Red Scarf Girl Essay Choices
Ms. Garaway – Grade 7 English

~Please choose only ONE of the 3 Essays choices~
Due: Mon. April 25 (P. 1, 3, 5) ~~ Tues. April 26 (P. 4, 6)

Option #1-In a 5-paragraph-Essay, explain how Ji-li’s Perspective changed throughout the book. Argue how she felt towards The Cultural Revolution and Chairman Mao in the beginning of the book and how she tried to balance her loyalty towards her family. Make sure to give examples and cite evidence (quotes)of both of her perspectives during different events from the book and her changing feelings.

Three reasons/arguments:


Option #2 -In a 5-paragraph-Essay, discuss the Power of Propaganda.
How did Propaganda affect people during the Cultural Revolution? Describe the power of propaganda through either positive or negative influences. Make sure to give examples and cite evidence (quotes) of Propaganda in the book and how Ji-li or other characters reacted to it.

Three reasons/arguments:



Option #3 –“They all believed they were doing it for Chairman Mao.”[Pg. 270] There were no consequences or not much punishment for Revolutionaries or Red Guards or and many felt like it was because they were also victims who were brainwashed. In a 5-paragraph-Essay, decide who should be blamed for the actions of the Cultural Revolution. Make sure to give examples and cite evidence (quotes)to support either Black Status people who suffered, to recognize the Red Guards and supporters as brainwashed victims or support both.
Three reasons/arguments:

[Word Bank: Chairman Mao, Cultural Revolution, Communist Party, Equality,
Leaders & Followers, Propaganda, prosperity, influence, bourgeois, da-zi-bao, fourolds, Revisionist, Rightist, exploitation, Red category, Black category, Red Guards, Ransacking, home search, Struggle Meeting, empathy, submissive, vulnerable, oppressor, educable, Class Education Exhibition, remold your ideology, psychological pressure, Leniency for confession and severity for resistance, Precious Red Book…]

Red Scarf Girl Essay Outline:

*You will follow the 5-paragraph essay guidelines.
Your thesis statement should be a strong statement about your Essay choice
(What are you arguing and what are three examples from the book you will use.)
*This is an example of a thesis, using Option #2:
The Power of Propaganda was so powerful during the Cultural Revolution, in a negative way, because people were influenced by what they saw, people blindly followed Chairman Mao’s teachings, and peer pressure was able to turn families against one another.

*In your body paragraphs you will write about events that happened in Red Scarf Girl. Your Introduction and Conclusionshould be places towrite aboutoverall themes & issues, like: Chairman Mao, Communism, fourolds, perspective, pressure, propaganda, or the Red and Black Categories or The Cultural Revolution.

Great sentence Starters to use:

In the book… The Cultural Revolution caused… Destroying fourolds was a way to…
For example… Ji-li’s family suffered because… Being in a black category meant…
Ji-li’s experience showed… Propaganda was a way to… People were being brainwashed…

Paragraph 1(Introduction):
a. Hook: ______


*b. Thesis statement (with 3 Supported Reasons)______

Paragraph 2 (First Body):

1st Argument/Supported Reason: ______

(Cite Evidence/Examples/Events from the book): -______

[quote] -______


*(Transition): ______

Paragraph 3 (Second Body):

2nd Argument/Supported Reason: ______

(Cite Evidence/Examples/Events from the book): -______

[quote] -______


*(Transition): ______

Paragraph 4 (Third Body):

3rd Argument/Supported Reason: ______

(Cite Evidence/Examples/Events from the book): -______

[quote] -______


*(Transition): ______

*Paragraph 5 (Conclusion):
a. Another Hook: ______
b. Restate Thesis & Supported Reasons (different words) ______

c. Ending words about Ji-li/Your Topic or the Revolution: ______


*Transition Sentence – Used to end each paragraph. Transition sentences remind readers what the paragraph was arguing (Sum it up).
Some popular Transition words:Consequently, Nevertheless, As a result of, Importantly, In addition, Furthermore, Above all, Although, Therefore, However, Additionally, Alternatively, In other words…






















