










It’s Christmas Eve and Dracula has captured Santa in hopes to

get re-elected. The reindeers go for help. Ted-E-Bear delivers the gifts

including some to the monsters. After seeing their gifts and learning

that Christmas will continue, Dracula lets Santa go.

--- Conversation Questions---

(1)  Remember who was the main monster

(Answer) Dracula.

(Follow Up) Share what Dracula wanted.

(2)  Pretend you’re the witch, why would you be working for Dracula?

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) Share who you would like to work for?

(3)  Imagine your Santa, would you leave monster’s gifts? Why?

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) Share a Christmas gift you’d like to receive.

(4)  Tell about a time you had a special Christmas.

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) What made it special?

(5)  Explain what “reindeer” are.

(Answer) Special deer that pull Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve and have magical power to fly.

(Follow Up) Name some other animals that fly.

(6)  Count Dracula was trying to get re-elected for?

(Answer) Leader of the monsters.

(Follow Up) Tell about a time you ran for something.

(7)  Share what Dracula’s plan was.

(Answer) To kidnap Santa.

(Follow Up) Did he succeed? How?

(8) The Reindeer got who to help?

(Answer) Ted E. Bear.

(Follow Up) Recall where he lived

(9) How did Ted E. Bear know where to go?

(Answer) By the flight map.

(Follow Up) Have you ever used a map before? Why?

(10) Recall where Dracula had Santa at?

(Answer) Madison Scare Garden.

(Follow Up) What happens at the end of the story?


1.  Design a campaign slogan for Dracula to help him get re-elected.

2.  Write an apology letter from Dracula to Santa telling him how sorry you are for capturing him.

3.  Make out your Christmas list.

4.  Write a letter to Santa.


1.  Bring in Christmas items. Ask the child if they think everyone gets visited on Christmas Eve. Let’s read “Christmas Comes to Monster Mountain” and see if even monster’s get visited on Christmas.

2.  Bring in pictures of monsters such as Dracula, mummies, witches, etc. Ask child is they think monsters celebrate Christmas. Let’s read and see.

3.  Bring in a Santa suit but no Santa. Tell child that you have received a letter saying that Santa had been kidnapped and they sent you his suit for proof. Ask child if they think Christmas could go on if Santa was gone. Let’s read and see.

Book Title: Christmas Comes to Monster Mountain

Author: John Barrett / Illustrator: Rick Reinert Production
ISBN: 0-516-09181-6 / # of Text Pages: 16 AR: N/A LEX: N/A
Building Oral Vocabulary
1 / museum / 22 / election / 22 / embarrassing
Prediction Questions
4 / What do you think Dracula wants to get elected for?
7 / Where do you think the Reindeer will go for help?
22 / Do you think Dracula will lose the election?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.