October 16, 2012

Meeting was called to order by the PTO acting president, Kimberly Ingoldsby. The September meeting minutes were approved.

Kim welcomed all meeting participants, Mr. Caporta (school principal), Ms. Fontaine,

Mr. Goodwin, and Mr. Forth (teacher representatives) and student representatives.

Treasurers Report

Cathy Prendergast reviewed the treasurer’s report. A check for $914.27 was received from the Target fundraiser. Remaining hotdog and hamburger rolls were sold to the EG Pop Warner and those funds were returned to the PTO.

Red Mill Carnival

Mr. Forth addressed the board and the meeting participants in regard to the carnival to be held in the spring and provided a list of proposed ideas/event for it. It is still undecided if the carnival should take place the same day as the spring rummage sale and a date has yet to be determined.

After School Enrichment

Ms. Fontaine addressed the board and meeting participants in regard to the after school enrichment program offered to students. She has been reaching out to volunteers outside of the school community. Has expressed a need for a teacher/assistant and is looking to establish a formal committee. Program sessions will be held once a week for 6 weeks. Last year the program was offered during the winter months, but the goal is to continue to expand the program in order to provide enrichment opportunities throughout the entire school year. Anyone interested in volunteer should contact Ms. Fontaine at .

Bond Issue

Mr. Caporta provided everyone with a print out of the current bond issues that will provide needed repairs to all of the EGCSD buildings. He specifically focused on the repairs needed at Red Mill. He informed everyone that the reason why EGCSD is moving forward with the bond is because 72% of the funds needed for repairs will be reimbursed by the State. Prior to the vote on December 4 and an informational meeting will be held on November 27 at 7:30pm at GoffSchool.

Fall Fundraiser

Heather Bachandouris notified everyone that the Celebrating Home fundraiser was very successful resulting in sales of approximately $9,000, of which Red Mill will received 50%. The second fundraiser, Gourmet Popcorn was not a profitable as expected. More information will be provided at the November PTO meeting.


Sportswear sales have been going well. The next sale will be held during the holiday breakfast in December.

Character Education/PTO Involvement

Kimberly Ingoldsby explained that the PTO for several years, has provided funds for the month VIP classes. A request was received to increase the monthly funds from $15.00 to $20.00, which was approved by the PTO. Additionally, leftover posters were donated from the fall book fair were donated and will be provided to the VIP students. All students will receive bookmarkers.

Halloween Parade

The Halloween parade is scheduled for October 31 at 2:30pm. The parade will take place outdoors, weather permitting or inside if it rains.

Apple Race

The annual Apple Race is scheduled for October 18. The rain date will be October 19.


The rollerskating event was held on October 12 and was a huge success. Special thanks to Sharon Nolan for doing a wonderful job coordinating the event. Sharon recommended that additional volunteers would be needed in the future.

Sno Cones

The September sno cone event raised $285 for the Kindergarten classes. The next sno cone event to benefit the 1st grade classes will be held October 19.

Movie Night

Movie night will be held at Red Mill on November 16 at 6:30pm. On November 6 the students will be given the opportunity to vote on three different movie choices. The suggested movies are Madagascar 3, Arthurs Christmas and Brave. Mr. Goodwin will assist that evening with projection of the movie. Additional volunteers may be needed to assist with supervising the children when they are watching the movie. Mr. Caporta notified everyone that the projection screen that has been used in the past was broken beyond repair; however a new screen has been ordered and should be in place in time for the event.

Go-Green E-Mails

Angel Schweigert is working on this and it should be in place within the near future.

Red Mill Council

Amy Stringer attended the meeting and reported that much of the meeting focused on the curriculum changes implemented this year and the coordination of PTO events.

Original Art Works

Information about the original art works fundraiser will be sent home with the students next week.

5th Grade T-Shirts

Donna Gowie informed everyone that the 5th grade t-shirts will be provided to the students in early December. The shirts will be red with white lettering.

Items Not Included on Agenda

Teaching Tolerance

Ms. Fontaine addressed the board and meeting participants to promote the program for Mix It Up at Lunch Day, a national program that promotes tolerance and encourages students to interact and make connections with other students who they would typically not interact with. The national “Mix it Up” day is October 30, however given the late notice, Ms. Fontaine would like the school to consider doing this on a different day. She explained that the program will be held during lunch time with a least one adult at each table to facilitate a different activity. A letter would be sent home to parents in advance to explain the program and to look for volunteers. It is estimated that 8-12 adults would be need for each lunch period. Currently, Genet school has had much success in participating in their own Mix It Up at Lunch day.

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Please Join Us For Our

Next PTO Meeting on

November 6, 2012 at 7:00 pm

(Child care is provided)

PTO Board Members

Acting President:Kimberly

Vice President:Heather


