
.4 CCDG Norme 13101 Géotextiles. (Geotextiles.)
1.3  Shop drawings
/ .1 Shop drawings must indicate or show the layout, model and relationship between paver joints and fixed installations, as well as details specific to work performed.
[Note to specification writer: Request shop drawings only if the features, conditions or particular models require them.]
1.4  Technical specifications
/ .1 Submit the technical specification sheets for the following concrete pavers:
.1 Test results showing compliance with CSA Standard A231.2-09;
.2 Test certificate showing compliance with CSA Standard A23.2-09;
.3 Manufacturer’s specifications and installation instructions.
.2 Submit specifications with respect to sampling, testing, sourcing, grain size distribution, mineralogical nature and characteristics of the following materials:
.1 Aggregate for granular subbase;
.1 Bedding sand;
.2 Joint sand;
.3 Stabilized joint sand.
.3 Submit specifications for geotextile membranes indicating mechanical and physical features for each type used.
1.5  Samples
/ .1 Submit a full-size sample of each type of paver used.
.2 Submit a 1 m x 1 m sample of each type of geotextile used.
1.6  Project mock-up
/ .1 Lay out a 3 m x 3 m model of the project prior to installing the units on the area to be covered. This mock-up will be used to determine the live load imposed by the bedding, joint width, lines, layout, colours and the distribution of colours and textures.
.2 This mock-up, once it has been accepted by the Consultant, will constitute the standard for determining job compliance and may be incorporated into the project.
.3 Protect this sample with a view to its integration into the finished work.
1.7  Measurements
/ .1 Fixed price contract: all work will be paid for according to the lump sum indicated on the bid form.
.2 Unit price contract: all work will be paid for according to the unit price indicated on the bid form.
2.1 Excavation, backfill and grading
/ .1 Materials to comply with CCDG section 11 specifications.
2.2 Geotextiles
/ .1 Geotextiles to comply with CCDG 13101 standard.
[Note to specification writer: The precise choice of geotextile should be determined with the assistance of a civil engineer according to the type of pavement performance required for the project.]
2.3 Granular subbase MG-56
/ .1 Grain size distribution for MG-56 subbase materials to comply with NQ standard 2560-114 [2002].
Screen designation / % of passing through
80 mm / 100
56 mm / 82 to 100
31.5 mm / 55 to 85
5 mm / 25 to 50
1.25 mm / 11 to 30
0.315 mm / 4 to 18
0.080 mm / 2 to 7
Table 2.3a
[Note to specification writer: The thickness and composition of the granular subbase should be determined with the assistance of a civil engineer according to the type of pavement performance required for the project.]
.2 Materials for granular subbase:
.1 Roadway with heavy, light and pedestrian traffic: aggregate to comply with NQ standard 2560-114[2002].
2.4 Granular subbase
/ .1 Grain size distribution for MG-20 subbase materials to comply with NQ standard 2560-114 [2002].
Screen designation / % of passing through
31.5 mm / 100
20 mm / 90 to 100
14 mm / 68 to 93
5 mm / 35 to 60
1.25 mm / 19 to 38
0.315 mm / 9 to 17
0.080 mm / 2 to 7
Table 2.4a
[Note to specification writer: The thickness and composition of the granular subbase should be determined with the assistance of a civil engineer according to the type of pavement performance required for the project]
.2 Materials for granular subbase:
.1 Roadway with heavy traffic: crushed aggregate, 100% granite and/or limestone, free from lumps of clay, organic materials and any other deleterious substance.
.2 Roadway with light traffic: crushed aggregate to comply with NQ standard 2560-114[2002].
.3 Pedestrian traffic: crushed aggregate to comply with NQ standard 2560-114[2002].
2.5 Bedding sand
/ .1 Bedding sand is made up of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a mixture of the two. Grain size distribution for bedding sand materials in accordance with the CSA standard A23.1-09:
Screen designation / % of passing through
10 mm / 100
5 mm / 95 to 100
2.5 mm / 80 to 100
1.25 mm / 50 to 90
0.630 mm / 25 to 65
0.315 mm / 10 to 35
0.160 mm / 2 to 10
0.080 mm / 0 to 3
Table 2.5a
[Note to specification writer: Choose the bedding material type according to the anticipated use of the concrete paver surfaces]
.2 Bedding materials:
.1 Roadway with heavy traffic: crushed screenings or manufactured sand, 100% granite and/or limestone origin, free from lumps of clay, organic materials and any other deleterious substance.
.2 Roadway with light traffic: crushed screenings or manufactured sand free from lumps of clay, organic materials and any other deleterious substance.
.3 Pedestrian traffic: crushed screenings or manufactured sand free from lumps of clay, organic materials and any other deleterious substance.
2.6 Joint filling sand / .1 Joint filling sand is made up of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a mixture of the two to comply with CSA A179-F04 [R2009] standard:
Screen designation / % of passing through
5 mm / 100
2.5 mm / 90 to 100
1.25 mm / 85 to 100
0.630 mm / 65 to 95
0.315 mm / 15 to 80
0.160 mm / 0 to 35
0.080 mm / 0 to 1
Table 2.6a
[Note to specification writer: Choose the type of materials for joint filling depending on use of concrete paver surfaces]
.2 Materials for filling joints:
.1 Roadway with heavy traffic: crushed screenings or manufactured sand, 100% granite origin only, without stabilizing products, free from lumps of clay, organic materials and any other deleterious substance.
.2 Roadway with light traffic: crushed screenings or manufactured sand free from lumps of clay, organic materials and any other deleterious substance.
.3 Pedestrian traffic: crushed screenings or manufactured sand free from lumps of clay, organic materials and any other deleterious substance.
