Church Officers

Rector: The Revd Derek A Baines – Tel: 01772 641521; E:


Mr Eric Barker OBE JP – Tel: 614385; E:

Mr Robert Hawthornthwaite – Tel: 612952

Churchwarden Emeritus:

Mr William G Carr. Tel: 01772 615321. E:

PCC Secretary

Mrs Andrea Susnik – Tel: 615336. E:

Deanery Synod Representative: Mrs Jane Elphick

Stewardship Recorder/Gift Aid Secretary

Post vacant – volunteer urgently required!

PCC Treasurer

Mrs Barbara Wood – Tel: 617679. E:

Magazine Editor

Mrs Erika Penrose – Tel: 613816. E:

Magazine Secretary:

Mrs Elsie Kirkham – Tel: 615832.

Magazine Advert Co-ordinator

Mrs Margaret Clark – Tel: 616990. E:

Flower Secretaries

Mrs Julie Bayldon – Tel: 613144 and Mrs Jean Aughton – Tel: 614598

Electoral Roll Secretary

Mrs Julie Tanham – Tel: 612992

Verger: Mrs Irene Pickles – Tel: 615708

Assistant Verger: Mr Stuart Tighe – Tel: 612963

Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact the Churchwardens.


Sunday School – meets 10.15 in School, first three Sundays of the month.

Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh – Tel: 612196. E:

Hoole Church Ladies’ Group – meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School.

Leader: Mrs Erika Penrose. Contact details as above.

St Michael’s Men’s Fellowship – meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday, in School.

Secretary: Mr Stuart Tighe – Tel: 612963.

Friends of St. Michael – Caring for the fabric of our ancient church

Chairman: Mr Eric Barker – Tel 614385.

Secretary: Mr David Turner – Tel 617485.

Social Committee – Contact: Sheila Taylor, Tel: 616850

Hoole St Michael C E Primary School

Head Teacher: Mrs Jo Duckworth – Tel: 613219.

1st St. Michael’s Hoole Scout and Guide Groups – Group Scout Leader: Mandy Clark – Tel: 01772 305452; E:.

Church Websites: and


The Rector’s Ramblings

September has a good number of Anniversaries, the greatest of which is probably VJ Day. Many of our families were affected by the conflict in Burma and the Far Eastern Front.

Here are some memorable dates:

·  80 years ago: on 3rd Sept 1935 British driver Malcolm Campbell set a new world land speed record of 301.13 mph (484.62 km/h) in Bluebird at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah.

·  Also 80 years ago: on 15th Sept 1935 that the Nuremberg Laws were passed in Germany. German Jews were stripped of their citizenship and the swastika became the official symbol of Nazi Germany.
75 years ago: on 7 Sept 1940 (to 21 May 1941) that Germany waged The Blitz on London and other British cities in an attempt to destroy its war production capabilities.

·  70 years ago: on 2nd Sept 1945 that World War II officially ended when representatives from Japan signed the formal surrender document on board the US battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

·  Also 70 years ago: on 19th Sept 1945 that Nazi propaganda broadcaster William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) was sentenced to death by a British court after being convicted of treason.

It is good to remember anniversaries of all events, some very sad, some very frustrating and some downright evil, and yet others are very uplifting. We remember sacrifices made for us by people we never knew which have had a lasting effect upon our society, alongside positive sporting or community events.

For instance one of the groups that helped so much in the First World War was the WI; 100 years ago on the 16th of September 1915 the first Woman’s Institute in Britain was established, in Anglesey. They still go on strongly and it is not ‘all Jam and Jerusalem’ but fantastic work helping others.

As we spring towards Harvest we remember the feeding of the 5000 where Jesus showed us how he prophesied his death and resurrection, using bread as a metaphor for brokenness and He suggested that he gave his flesh for us and shed his blood so that we will live with sins forgiven. By receiving the Holy Communion of bread and wine blessed as a memory of that sacrifice, we join with the 5000 with bread and wine giving thanks for Jesus. An “anniversary” gift that we celebrate very week in church. Like the anniversaries above Jesus shows that out of adversity and suffering can come great things. For Christians that is the safe knowledge that we are saved and sins are forgiven for the contrite soul.

Jesus understood our physical need for food but offers us the gift of God in our spiritual diet and as the farmers have tended their crops He shows us that we are like a vine, gaining nourishment from Him but the unbelievers are pruned away so that the fruits of spirituality will grow.

