The University of Alabama College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Assistant/Associate/Full Tenure Track Position in Elementary Science Education
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Alabama is seeking a nine-month, full-time, tenure-track Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in elementary science education. We invite candidates dedicated to science teaching and learning in the elementary grades, Pre K-6. Research tied to practice is an important focus of our program. Requirements include an earned doctorate in science education, elementary education (with emphasis in elementary science education); a strong background in a science discipline; evidence of high productivity or potential for high productivity in scholarship and external funding; and ability to engage in quality teaching. Experience in PreK‐6 science teaching is required.
Science education faculty teach undergraduate and graduate courses in elementary science education and curriculum and instruction. Responsibilities include directing student research, theses, and doctoral dissertations and advising in a strong graduate level program. The candidate will collaborate in further development of innovative undergraduate and graduate technology-enhanced programs. We value collaboration among colleagues, and we seek a science education faculty member who will work in partnership with colleagues in our programs and across the university. Candidates should bring, or be prepared to establish, a strong thematic research direction and a track record of acquiring external funding.
The University of Alabama is a research university of 37,000 students, with a strong commitment to the value of discipline-based science education. The institution, located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 50 miles from Birmingham AL., is in the midst of a significant growth phase, which includes an expanding large state-of-the-art Science and Science Education complex of research and classroom buildings.
Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vita, the names and contact information of three (3) references, unofficial graduate transcripts, and up to three (3) samples of professional writing. See attached position announcements.
Complete materials packets should be submitted electronically to
Please direct questions about this position to Dr. Dennis Sunal, Search Committee Chair, at .
Review of completed applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.