A few Slang expressions….

airhead: silly or stupid person

"When I forget where I put my keys, I feel like such an airhead!"

awesome: great and impressive

"It’s so awesome that you got an A on your homework! "

to have a ball: to have a fun time.

"I really had a ball at your party last night."

bazillion: a very large number

"I’ve got a bazillion things to do today!! How will I ever get them all done?”

I’m beat: really tired.

"I'm really beat because I was awake all night."

no biggie: it’s not important, not a big deal

"I was hoping to get my homework completed, but it's no biggie. I’ll finish it later."

catch some rays: get some sunshine

"If the sun comes out today, let’s go to the beach and catch some rays."

catch some Zs: get some sleep

"I want to catch some Zs before the concert tonight.”

chicken: coward

"Don't be such a chicken! Just jump into the pool!”

dorky: strange, silly

"If you keep acting so dorky, you'll never get a girlfriend!"

dough: money.

"I want to buy a car, but I need to get a little more dough first.”

geek: someone who works too hard, is more intelligent than usual, and often someone who is very technical

"Bill Gates is often called a computer geek."

get it: to understand something.

"Sorry, but I just don't get it. Can you explain it again? Okay, now I get it!”

give it a shot: to try something

“I’ve never tried Zumba, but I’d like to give it a shot.”

good to go: to be ready, to have everything you need

“The gate agent at the airport looked at my ticket and told me I was good to go.”

humongous: really big.

"American restaurants serve portions that are humongous!"

I'm outta here: I'm leaving in a hurry

"Okay, I’m late now. I'm outta here. Bye!”

in: fashionable, trendy

"Skinny jeans are really in now."

laid back: relaxed; calm

"She’s so laid back. I wish I could be more like that!"

on the go: busy, always moving

“Kelly is always on the go. She never has time to sit and relax.”

thanks a bunch: thanks a lot

“Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate your help.”

a rip off: a bad deal

“I paid $80 for this sweater, but the color faded after I washed it. What a rip off!”