Recruiting to the Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC)

We are seeking interest in working as a GP in the developing Urgent Treatment Centre here at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital and we are very keen to welcome you and develop our team approach. We are currently recruiting to both weekday daytime hours, weekday evenings and weekends, within an overall envelope of 10am to 8pm (weekday) and 10am-10pm (weekends).


Essentially we are developing a primary care service at the hospital which can be used in a variety of ways; for patients who have contacted NHS111 who require to be seen on an urgent basis; for patients who have initially attend the ED, but who in the view of the ED staff could be seen in a primary care type service; patients who have contacted their own practice and where the practice feels it would be more appropriate for the patient to be seen at the Urgent Treatment Centre. There will be other routes into the service developing in future. The approach we are developing builds on the existing Out of Hours service that is offered by the ambulance trust (SWAST), but adds in a day time service and we anticipate this developing into a multi-disciplinary team approach in future, incorporating a wider set of different professionals. We have also had the opportunity to invest in the development of an expanded and improved physical environment for these patients to be seen and this is under development as we speak. We hope you will want to help us in developing this new approach. We would be keen to develop a regular arrangement with you, so that we are mutually committed to regular days/times.


Building work has commenced on the development of a larger Urgent Treatment Centre at RBH and this will conclude at the end of the financial year. This will provide additional rooms in hours and out of hours for GP/primary care services in the existing OOH location at RBH. In the short term, pending this work and to allow support from ED colleagues, we anticipate the daytime service running within the ED.


We recognise that pay is a sensitive issue and we want to ensure that staff are remunerated appropriately. However, we are also aware of the scarce resources and the potential for individuals organisations to make recruitment and deployment of staff difficult for each other by offering higher rates and thus moving staff around the system, at greater cost overall. We have therefore devised a pay arrangement that sits between the pay we offer for GPs working in the hospital on permanent contracts and the pay offered by the ambulance trust for the existing Out of Hours service. This initial approach will be adopted for the next few months, during which time it will be reviewed and further developed with our other partners in the health system. The pay arrangement is intended to also recognise the different roles that we anticipate GPs undertaking –“Supervisory” - supervising a team of staff of different professionals (including other GPs); “Core” - working alongside another professional member of staff and; “Supervised” - operating under the supervision of another GP acting in the supervisory role indicated earlier. Initially we will be utilising the “Core” role (and pay), but this will change as we build the team.

Theses pay rates will be enhanced by the appropriate National Insurance and superannuation contributions and indemnity will be provided by the Trust indemnity scheme. A separate page on indemnity is also appended.

RBCH Bank Rates / Supervisory / Core / Supervised
Weekday daytime (up to 8pm) / 60.92 / 55.85 / 50.77
Weekday evening (after 8pm) / 67.02 / 61.43 / 55.85
Weekday Overnight (after 11pm) / N/A / N/A / N/A
Weekend daytime (up till 8pm) / 79.20 / 72.60 / 66.00
Weekend evening (after 8pm) / 85.29 / 78.19 / 71.08
Weekend overnight / N/A / N/A / N/A
Bank Holiday / 100 / 100 / 100


We would intend to employ you via our bank and there is an administrative process to do this, via the medical staffing department. We would be keen to expedite this as soon as possible. To facilitate your introduction into these services it is important that you feel supported and are comfortable with the work that we want you to do. We will therefore ensure that you are initially mentored by a hospital consultant so that he or she is able to support your familiarisation with the department.

If you have any further questions please use the email address we have set up for this purpose –