However, we must remember that orchard keepers can also graft new branches onto vines and fruit trees and so it is with us as we follow Jesus’ command and bring new people to him and then they will join the believers on the vine.

We celebrate the anniversary of harvest with our farmers and market gardeners but let us not forget all of the other anniversaries that make our history and our community what it is. We can then spread the Gospel and help Jesus’ church grow.

Your brother pilgrim,


Looking back, with a glance forward!

August has been a busy month for weddings.

We purchased a new CD player for use in church, it works very well (doesn’t go to sleep like the old one, which did cause us concerns at wedding and funerals). Thank you to those who donated the funds for this.

Preparations for our community worship in October are ongoing with our friends from the Methodist Chapel.

The parish visit to the ‘Hot Ice Show’ was enjoyed by all and has been described as spectacular.

During September we will see the fields empty of their grain and we will celebrate the Harvest on Sunday 27th September.

The school celebrate their harvest on Thursday 24th September at 9.15 – congregation members are all welcome (please sit ‘upstairs’).

Services for September:

Sunday 6th September – Trinity 14

9.00 BCP Holy Communion

10.30 CW Holy Communion

3.00 BCP Evening Prayer

4.00 CW Holy Communion at Old Mill Court

Sunday 13th September – Trinity 15

9.00 BCP Holy Communion – The Revd Tracy Swindells

10.30 Morning Prayer – The Revd Tracy Swindells

Sunday 20th September – Trinity 16

9.00 BCP Holy Communion – The Revd Marc Wolverson

10.30 CW Holy Communion – The Revd Marc Wolverson

3.00 BCP Evening Prayer Cancelled

Sunday 27th September – St Michael & All Angels (transferred) and Harvest.

9.00 BCP Holy Communion

10.30 Family Praise with parade

Sunday 4th October – Trinity 18

9.00 BCP Holy Communion

10.30 CW Holy Communion

3.00 BCP Evening Prayer

4.00 CW Holy Communion at Old Mill Court Moved to 11th October

4.00 Community Worship in the Village Hall (See elsewhere)

1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month

Michael’s Club, our junior church for children from toddlers to teenagers opens at 10.15 in school and we finish the session in church with the congregation.

Every Monday (unless advertised otherwise)

7.00 Evening Prayer – Please note cancelled on 7th, 14th and 21st Sept.

Every Thursday (unless advertised otherwise)

Thurs 10th & 17th: The Revd Nick Mansfield presiding.

Every month on the 3rd Saturday (unless advertised otherwise)

3.30 p.m. Messy Church (In School).


From the Parish Registers

Holy Baptism “We welcome into the Lord’s Family”

No Baptisms.

Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together”

24th July CHRISTOPHER KELLY of New Longton and VASSILIA DINA STEELE, of Longton


15th August MARC GRANDAL-JOHANSEN and KATHRYN LUVATE, both of Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston

The Departed “Rest eternal grant unto them”

25th July PETER ROBERT PHILIP BLAKELEY aged 73 years, of Banks. Interment followed in the churchyard.

12th August DORIS KATHLEEN SUTTON aged 91 years, of Bispham Green, Ormskirk. Interment only in the churchyard following funeral service elsewhere.

16th August IVAN HOSKER aged 72 years, of Longton. Interment of ashes only in the churchyard.

From the Register of Services

Attendance / Communicants / Collections
July / 25th / 82 / 29 / £362.04
August / 2nd / 76 / 67 / £376.57
9th / 68 / 25 / £455.05

Collections from Weddings & Funerals: £151.71

Church Flowers Rota

Date Arrangers Sponsor

Sep 6th A Dalton & B Wignall Mr & Mrs T Wignall

13th A Slater & E Kirkham Vacant

20th J Aughton & S Westell Mr & Mrs Clark

27th J Bayldon & J Coxhead Vacant

Oct 4th H Johnson Vacant

There are several sponsorship gaps during the year. If you have a special day you would like to remember or if you would just like to help finance the beautiful flower displays in the church, please contact Julie Bayldon on 613144. Many thanks.


Sidespersons’ Rota

Sept 6th 9.00 Rob McMurray

10.30 Jean Aughton, John Aughton & Paul Johnson

3.00 Peter Smallwood

13th 9.00 Mike Redshaw

10.30 Bill Carr, Scott Eckersley & Beryl Blakeley

20th 9.00 Jeremy Leigh

10.30 Ted Hopkins, David Turner & Lisa Turner

3.00 Sylvia Douglas

27th 9.00 Ken Bishop

10.30 Norman Skellorn, Tom Wignall & Jock Davidson

Oct 4th 9.00 Rob McMurray

10.30 Jean Aughton, John Aughton & Paul Johnson

3.00 Clifford Orritt

Readers’ Rota

If you cannot read as specified on this rota please find a substitute and inform a churchwarden of any changes.

