Recycling Policy

To create a litter free environment

To make children aware of the benefits of recycling materials in the school and at home

To link with recycling companies in the locality

To be aware of local and national recycling policies

To create good habits about recycling paper, bottles and metals

To be aware of the financial benefits of recycling

To make children realise that non-renewable resources are important to preserve for future generations

To encourage children to persuade their parents to recycle materials at home

To develop good practice amongst staff and children

To order paper that has been recycled in order to preserve valuable non- - renewable resources

To be selective when throwing away waste

Save waste that can be recycled, that is paper, tin, garden refuse and bottles

Think before you throw away waste. Ask the question - Can it be recycled or not?

Don’t dump rubbish. Recycle it!

Action Plan - Recycling

Throw used paper in the recycling bin

Do not waste paper - use paper wisely

Use both sides of the paper to keep cost down

Tell parents and the villagers about the recycling banks inside the school grounds.

Think before you bin paper.

Wasting paper means wasting money, which means higher bills and cost for school and for mums and dads.

Make sure that all bins have keep tidy or recycling logos on them.

Find out what companies do when they recycle materials.

Use recycled paper when ever possible.

Speak to the children about recycling

Sub committees will make action plans during the year.

They will report back to the Eco School committee.

Litter policy

To create a litter free environment

To be aware of local and national litter policies

To make children aware of the dangers of litter to humans, plants and animals

To create good habits with regards to litter disposal

To make the children aware that some litter pollutes the soil, water and the air and that this can kill creatures and plants

To raise standards of cleanliness in the school and the school grounds

To keep litter under control in the children’s environment whether at school or at home

To encourage children to influence their parents about a litter free environment

To encourage good practice with regards to litter management in school

To make children realise that some materials are non-bio degradable and must be disposed of properly and permanently.

To include litter control in the school Eco Code

Disposing of litter means being environmentally friendly.

Throwing away litter is senseless

To review the policy every year

Involve the children in policy making

To reduce waste in electricity and water use in school

To monitor the use of electricity in order to be efficient in the use of this resource

To appoint monitors to turn off unwanted lights and electrical appliances.

To make the children energy conscious

Action Plan - Litter

To make children aware that litter causes harm to plants, animals and humans

To make children aware that litter makes the grounds look untidy and unkempt.

Place bins in convenient places around the school

Place litter logos around the school

Encourage children to respect the environment.

Tell children to not throw chewing gum on the ground because it is disgusting and unhygienic

Think before you throw litter

Speak to the children about the dangers of litter

The recycling sub -committee will meet to review the situation on a regular basis and make action plans

Report back to the main Eco Schools committee

Water Policy

To make the children aware of the importance of water conservation in school and at home

To consult with local water companies

To be aware of the latest policies and developments in the care and treatment of water

To be aware that water is a valuable natural resource that must be cared for.

To be aware that litter can pollute water and can be a danger to plants, animals and humans

To make the children aware of the misuse of water

To make children aware of the dangers linked to water especially rivers and lakes

To invite experts to talk about water use

To be aware of the benefits of water in school and at home

To make the children aware of wasting water when they leave taps on and leave water running

To make children aware of the misuse of water

To make the children aware that wasting water may also mean larger bills for mums and dads

Involve the children in policy making

Action Plan - Water

Turn off all dripping taps

Don’t turn the taps on fully. You are wasting water

Don’t play with water. You are wasting a valuable resource

Save rainwater to water the plants

Don’t block the plughole. It will cause a flood in the toilets and in the classrooms

Speak to the children about saving water

Don’t leave running taps unattended. You are wasting water

The sub committee will make action plans during the year

We will report back to the main Eco Schools committee

Energy Policy

1. To make the children aware of wasting electricity by leaving lights on when they are not needed

2. To make children aware of the dangers of electricity in their homes and in public places

3. To inform children of the dangers of electricity

4. To make children aware of the benefits of electricity

5. To make children aware of the misuse of electricity

6. To ask experts to talk about saving energy and electricity in general

7. To make children aware that wasting electricity means larger bills for mums and dads

8. To make children aware that although electricity is renewable it must not be wasted

9. To make the children aware of the importance of energy conservation in their school and at home

10 To be aware of the latest policies and developments in the use of electricity

Action Plan - Energy

Never waste electricity

Turn lights off when they are not needed

Turn electrical appliances off when they are not used

Do not play with sockets and electrical appliances. It is dangerous.

Design logos to place near all the switches in the school

The sub committee will make action plans during the year

They will report back tothe main Eco School committee

Talk to the children about saving electricity

Action Plan - Conservation

Clear the flower borders and the herb borders of dead plants

Add new perennials to the borders

Plant spring flowering bulbs in the autumn

Restock the pond near the school entrance

Develop the sensory garden

Stock the pond in the nature garden

Plant wild flowers in the nature area

Reassess the work cards / work book for the nature garden and nature trail

Purchase a glasshouse to grow plants and flowers

Buy garden furniture for the area outside the school entrance

Buy a hideto observe birds in the nature area

Plant new trees in the school grounds especially those that attract bees and butterflies

Prepare for the May Fayre

Grow flowers and plants in the glasshouse

Clean the fibreglass pond

Buy spring flowering bulbs

Attract birds to the water by providing feeding places

Cut back some of brambles in the nature garden

Clear the pondin the nature garden and plant new aquatics

Buy flowers for the wooded area (shade loving flowers / plants)

Buy more bird boxes and renew old ones

Add to the work cards produced for the nature trail and make them more user friendly

Develop the KS 1 worksheets ready for the summer term