2.7 Stabilized sand for fillng joint / .1 The stabilized sand for filing joints is made up of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a mixture of the two to comply with CSA A179-F04 [R2009] standard:
Screen designation / % of passing through
5 mm / 100
2.5 mm / 90 to 100
1.25 mm / 85 to 100
0.630 mm / 65 to 95
0.315 mm / 15 to 80
0.160 mm / 0 to 35
0.080 mm / 0 to 1
Table 2.6a
[Note to specification writer: Choose the type of materials for joint filling depending on use of concrete paver surfaces]
.2 Materials for joint filling:
.1 Roadway with heavy traffic:
Not recommended.
.2 Roadway with light traffic:
Permapro XP polymeric sand
.3 Pedestrian traffic:
Permapro SP polymeric sand
2.8 Precast concrete pavers
/ .1 Precast concrete pavers: compliant with the requirements of CSA A231.2-06 and NQ 2624-900[1991] standards and the following requirements.
.2 Precast concrete pavers for heavy traffic:
.1 Paleo-Tecprecast concrete pavers:
Dimensions 220 mm x 140 mm x 100 mm
Colour Range silex grey Range brownstone red
Finish Antique
.2 Mega-Paleo precast concrete pavers:
Dimensions 200 mm x 125 mm x 100 mm
250 mm x 125 mm x 100 mm
300 mm x 125 mm x 100 mm
Colour Range brownstone red
Range silex grey
Finish Antique
.3 Precast concrete pavers for light and pedestrian traffic:
.1 Heritage, Subterra, Trafalgar, Mega-Trafalgar, Bergerac, Arbel, Mega-Arbel, Vendome, Canvas or other 6 and 8 cm pavers included in our price list:
Dimension, colour and finish: Variable.
[Note to specification writer: Verify the concrete paver delivery dates in order to ensure the availability of the products required for completing the work.]
[Note to specification writer: The thickness of the pavers used will have to be determined with the assistance of a competent civil engineer in compliance with the local steps to be followed with regard to calculating coverings or with the Tech Spec technical bulletins, construction details and the study software developed by ICPI. The guidelines with relation to calculations and the requirements involving the industrial and port applications must be prepared from manuals entitled: Port and Industrial Pavement Design with Concrete Pavers and Airfield Pavement Design with Concrete Pavers [Canadian Edition] from ICPI relating to airport applications.]
2.9 Paving curbs
/ .1 Precast concrete curbs for heavy traffic:
.1 Street curbs from Permacon:
Colour Grey
.2 Precast concrete curbs for light and pedestrian traffic:
.1 Celtik Mega Curb:
Module A 110 mm x 90 mm x 200 mm
Module B 110 mm x 90 mm x 250 mm
Module C 110 mm x 90 mm x 275 mm
Colour Range colours
.2 Celtik Curb:
Dimension: 110 mm x 90 mm x 200 mm
Colours Range colours
.3 Universal curb:
Straight module 200 mm x 80 mm x 1000 mm
Corner module 200 mm x 80 mm x 300 mm
Radius 0.625 m 200 mm x 80 mm x 1000 mm
Colour Grey
.3 Cast-in-place concrete curbs. According to the requirements of specifications section [ ].
2.10 Cleaning product
/ .1 Cleaning product:
Permapro rust cleaner;
Permapro efflorescence cleaner;
Permapro oil and grease cleaner.
[Note to specification writer: Choose the cleaning product according to the recommendations of the cleaning product and concrete paver manufacturer. The use of inappropriate cleaning products can void the warranty provided by the precast concrete paver manufacturer.]
2.11 Seal coat
/ .1 Permapro seal coat:
[Note to specification writer: Seal coats may be needed to improve appearance and facilitate surface flow of precipitation and contaminating materials. Choose the seal coat according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The use of inappropriate seal coats can void the warranty provided by the manufacturer of the precast concrete pavers.]
3.1 Project compliance
/ .1 Unless otherwise specified, lay the pavers in accordance with NQ standard 1809-840 [1989] specifications.
3.2 Concrete pavers on granular base / .1 Section 3.2 deals with the installation of precast concrete pavers on compacted granular bases.
3.2.1 Inspection
/ .1 Notify the consultant at the end of each of the following steps:
.1 completion of grading.
.2 installation of geotextile membranes.
.3 completion of granular subbase.
.4 completion of sand bedding.
.5 installation of the pavers.
.2 Have the work approved at the end of each step.
3.2.2 Excavation, backfill and grading
/ .1 Complete work in accordance with CCDG section 11 specifications.
3.2.3 Geotextiles
/ .1 Spread the geotextile membranes on the ground without folds and tuck up the edges to protect the sides of the foundation. Vehicle circulation on geotextile membranes is forbidden.
3.2.4 Sub-foundation and granular subbase
/ .1 Complete the work in accordance with CCDG section 12 specifications.
.2 Ensure that the sub-foundation and granular subbase are levelled and compacted in compliance with specifications for the surface receiving the pavers. In the event of non-compliance, notify the Consultant and only restart work after receiving new instructions from Consultant.
.3 Unless otherwise specified, the sub-foundation and granular subbase should exceed the surface to be paved by at least one and a half times its own thickness.
.4 Have the Consultant approve the final installation of the granular sub-foundation prior to installing the granular subbase.
.5 Ensure that the surface of the granular subbase does not vary by ±5 mm in relation to the indicated level (measured with a 3 m ruler), to allow for the installation of the bedding sand in a consistent thickness. In areas where this tolerance limit has been exceeded, correct its profile by adding or removing granular fill.
.6 The surface of the granular subbase must be sufficiently sealed to prevent percolation of the bedding material, which would cause future damage for surface materials.
.7 Ensure that the granular subbase is not frozen and that there is no accumulation of stagnant water when the bedding material is installed.