3-30-12 Secretariat Meeting OCTD

Present: Mike and Venita Shellman, Dennis Patnode, Diana Johnson, Bob Fender, Bill Baley, Bill and Sue Baaden, Joelle Jungblut, Dave Henry, Sheila Checkley, Brandy Barzman, Rob and Lynne Warmouth, Eddie and Ginny Mouawad, Jo Farwell, Joe Inzerillo, and Jim Trebilcox.

Prayer and Communion.

Rector/Rectora Close-out Reports.

Joelle indicated that communications before and during the Weekends might be improved and there was a question about rollo room participation. This question was a natural progression into a discussion about Weekend Angels. This subject has been discussed before many times, but to reiterate: Weekend Angels are typically not at pre-Weekend Team Meetings, they do not participate in the Weekend Picture, and they do not receive a Weekend Package. Weekend Angels are under the supervision of the Weekend Head Cook. Women Angels on the Men’s Weekend and Men Angels on the Women’s Weekend are to remain behind the scenes until they are introduced at lunch on Sunday.

This discussion further went into requirements for being a Team Member: attend at least one pre-Weekend Team Meeting and submit a Team envelope. Finally, as a reminder, we are bound by the Tres Dias Essentials and the Community By-Laws (both of which are posted online on the Orange County Tres Dias website). The Rector/Rectora are responsible for the Rollo Room activities on the Weekend and the Head Cook is responsible for all other Weekend activities outside of the Rollo Room.

Training is a must. There needs to be communication outside of the Team Meetings so that each person who serves on a component of the Weekend Team knows what is expected of them and their responsibilities. This is simple discipleship in action.

Dave indicated that early kitchen set up (cleaning and preparation) is a must and should not wait until later in the afternoon on Thursday. It was suggested that, for foot washing the table be at the stage area and the chairs face the stage rather than the kitchen area. The videos were excellent. Serenade was well received and is another aspect of palanca to move both the Pilgrims and the Team into a deeper relationship with Jesus through Community servant-hood expressed through Serenade. Rollo time limits are to be stressed: 20 minutes for all with the exception of Sacred Moments of Grace rollo. The guides for the rollos might need to be updated.

There was a brief discussion that although timing is key on the Weekends, there might need to be some leeway provided for periods of reflection.

Separately, there was a brief discussion that sponsorship needs to be stressed, discipled, and thought through.

Brief discussion of the facilities issues/availability for the October Weekends. More information will be promulgated as it is made known.

Discussion of Serenade. There should be no distractions during the Serenade. Strive for those things that we hold in common rather than those things that separate people. Both Weekend Serenade activities need to be the same. It was suggested that the lights be dimmed during Serenade. There was further discussion regarding Serenade and the schedule change for Saturday evening on the Weekends. The aspect of the requirement for a Community vote on these issues will be addressed at the next Secretariat meeting.

There was a discussion of the oven for Grand Avenue UMC. This will be viewed as an act of agape and a thank you to the facility that allowed our Community to get off the ground. A motion was made and seconded that up to $4,000 will be spent to acquire an appropriate oven and to have it installed. The motion was carried unanimously.

There was a brief discussion regarding the upcoming Secretariat elections for the positions of President and Secretary. At the May meeting nominations will be accepted by the Secretariat, with the top 2 or 3 for each position being put forth to the eligible voting members of the Community. Ballots will be emailed and/or mailed to those Community members. Marked ballots will be returned by email or physically to the Secretariat at the Community picnic in June. A point person will be needed to administer the elections. Brandy Barzman volunteered to fill this position.

Tentative dates for OCTD #21 and #22 are October 11-14 and 18-21 with Fiesta on October 27. The locations will be determined at an upcoming meeting.

The next Secretariat meeting is to be 7 PM on Friday, May4, 2012 in the Library at Red Hill Lutheran Church.

Closed in prayer.