Residents Involvement Working Group –

Market Wells Meeting Room

Friday 9th April 2010

1. / Welcome & Introductions
Amy Butterworth
Lynne Peruzza
Michelle Dibbert White
Claire Griffiths
Peter Christian
Helen Peers
Anthony Spatuzzi
Gary Chwalko
Andy Prince
John Davies
Dawn Daly
Cathy Rudge
Amy Williams
Shirley Jordan
James Squire
Becki Ross
Jordan Rawlinson
Siobhan Harte
Tony Fitzgerald
Peter Brandrick
Chris Allen
Welcome and introductions
AB asked everyone to introduce themselves around the group by simply saying who they were and the Project were they worked from so that everyone was familiar with each other.
2. / Background information to Resident Involvement in Forum
AB informed the group that the Steering Group has been started as Resident Involvement is a Strategic Priority in the Association. She discussed were resident involvement came from and how employing ex-residents was advantageous, for example the Resident Rep team.
Resident involvement is a requirement of the TSA (Tennant Services Authority), Supporting People, QAF etc.
AB promoted the question why are we here and how do we meet the standard of work that is required of us? the following answers were given; project meetings, Suggestion boxes, complaint’s procedure, consultation, focus groups.
AB asked if the group felt residents were aware of the services that they can access and if so how? Some members of the group answered with things such as; Induction, promotional posters, staff, sign posting and Contact Points.
GC talked about policies, YP need to have more of a say on P&P’s and the review of them as the times change as should policies.
BR suggested More “Work Placements” for the residents /current residents –so they can appreciate how much work actually goes into “additional Services” provided by the association.
AB talked a bit about “Staff Knowledge” and how working on the answer yes is part of our culture and if we must say no then be transparent as to the reasons why.
AB asked how we live out Speak Out Strategy?, Does everyone fully understand that they are responsible for all people’s requirements? The response was varied however everyone knew what it was.
3. / ‘Action to 1nfluence’ research discussion
AB introduced Action to Influence booklet to the group, and explained that this piece of research will be undertaken with stakeholders, residents, staff, heads of services, executive and Board Members.
This would support the future plans in line with the TSA requirements, to seek the best way to work with our tenants, involving our customers and ensuring they become partners in decision making in Forum.
This will not only modernise our approach but seek buy in from leaders through to front line staff.
AB explained it was to happen in two sections first part being the person filling it in decides what is the preferred model of consultation and scoring it A-D leaving room for a comment. The aim being our over all score is a A
Then went on to explain the second part of the consultation was to confirm their personal buy to all forms of consultation given. The individual filling it in must scored from 1-4 – the aim being the over all score is a 1 hence
‘Action to 1nfluence’
The group discussed some barriers such as people not wanting to fill it in. AB explained that would be fine as it is important to record that information also. Peter Marsh the CEO of TSA has recognised through one of his earlier reports this was ok for tenants not to get involved, as do we recognise it as an organisation.
AB discussed how the TSA standards are everyone’s responsibility and how we must all play our part, with the Resident Involvement Working group and the Project Panel being at the core of the decisions made and work delivered.
AB and GC also elaborated on who the TSA – below I s the official information from websites.
Tenant Services Authority, the independent regulator for affordable housing in England. Access to good quality housing improves lives and is a foundation of strong communities. We work with landlords and tenants to improve the standard of service for tenants and residents.
As the new regulator, we have taken a radically different approach to regulating a sector that provides homes for more than eight million people in over four million homes. In place of thousands of pages of red tape, made up of over 50 detailed circulars and guidance notes, we have set out six clear standards focused on outcomes
National Conversation – Basically a big piece of consultation which was completed with people at grass roots level all the way up to landlords to come up with the standards.
The Homes and Communities Agency is the national housing and regeneration delivery agency for England. Our role is to create thriving communities and affordable homes.
We work nationally but support the ambitions of our local partners to provide better places that offer great homes and good jobs.
4. Any other business
Project Meetings – Certain issues were raised around generating interest and getting Resident involved – AB talked about effective meetings and being innovative and them not being ‘telling off times’ but time to make change , be proactive and have a real say about the project they live in.
Discussions about funding project meetings – MDW explained all money must be justified and is accessible through AB but they need to ring AB.
There was also a discussion about communication and emails which CG was able to iron out, and GC explained also we had just had a communications road show and this should have been picked up there.
There was a number of suggestions made such as asking your project BSA to go through the WAN, Outlook and access with you as it would not take any longer than half an hour.
Environmental Strategies – AB also took the opportunity to ask about how projects where moving forward with residents on Environment. The response was diverse.
TSA six strands: For Next Time – AB said she would be able to give a short presentation on the 6 standards for next time.
AB agreed to send out a copy of the Action to Influence booklet however the document is still being adapted for the consultation to take place
The group agreed to meet once a month.
Next Meeting- Friday 7th May – Learning Suite, Head Office at 2.00pm