9.00 10.30 3.00

Sept 6th

--- Rona McClure Isaiah 35: 4-7a

K Leigh Scott Eckersley James 2: 1-17

Rector Exodus 14: 5-end

St Matthew 6: 1-18

Sept 13th

--- Ted Hopkins Isaiah 50: 4-9a

K Leigh Scott Eckersley James 3: 1-12

Sept 20th

--- David Turner Wisdom 1: 16-2: 1 & 12-22

S Tighe Gill Slinger James 3: 13-4: 3 & 7-8a

Rector Exodus 19: 10-end

St Matthew 8: 23-end

Sept 27th

--- Uniformed Groups Genesis 28: 10-17

M Redshaw Uniformed Groups Revelation 12: 7-12

Oct 4th

--- Jane Elphick Genesis 2: 18-24

K Leigh Margaret Kirkman Hebrews 1: 1-4 & 2: 5-12

Rector Joshua 3: 7-end

St Matthew 10: 1-22

Tea/Coffee Rota following our 10.30 services

Sept 6th Pauline & Barbara

13th Beryl & Rona

20th Althea & Erika

27th Carole & Gill

Oct 4th Pauline & Barbara

If you are not available on the dates allocated or wish to change the published date, please would you find a replacement or arrange a swap.






3.30 TO 5.30




Ladies’ Group

Malcolm Tranter gave an enjoyable and illuminating talk with slides and music about “North West Gardens” last month. This month, on Tuesday 15th, Deborah Cornwall is coming to speak about “Basil, my Assistance Dog”.

New members are always welcome. We meet in St Michael’s School, Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole, at 7.30pm and the meetings generally last about 2 hours, and include tea and biscuits.


From our Treasurer…

New CD Player

This has recently been purchased and if memory serves me correctly we had to use this as our “fall back” plan when neither Carole nor Phil could make it one Sunday.

So, we sang, with gusto I might add alongside the new CD player. Mind you, the CD player sang the wrong words you know, not us!

And for this experience, we really must thank the Church Flower Fund committee for their very kind donation of £100 towards its cost.

In Memory of our Peter Blakeley

On behalf of the PCC and everyone at church who knew Peter and remembers him with fondness and a smile, would the family and friends of Peter, please accept our grateful and humble thanks for the extremely generous donations made in his memory which totalled £888.

Barbara Wood (Treasurer)


Sunday 4th October: To replace our traditional Walking Day we will be holding a joint service of Community Worship in the village hall on the above date. There will be displays by both churches and we will be asking for help to take flyers to every house in the villages plus help on the day and donations of cakes and biscuits. More details to come.

Advance Notice of our Harvest Supper

Our Harvest Supper will be held in the school on Monday 12th October at 7.30pm, with a Country & Western theme. Tickets will be available in due course.


The Parish Audit

I have now collated the Audit data and you can find graphs etc at the back of church.

Here is a précis of comments received as a part of the Audit. I have only put the three main services; all of the others are pinned up for you to look at.


2015 Worship Audit

Précis of Comments

9.00am BCP Holy Communion

Sample size = 11

1.  Before the service:

Need time to pray quietly

Can be very noisy when we arrive

Would like to speak quietly to others

Felt welcomed, friendly faces

If we spotted new people we could help them with the service

2.  During the service:

More time of quiet before coming up for communion

Felt part of worship

Some readers may need guidance

3.  Sermon / Readings / Prayers:

Sermons relevant to today

Use invitation to sit or kneel rather than BCP words before confession

Use KJV of Bible occasionally

Please advise page numbers – I get lost.

DAB to use page numbers – most especially when newcomers amongst us

10.30 a.m. CW Holy Communion

Sample size = 24

1.  Before the service:

Friendly & welcoming

Too much loud talking beforehand

Sidespersons need to be more pro-active with new people – welcome by church wardens perhaps

Chat at coffee time, not before the service

2.  During the service

Felt included in service

Good to have young people helping & to have feedback from Michael’s Club

Need more quiet time within the service.

Need more time for visitors to ‘catch up’ between sections of the service