Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Social Workers
OBJECTIVE:To scrutinise the effectiveness of recruitment and retention of Qualified Social Workers in Children, Schools & Families.
- What are the current and emerging issues for recruitment & retention of Qualified Social Workers?
- How well do HCC policies and practices enable effective recruitment and retention of Qualified Social Workers?
- What are the priorities and planned activities for HCC in continuing to reduce vacancy levels of Qualified Social Workers?
- What could HCC do to benefit from good practice elsewhere?
- The reasons for the current levels of vacancies and turnover in the workforce are better understood.
- Clear strategies are identified to drive down vacancy levels and associated costs.
- Policies and practices are fit for purpose and enable line managers to manage vacancy levels effectively within their teams.
Only covers CSF assessment, locality and children looked after.
METHOD: one off (1 day) DATE: 23 April 2010
MEMBERSHIP: Leanda Newlyn (Chairman), Aislinn Lee (Vice-Chairman), Chris Mitchell, Maxine Crawley, Steve Markiewicz
- CSF Inspection and implications for childcare budget Sue Williams
- Recruitment and Retention Data Paul Chamberlain
- Hertfordshire Academy for Newly Qualified Social Workers Steve Morris
- Comparative good practice with other Local Authorities Surrey CC
- Manpower – an external perspective Gerry Meikle
- SW Taskforce – implications for HCC Louise Purser
- Recruiting from overseas Phillip Poole
- Social Workers – story from the frontline
- Grow your own TBC
- Recent recruit TBC
- Temp to perm TBC
- International success TBC
- Financial implications and restraints Debbie Pettit
Scrutiny Officer: Natalie Rotherham
Lead Officers: Louise Tibbert, Paul Chamberlain
Democratic Services Officer: Emma Lund
HCC CORPORATE PRIORITIES : how this item helps deliver these priorities
1.Support economic well being
Children are supported to achieve their potential and become economically active citizens
2. Maximise independent living
Children are enabled to develop resilience and to live independently
3. Ensure a positive childhood
Children are living in secure homes where they feel safe and protected
4. Secure a good education for all
Children are supported to develop good attendance and achieve to the best of their ability
5. Reduce carbon emissions
There is no direct contribution to this priority
6. Promote safe neighbourhoods
There is no direct contribution to this priority
7.Be a leading council
Improve KPIs on initial and core assessments to timescale
CfPS OBJECTIVES:- how the item delivers these objectives
1.Provides a critical friend challenge to executive policy makers and decision makers
2.Enables the voice and concerns of the public to be heard
3.Is carried out by independent governors who lead and own the scrutiny role
4.Drives improvement in public services
A scrutiny framework described above should meet all these objectives.
100423 Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Social Workers Topic Group
Item 3 – Scoping Document